What’s happening in astrology today
November 16 in the stars: Find out what’s in store for you today in our daily horoscopes for Thursday November 16. Read the daily horoscopes for your Sun sign or rising sign (ascendant) to plan your day.
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Your daily horoscopes for Thursday November 16, 2023

Aries (March 21-April 19) daily horoscope for Thursday November 16
With the moon breezing through goal-oriented Capricorn, you’ll be a Ram on a mission! If you’ve got a big pitch or client email to get out before the weekend, hop to it. But be prepared for some pushback from a so-called ally who might not have your back. La luna gets into a tussle with normally convivial Venus in your dynamic-duos realm. “Dynamic” they will be, but “agreeable”? Perhaps not. Don’t waste time trying to get argumentative types on board with your plan. Today you’re better off handling things on your own.

Taurus (April 20-May 20) daily horoscope for Thursday November 16
There’s no holding you back from expressing your point of view today, Bull! With the Capricorn moon soaring through your forthright ninth house, you’ve got strong ideas that you’re eager to share. Conversations are sure to be engaging, but unless you REALLY want to get into it with someone, stay mindful of where things are headed. Tempers may flare as la luna squares off with (normally) diplomatic Venus in your critical corner. Even if you clearly see the problem or flaw in someone’s logic, hold your tongue. It’s one thing to have a healthy difference of opinion, but you don’t need to lose a friend over some political issue that neither of you can resolve anyway!

Gemini (May 21-June 20) daily horoscope for Thursday November 16
So much for “light and breezy Gemini”! Today’s sensual Capricorn moon is deep-diving through your eighth house of intimacy and soul-merging. But as la luna squares off with conciliatory Venus in your dramatic, passionate fifth house, you might discover that you and a love interest (or crush) aren’t vibing each other to the same degree. An uncomfortable conversation with someone you care about may be unavoidable today. Better to rip off that Band-Aid than let this fester—but DO make sure you’re both in a calm and settled space before you go there.

Cancer (June 21-July 22) daily horoscope for Thursday November 16
Relationships take precedence over pretty much everything today as the tender-hearted moon sails through future-oriented Capricorn and your seventh house of dynamic duos. But be prepared for some pushback if you initiate a conversation about something that’s been troubling you. Venus is squaring la luna, which could quickly spin attempts at a diplomatic dialogue into a divisive debate. Stabilizing this wobbly partnership might require a different tactic, like focusing on common ground instead of picking at a sore spot.

Leo (July 23-August 22) daily horoscope for Thursday November 16
Your discerning gaze is sharper than an eagle’s today, but watch for a critical streak to surface. With la luna in your persnickety sixth house squaring off with normally tactful Venus in your communication center, you could be prone to snark attacks. Think before you speak, even that delays your punch line by a beat. Sparing someone’s feelings is worth it. Even genuinely helpful feedback can be damaging if it embarrasses or discourages a person who is in the middle of their own process. At the very least, ask if you can offer your thoughts before you go to town with them.

Virgo (August 23-September 22) daily horoscope for Thursday November 16
Read the tea leaves, Virgo. People’s words may not match their actions under today’s tricky moon-Venus square. Do you sense resistance underneath someone’s polite reply? While you don’t want to call them on it directly, you could strategically create a safe space that allows them to express their feelings. Avoid yes-or-no questions and instead, pose your open-ended query as “What do you think about X?”

Libra (September 23-October 22) daily horoscope for Thursday November 16
You’re ready to build bridges today, but someone else might have a very different agenda. Where you’re hoping for peace, love and understanding, they’re busy picking stupid fights or complaining about every little nothing. Blame it on a clash between la luna and your ruler, peacekeeper Venus. Don’t take anyone’s mistreatment—but do your best not to provoke them even further.

Scorpio (October 23-November 21) daily horoscope for Thursday November 16
Should edgy or uncomfortable feelings arise today, don’t brush them off. With la luna spinning into a testy square with vulnerable Venus in your reflective twelfth house, strong emotions could catch you by surprise. Stay alert so you don’t unintentionally come off snarky or passive-aggressive. Sarcasm, regardless how clever, is a defense mechanism that never improves communication.

Sagittarius (November 22-December 21) daily horoscope for Thursday November 16
As the moon tussles with normally diplomatic Venus, try not to get swept into a senseless ideological battle. Someone might be acting entitled or demanding, and you don’t have the patience to let it slide off your back like you usually do. But this is a quick-moving transit. Think twice before you confront the rabble-rouser in public or clap back at the troll who crept into your comments. You’ll only get sucked into their negativity, which could cost you precious hours.
Read more Sagittarius horoscopes

Capricorn (December 22-January 19) daily horoscope for Thursday November 16
The moon is in Capricorn today, which might shorten your attention span—especially in the face of every tempting distraction. But as Venus swings in from your career zone, you might hear the siren call of a work assignment that isn’t quite nailed down, leaving you torn between hanging with friends and putting finishing touches on it. Can you do both? All work and no play will make for one resentful Goat, so do what you must, but then quickly get back to your regularly scheduled social programming!
Read more Capricorn horoscopes

Aquarius (January 20-February 18) daily horoscope for Thursday November 16
Should you speak your mind or keep it in the vault? The Capricorn moon in your boundary-challenged twelfth house forms a dynamic clash with normally tactful Venus in your truth-telling zone. This could loosen your lips and “inspire” some fiercely candid commentary. But mentally play through potential consequences before unleashing your full-frontal honesty. While YOU might feel better doing that, the other person might never recover.

Pisces (February 19-March 20) daily horoscope for Thursday November 16
You won’t be at a loss for words—or vivid opinions—thanks to today’s staunch Capricorn moon cruising through your third house of communication. But don’t go pushing buttons wildly! As la luna swings into an edgy square with Venus and your house of intense emotions, things may be roiling under the surface—for you, your boo or a BFF. Keeping thoughts to yourself could feel nearly impossible, yet you both may be too raw to discuss it. Willpower, Pisces! Venting to a friend would be a far better outlet than bringing this up when you know the time is wrong.