What’s happening in astrology today
April 4 in the stars: Find out what’s in store for you today in our daily horoscopes for Thursday April 4. Read the daily horoscopes for your Sun sign or rising sign (ascendant) to plan your day.
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Your daily horoscopes for Thursday April 4, 2024

Aries (March 21-April 19) daily horoscope for Thursday April 4
Being shy and waiting to be “invited” has never worked for you in the past, so why even consider that approach now? Today, with the Aquarius moon in a supportive angle to the Aries Sun, be bold and direct in your interactions. If you’re looking for any kind of support—from emotional to financial—be passionate and confident and share your ideas freely. The right people will gravitate toward you without your having to “convince” them!

Taurus (April 20-May 20) daily horoscope for Thursday April 4
Your day gets off to a fast-moving start with the Aquarius moon in your tenth house of career ambition. You’re happy doing the step-by-step climb to the top, but today you’ll have a little extra wind in your sails. What bold step can you take to get a little closer to one of your goals? With la luna connected to the exploratory Aries Sun, you might want to pick a friend’s brain and get her feedback. Well-placed pals can help advance your mission.

Gemini (May 21-June 20) daily horoscope for Thursday April 4
Break out of your well-worn groove and go exploring. Today, the adventurous Aquarius moon is firing up your ninth house of visionary thinking and getting a burst of courage from the Aries Sun. Fresh input can help you take a germ of an idea to the next level. Besides, as a Gemini with a multifaceted psyche, this kind of diversity keeps your mind sharp. Seek out different people to hang out with. You don’t need to abandon your tried-and-true crew; just add some new personalities to the stable. And if you’re single, there could be a sweet perk attached!

Cancer (June 21-July 22) daily horoscope for Thursday April 4
You don’t have to do anything to wow people today, Cancer. Your calm, centered energy will draw their attention like a moth to a flame. Thanks to the Aquarius moon lodged in your magnetic eighth house, others will feel your power emanating, whether you’re commanding the morning meeting or going live on social. La luna (your ruler) is connected to the confident Aries Sun, helping you know exactly what to say—and when. If you get a hit that someone is struggling, a few thoughtfully chosen words could help them through their rough patch. Want more eyeballs on a project or campaign? Compose a post and alert the world!

Leo (July 23-August 22) daily horoscope for Thursday April 4
A key relationship may need a dose of straight-up honesty to get it back on solid footing. This is something your candid sign is well equipped for, but are you afraid that you might say TOO much? With the moon in your partnership zone connected with the bold Aries Sun, try this recipe: Mix one part undiluted truth with a double dose of kindness. Say only what feels necessary, then let the other party respond. The best way you can show you care is by listening without interrupting or getting defensive.
Read Leo daily horoscope

Virgo (August 23-September 22) daily horoscope for Thursday April 4
It’s your attention to the little things that gives you a competitive advantage, Virgo. Tap that skill today and dive into the detailed analysis that you do so well! With the Aquarius moon illuminating your sharp-as-a-tack sixth house—and getting a sultry boost from the Aries Sun—you’re in your element. Just use your discernment about where it’s appropriate to be this way and where it might not be appreciated. Finding micro-faults with your partner or coworker WON’T deepen your bond, for instance. Dating? Look beyond the minor imperfections and give someone new a chance!

Libra (September 23-October 22) daily horoscope for Thursday April 4
Find one thing to be grateful for today, then share it with the world. The moon is sailing through your playful, amorous fifth house and getting a nudge from the live-out-loud Aries Sun. Positive energy can be contagious, and you KNOW there are certain people in your life who could use a big hit of that! Post about a recent transformation; let friends and family know what you appreciate about them. Shoot your love interest a flirty text and keep them stoked for your next interaction. Whatever you put out today will come back to you like a high-speed boomerang.

Scorpio (October 23-November 21) daily horoscope for Thursday April 4
Visionary dreaming is sexy stuff for sure, Scorpio, but don’t overlook the details in your quest to “go big.” Today, it’s the little things—and the fine print—that can spell the difference between average and amazing! With the Aries Sun in your meticulous sixth house buddying up with the intuitive moon, you’ll FEEL where you need to slow down and get a closer read on something. Once you nail things on this level, it’s safe to pursue those grander ideas.

Sagittarius (November 22-December 21) daily horoscope for Thursday April 4
Creativity abounds today as the Aries Sun in your creative fifth house teams up with the moon in experimental Aquarius and your expressive third house. Not that your boundless sign needs encouragement to put yourself out there, but this is a day to exactly that. Even playful self-promotion is fine under these unbridled skies. Post your most evocative thoughts on social media: Like WILL attract like, and you could win some influential new followers in the process.
Read Sagittarius daily horoscope

Capricorn (December 22-January 19) daily horoscope for Thursday April 4
Not exactly sure how to reach a big goal? Lunge out of your comfort zone, Capricorn. It’s easy for your tried-and-true sign to stay on the familiar path, especially if it’s led to success in the past. And we’re not suggesting you throw the bambino out with the bathwater. But sometimes you need to shake things up to get stagnant energy flowing. Today, as the moon in idiosyncratic Aquarius gets in a friendly formation with the Aries Sun, you’re reminded to look past the obvious. You actually do some of your best work when you’re running “off-leash.”
Read Capricorn daily horoscope

Aquarius (January 20-February 18) daily horoscope for Thursday April 4
Your iconoclastic sign prefers to play by your own rules—and today you have carte blanche to do just that. With the Aquarius moon synced up with the life-giving Sun in your innovation zone, tap into your visionary powers to dream up something new. Heads up though! The answers you’re looking for are more likely to stream in via your intuition than sheer logic. Feeling pressured? Don’t push yourself to “solve” this by the end of the day, and you might set loose your true genius. Remember that making mistakes is part of every scientist’s discovery process!

Pisces (February 19-March 20) daily horoscope for Thursday April 4
Lacking inspiration? Don’t go looking for it in the usual places, Pisces. Get your day off to a creative start by bringing elements of your personal tastes into your work. You tend to view the world from a more poetic and visionary perspective than most people. In fact, it’s your attunement to art, music and the vibes around you that give you your genius. So why would you want to keep that out of your professional life? Add some soulful touches and see if that doesn’t get the creative juices flowing for everyone around you.