What’s happening in astrology today
April 30 in the stars: Find out what’s in store for you today in our daily horoscopes for Tuesday April 30. Read the daily horoscopes for your Sun sign or rising sign (ascendant) to plan your day.
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Your daily horoscopes for Tuesday April 30, 2024
Aries (March 21-April 19) daily horoscope for Tuesday April 30
A loud wakeup call trumpets through your life as your ruling planet, energizing Mars, marches into your sign for the first time in two years. Between now and June 9, you’ll be motivated to turn your dreams into something tangible. But don’t just wing it, Aries! Come up with a concrete action plan. The clearer your vision, the more likely you are to manifest it the way you want it. Once you know where you’re headed, alert the media (or at least everyone in your social network). This is the perfect time for borderline shameless self-promotion. One word of warning: The red planet can be aggressive and competitive, so be careful not to trample anyone in your ascent to the top.
Taurus (April 20-May 20) daily horoscope for Tuesday April 30
Listen to your heart—and your body—Taurus, which might just be telling you to take a rest. Energizer bunny Mars downshifts into Aries and your restful twelfth house, and suddenly all those late-night invitations don’t sound so tempting. From now until June 9, you need to take care of numero uno! Make choices based on what you want, not what you feel obligated to do. This is a good time to focus on art, a spiritual practice or dreamwork. Allow deep-seated emotional issues to rise to the surface—that’s the only way you’ll be able to deal with them. The temptation will be there to numb yourself out with food, drink or other escapist outlets, but those are dead ends. Face your issues courageously now, and you could heal them for once and for all.
Gemini (May 21-June 20) daily horoscope for Tuesday April 30
Motivated Mars marches into Aries and your collaborative eleventh house until June 9, revving up your team spirit. Easy does it though! You may be the sign of the Twins, but you won’t be able to see everyone who’d love a piece of you for a one-one-one. Organize group hangs and choose your playmates carefully: As they say, your network is your net worth. Wield your social media presence with care. With Mars in this popularity-boosting zone could help you go viral—or you could verge of getting canceled for a hotheaded rant.
Cancer (June 21-July 22) daily horoscope for Tuesday April 30
Motivational Mars, the driving force of the zodiac, stampedes into Aries and your tenth house of career ambition today, making you an instant goal-getter. You’ve been working overtime to make a name—and a niche—for yourself, and this period can bring your efforts to fruition. What’s left for you to do? Mars is all about action and determination. No one will be able to hold you back with Mars in Aries until June 9, Cancer, so keep on pushing till you reach the finish line. Note: the red planet’s aggro energy could stir up jealousy or competition from unexpected sources. Stay true to your highest values, show THEM respect, and you’ll be golden.
Leo (July 23-August 22) daily horoscope for Tuesday April 30
No more moping around, Leo. Today, red-hot Mars swings into Aries, energizing your ninth house of travel, adventure and expansion. You’ll be attracted to anyone or anything offering stimulating experiences. You could finally sign up for a global meditation retreat or design your own course. The ninth house governs higher education, but in 2024 that’s hardly limited to “school.” Don’t underestimate the value of street smarts or the expertise you can acquire working alongside a mentor. Through June 9, you may feel restless and eager to shuck off all constraints. Roam free, big cat, but don’t do anything rash to avoid being fenced in. Find a way to make your free-spirited side work for you by taking calculated risks.
Read Leo daily horoscope
Virgo (August 23-September 22) daily horoscope for Tuesday April 30
All in—or all done? You might finally hop off the fence and make a big decision in your personal life as instigator Mars swings into Aries until June 9, lighting a bonfire in your eighth house of intense emotions and joint resources. Is it time to make something official…or call the whole thing off? Whether this is a personal or professional partnership, you won’t be settling for sloppy seconds. As Mars whips your passion to a fever pitch, don’t squander it on diluted deals or halfhearted romances. To get the contract terms you want, exert your will. This Martian cycle is the perfect time to buy an investment property or find a profitable passive-income stream. Should Mars turn you possessive or vengeful, redirect that energy into lustier pursuits.
Libra (September 23-October 22) daily horoscope for Tuesday April 30
As every Libra knows, it’s people, not things, that make the world go round. Well, get ready to test that theory in real time starting today, as Mars strides into Aries and your seventh house of partnerships until June 9. WIth the red-hot planet’s arrival, the pace of your love life can’t help but speed up! Even if your urge to merge reaches a fever pitch, don’t be too impulsive! Single Libras might be tempted to accept every invite and pursue every intriguing right swipe, but exercise some self-restraint. The only thing worse than a seriously bad date is a dozen of them. On the fence with a non-committal type? Issue an ultimatum! Instigator Mars could spur some couples to bicker over petty stuff, but if you can recognize that it’s just a way to release tension, you can nip it in the bud.
Scorpio (October 23-November 21) daily horoscope for Tuesday April 30
Ready for some good clean living? Today, robust Mars zips into Aries and fires up your sixth house of fitness and hard work. You may shift into such a high gear you can’t find your “off” switch. But before you put your whole personal life on hold to meet your obligations, stop and take a look at how you’re working. Are you being as organized and strategic as possible? Between now and June 9, schedule workouts for early in the day when you have the time and energy to pull them off. Then map out your work plan, being sure to stay on task. Be careful not to get carried away. With accident-prone Mars at the wheel, pushing yourself without paying strict attention could lead to an injury.
Sagittarius (November 22-December 21) daily horoscope for Tuesday April 30
There’s no hiding your passion starting today, as Mars blasts into fellow fire sign Aries and your passionate, festive fifth house. While this cycle lasts until June 9, you can make serious headway on an artistic project or a romantic relationship. Creativity includes your personal style, and this is the perfect time to invest in a daring new look and make a point of glamming up, at least occasionally. It’s not superficial; it’s about putting your best foot forward, especially if you’re hoping to attract kindred spirits. Another reason: The fifth house rules fame, and the spotlight may find you now. If you’re ready for your 15 minutes, start primping and mingling.
Read Sagittarius daily horoscope
Capricorn (December 22-January 19) daily horoscope for Tuesday April 30
You’ve been enjoying your reign as queen (or king) of all social butterflies, but now you’re ready to give your wings a rest and recuperate. Perfect timing for energizer Mars to flit into Aries and your domestic fourth house until June 9. Your home base is where the action will be, so get it tidied up and ready to host dinner guests and relatives from afar. This is also a perfect time to map out a redecorating plan that fits your budget. Mars isn’t all fun and games here, however. He can bring aggression and discord, and you might find yourself quibbling with roomies or family members. This stressful energy needs somewhere to go, so channel it into the kind of physical activities that Mars thrives on, like competitive sports, intense workouts—or sex! The tension can work its way into your muscles, so schedule a couple massages.
Read Capricorn daily horoscope
Aquarius (January 20-February 18) daily horoscope for Tuesday April 30
Step away from the spreadsheet or reports, Aquarius, and hop back into that group text thread with your besties. Inexorable Mars marches into Aries today, revving up your third house of group activity and local events until June 9. You can look forward to a spike in your popularity, so start flexing your networking muscles. Your calendar is sure to fill up quickly, if it isn’t already packed to capacity. You won’t require much sleep during this cycle, though you may need a little extra caffeine to keep you buzzing. Mars here can be energizing AND irritating, so to keep tension to a minimum by building in adequate “me” time in between all your appointments and events.
Pisces (February 19-March 20) daily horoscope for Tuesday April 30
You’re wrapping up five weeks of visionary thinking, thanks to the presence of motivational Mars in your sign. Today, the red planet blasts into Aries and your practical and productive second house, helping you manifest some of those schemes and dreams. From now through June 9, you’ll be able to bring structure to those fantasies and see which ones are viable. This “Show me the money!” cycle could bring heaps of work, but that’s how you get to your next level. In your personal life, lock up your cash and credit cards. Mars gives you the urge to splurge, something your sign is particularly susceptible to doing. A better use of this energy is focusing on your income and career goals. See if you can come up with creative solutions to budget issues, like starting an eBay store or raising your rates.