What’s happening in astrology today
May 2 in the stars: Find out what’s in store for you today in our daily horoscopes for Thursday May 2. Read the daily horoscopes for your Sun sign or rising sign (ascendant) to plan your day.
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Your daily horoscopes for Thursday May 2, 2024
Aries (March 21-April 19) daily horoscope for Thursday May 2
Teamwork could slip into flux starting today when alchemical Pluto spins into its annual retrograde. This year, the backspin begins in Aquarius and your communal eleventh house until September 1, then backtracks through Capricorn and your professional arena until October 11. If you’ve been collaborating on a group endeavor or navigating a bureaucratic system, mind your p’s and q’s. And reconsider before dropping out of any long-term—but potentially lucrative—projects. Is someone slacking off, even after countless warnings? You might need to show them the door. If social media is sucking up tons of your time, conquer your app addiction and enjoy real-life interactions with your favorite people.
Taurus (April 20-May 20) daily horoscope for Thursday May 2
Gemini (May 21-June 20) daily horoscope for Thursday May 2
You have a lot on your plate, Twin, but are one or two of those incredible projects about to slide off? As relentless Pluto spins retrograde in your exploratory ninth house today, you’re compelled to examine your undertakings with a keen eye. If you’ve bitten off more than you can chew, start trimming the fat wherever possible and step back from dicey or pricey ventures between now and September 1. You could be preoccupied with a serious case of wanderlust, but that restlessness might lead you astray until the dwarf planet slips back from Aquarius into Capricorn and your soulful, sultry eighth house from September 1 to October 11.
Cancer (June 21-July 22) daily horoscope for Thursday May 2
Commit…or quit? As intense Pluto pivots retrograde—first in Aquarius and your intimate eighth house until September 1, then back through Capricorn and your partnership zone until October 11—you could reconsider a specific bond. Take your time figuring out what you want and deciding whether your priorities and values mesh. If you’re already all in, you might require more alone time during Pluto’s five-month reversal. Sneak off by yourself when you need to. A healthy amount of personal space can stoke the flames of attraction. Plus, this backtracking phase can allow coupled Crabs to sort out any longstanding issues in the relationship. A word of warning: Your heart-to-hearts are bound to stir up strong emotions!
Leo (July 23-August 22) daily horoscope for Thursday May 2
The green-eyed monster could live rent free in your head as jealous Pluto turns retrograde, first through Aquarius and your relationship realm until September 1. If you’re feeling abandoned or replaced, stop and ask yourself whether that’s the reality. It may be difficult to maintain a clear lens on certain connections—and if things start to spiral, you might explode in anger and go off on a rant. You’re much too proud to seem so possessive and don’t want to represent your regal sign in that way, so find ways to manage those intense feels. For instance, don’t confront someone when your blood sugar is low or you’ve been imbibing. And when you do talk, call a timeout if a discussion starts to become volatile. Assess any budding relationships very carefully and don’t push the pace. When Pluto reverses into Capricorn from September 1 to October 11, you can view this from a more objective angle.
Read Leo daily horoscope
Virgo (August 23-September 22) daily horoscope for Thursday May 2
Thanks to your stellar organizational skills, it’s tempting for you to take control of every plan, Virgo. As Pluto pivots retrograde in Aquarius and your helpful sixth house today, take inventory of everything you’re juggling. Have you taken on too much? During this slowdown, which lasts until October 11, don’t shortchange your pet projects in favor of busy work. Reshuffle your priorities so the most rewarding projects are at the top of the list. And before Pluto backs into Capricorn on September 1, reassign duties to others where possible, and think about bailing on a pointless obligation. Then look for fun, talented colleagues you can team up with to bring joy back to your work. Block off time on your calendar this summer for self-care that puts a smile on your face, like rooftop yoga classes and bodywork sessions.
Libra (September 23-October 22) daily horoscope for Thursday May 2
Do you have Champagne wishes on a Prosecco budget? Regardless of your financial status, tighten the purse strings when powerful Pluto turns retrograde today in Aquarius and your pleasure-seeking fifth house and then backs into Capricorn and your security-craving fourth from September 1 to October 11. Over the course of the next five months, DoorDash deliveries and lazy Uber rides could be off the table. But you don’t have to live like a monk, Libra. Just give it serious thought before deciding to splurge on something you’re coveting. And be just as judicious when it comes to romance between now and September 1. While sexy Pluto muddies the waters in your amour arena, you should take your time before leaping into a new love affair.
Scorpio (October 23-November 21) daily horoscope for Thursday May 2
Order in the Scorpio court! As your galactic guardian Pluto turns retrograde today, it will reverse through two signs—Aquarius until September 1 and Capricorn until October 11. Shift your attention to home sweet home for the next two months. It’s not a great time to attempt a reno, but you might relocate to a more suitable space or reconfigure your abode to enhance solitude and efficiency. Maybe a reading nook and standing desk are in the cards? Get in touch with family members you’re fond of, but give triggering types a wide berth. Don’t feel obligated to get together when you’re craving alone time. Savor some peace and quiet, and then after September 1, start reconnecting with people you miss.
Sagittarius (November 22-December 21) daily horoscope for Thursday May 2
How many people do you really need to keep on your favorites list, Sagittarius? Today, private Pluto goes retrograde, first reversing through Aquarius and your communication court, then backing into Capricorn and your money zone from September 1 to October 11. Keep your contact list short and sweet for the next couple of months. You’ll spread yourself too thin and may wind up neglecting your inner circle if you try to add interesting outsiders to the rotation. Be careful to vet people thoroughly before you share classified intel with them, especially if finances are involved. That bubbly newcomer could turn out to be an epic tea spiller (or not!) For now, stay on your guard and give people a chance to earn your trust.
Read Sagittarius daily horoscope
Capricorn (December 22-January 19) daily horoscope for Thursday May 2
Are you spinning too many plates, Capricorn? As alchemical Pluto pivots retrograde today, first in Aquarius and your money chamber until September 1, you might have to rein in a few income-generating commitments. Be smart and only sign on to the most vital endeavors between now and September 1. While the dwarf planet reverses through Capricorn (its final retrograde in your sign for the rest of your life!) from September 1 to October 11, you’ll need plenty of whitespace on your calendar so you can concentrate on personal growth. Until then, create realistic schedules and be honest with people about what you can and cannot do, particularly if they’ve been leaning on you too much lately to perform tasks that they can tackle on their own.
Read Capricorn daily horoscope
Aquarius (January 20-February 18) daily horoscope for Thursday May 2
Pump the brakes! Today, metamorphic Pluto, who’s been causing tremors in your sign since March 23, goes retrograde until October 11. This reversal starts in Aquarius and your first house of identity, then the icy dwarf backs into Capricorn and your mystical twelfth house from September 1 to October 11. Try your best to be patient, even if that means temporarily shelving a handful of your pet projects so you can concentrate on more pressing matters. Yes, that’s pretty annoying, but there’s an upside: You’ll gain something from pulling back and looking at the big picture. Aim to bring more balance to your life. This respite will refill your tanks and may result in surprising insights.
Pisces (February 19-March 20) daily horoscope for Thursday May 2
Should you speed up or slow your roll? It could feel like you’re stuck in stop-and-go traffic while turbulent Pluto reverses through your reflective, healing twelfth house until September 1—and then backpedals into your inventive eleventh for the rest of its retrograde until October 11. During this murky period, what seemed like a slam dunk could be put on hold, while fresh opportunities show up out of left field. The best approach for surviving this unpredictable period is to accept that you can’t control much and just go with the flow. Pluto’s slowdown can give you a chance to turn inward for inspiration—ideally while unwinding near water or engaging in your spiritual practice of choice.