What’s happening in astrology today
April 2 in the stars: Find out what’s in store for you today in our daily horoscopes for Tuesday April 2. Read the daily horoscopes for your Sun sign or rising sign (ascendant) to plan your day.
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Your daily horoscopes for Tuesday April 2, 2024

Aries (March 21-April 19) daily horoscope for Tuesday April 2
New opportunities for earning arise today, but to capitalize on them, you’ll need to lift your nose from the grindstone and look around. What’s the point of working so hard if it keeps you stuck on the eternal treadmill? It’s time to do a personal progress check and figure out what that next milestone is that you’d like to reach. Talk to the helpful people in your life who can get you there faster. You might let your boss or a key client know of your ambitions too since they could cooperate in creating this new (and profitable) role for you.

Taurus (April 20-May 20) daily horoscope for Tuesday April 2
There’s nothing wrong with pushing a vanity project forward every now and again, Bull. If you don’t promote yourself, who will? Today’s potent alignment of the moon in your fame zone and worldly Jupiter in Taurus could make you a viral sensation. Spread the world of your latest offerings on social media with a few savvy hashtags. An intriguing opportunity may knock from another part of the globe. Nothing cooking like that? Sign up for a workshop to hone a skill like songwriting, DJ’ing or baking.

Gemini (May 21-June 20) daily horoscope for Tuesday April 2
There’s a confessional vibe in the air today as the moon in your eighth house of secrets trines outspoken Jupiter. Don’t be surprised if people pull up a chair and start spilling like you were their therapist. Now for the hard part—keeping these juicy morsels to yourself. Although you may be burning to spill the ultra-hot tea, evidence will point back to you if this hits the grapevine. Honor your role as the sacred secret-keeper—and if people start telling you things you don’t want to hear, stop them quickly so you don’t wind up being an inadvertent accomplice to their indiscretions.

Cancer (June 21-July 22) daily horoscope for Tuesday April 2
New you, new crew? For a while now, you’ve been craving the company of kindred spirits, ones who share your evolving interests and understand the person you’ve become today. Today’s happy-go-lucky angle between the moon and expansive Jupiter helps you make a few updates to your squad. But this will require some “gambling,” Cancer, since you may have to dabble in different groups and activities before you feel the click. Get the ball rolling today by signing up for an upcoming workshop or attending an evening get together.

Leo (July 23-August 22) daily horoscope for Tuesday April 2
You’ve got a bit of the gambler’s instinct today as the moon gets in cahoots with risk-taking Jupiter. While we don’t advise betting the farm on any long shots, this is a green light to at least LOOK at possibilities that may fall a bit outside of your comfort zone. If you’ve thoroughly turned this idea over in your mind, crunched the numbers and played out the different scenarios, today could be the day you finally move forward. You don’t have to rush! One small action can move the plan from the potential realm to the kinetic one.
Read Leo daily horoscope

Virgo (August 23-September 22) daily horoscope for Tuesday April 2
The truth will always set an opinionated Virgo free, and thanks to the moon’s connection to candid Jupiter, the dam is sure to burst on any thoughts you’ve bottled up. Here’s the catch: If you want to have a proactive discussion (rather than starting a fight), try humoring people instead of hammering them. The goal is to open eyes, not shatter fragile egos. Write out a first draft and run it by a levelheaded friend who can help you edit before delivery. Happy news could come from afar today, one that involves an entrepreneurial venture or opportunity to study a fascinating subject.

Libra (September 23-October 22) daily horoscope for Tuesday April 2
Today, you might not have your usual outgoing cheer, so don’t force it. The moon and optimistic Jupiter are in a harmonious angle, but they are camped out in the quietest, most intuitive zones of your chart. Turns out, relaxing and doing LESS will pave the way for productivity. Slip off for a massage or acupuncture, get a pedicure on your break or take that noon yoga class. A quiet mind is most receptive to insight. The light bulb could go off while you’re taking that extended coffee break with a coworker-confidante…or meeting your lover for a little afternoon delight.

Scorpio (October 23-November 21) daily horoscope for Tuesday April 2
What is a group but a collection of individuals, Scorpio? There’s no need to be intimidated by a crowd today, even if this coterie seems to have a collectively cooler-than-thou attitude about them. To break the ice, focus on the friendliest person in the bunch and charm ‘em individually. Having an insider’s endorsement makes the getting-to-know-you process so much easier with everyone else. Are you a longstanding member of a group? Make a point of being friendly to the newbie in the bunch. What goes around comes around.

Sagittarius (November 22-December 21) daily horoscope for Tuesday April 2
Decisions, decisions. You have some big ones to make today, Sagittarius, which can throw your FOMO-forward sign into a tailspin. Fortunately, the moon will make an auspicious connection to your ruler, broad-minded Jupiter, helping you explore without reservation. Tune in to your body, which is a great compass in moments like these. When you think about the stressful situation, do you feel a tightening in your chest? Do your shoulders relax? Does your heart race? Physical movement can also help you get unstuck. Who says you can’t have a mobile meeting? Go for a walk while you’re hashing out the pros and cons—oxygen is brain food.
Read Sagittarius daily horoscope

Capricorn (December 22-January 19) daily horoscope for Tuesday April 2
Ta-da! Turn it up and people will find you wildly entertaining today, thanks to a dazzling angle between the Capricorn moon and larger-than-life Jupiter in your fifth house of fame People will hang on your every word, so it’s fine to be a bit theatrical. Extend your metaphors, create a build-up of suspense, use humor liberally. Just be mindful not to exaggerate to the point of bending the truth. You still want to be thought of as credible here, and people are bound to save the receipts.
Read Capricorn daily horoscope

Aquarius (January 20-February 18) daily horoscope for Tuesday April 2
There’s no such thing as “too close for comfort” today; in fact, you could afford to nudge yourself nearer to a few people in your life. With candid Jupiter in your intimate fourth house, the more you reveal about yourself, the easier it will be for people to relate to you. Pro tip: Only share your steamiest confessions in private one-on-one exchanges with people who know you well. Dinner with a BFF is one option, but some Water Bearers might just save these discussions for pillow talk AFTER a very romantic evening at your place.

Pisces (February 19-March 20) daily horoscope for Tuesday April 2
What is the role you typically play in relationships, Pisces? There’s no doubt about it, you love to be supportive, communicative and bae’s best friend. But is this what your love interest or BFF actually wants and needs from you? It’s typical for people to give what we hope to get in return. Today’s flowing angle between the moon and truth-seeker Jupiter helps initiate a nakedly honest conversation about what’s missing in a relationship and how to do a better job of being there for each other.