Daily Horoscope for Tuesday July 30, 2024 | Astrostyle: Astrology and Daily, Weekly, Monthly Horoscopes by The AstroTwins
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Daily Horoscope for Tuesday July 30, 2024

What’s happening in astrology today

July 30 in the stars: Find out what’s in store for you today in our daily horoscopes for Tuesday July 30. Read the daily horoscopes for your Sun sign or rising sign (ascendant) to plan your day.

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Your daily horoscopes for Tuesday July 30, 2024

Aries Daily horoscope

Aries (March 21-April 19) daily horoscope for Tuesday July 30

It’s a no-filters kind of day. Today’s merger of the moon and outspoken Jupiter in your communication house emboldens you to speak frankly with everyone. Instead of being overly diplomatic (and vague), share what’s on your mind without all the window dressing. Even if your delivery is a little rough around the edges, at least others will know that your message is sincere. Besides, a little unpolished honesty can be a potent conversation starter. The truth shall set you free.

Read Aries daily horoscope

Taurus Daily horoscope

Taurus (April 20-May 20) daily horoscope for Tuesday July 30

Lady Luck is on your side today, Bull! With an abundant alignment of the moon and Jupiter in your second house of work and money, you could catch wind of a project that feels tailor-made for you. With worldly (and wordy) Jupiter involved, it might involve travel or public speaking. Don’t miss out on a chance to expand your horizons. If you’re tempted, throw your hat in the ring. You can always turn the gig down later—but the point is to get an offer first! This unbridled energy could tempt you to overspend, so pull those purse strings tighter. 

Read Taurus daily horoscope

Gemini Daily horoscope

Gemini (May 21-June 20) daily horoscope for Tuesday July 30

Today, the moon is in your sign, making you extra self-aware and eager to take on a new challenge. La luna is also synced up with expansive Jupiter, doubling your eagerness to take a bold risk. But you’ll have to drop any air of mystery if you want your message to get through. These moonbeams will bring everything into the open, so be prepared to get real. Pro tip: Stop trying to control your “image” and step into the spotlight. Revealing your humanity rather than hiding it will earn your audience’s trust.

Read Gemini daily horoscope

Cancer Daily horoscope

Cancer (June 21-July 22) daily horoscope for Tuesday July 30

When the student is ready, the teacher appears—but that doesn’t mean you’ll be a straight-A pupil. Today’s stars are eager to support you, but you have to surrender and receive the universe’s lessons. Drop that stubborn stance, Crab. An alignment of the moon and Jupiter, the planet of personal growth, will touch down in your twelfth house of healing. Divine guidance is yours for the taking, so open your ears and heart to whomever the messenger may be, which could even be an “enemy” or nemesis. Or perhaps your guardian angel is the local mail carrier, a neighbor or your favorite barista. Look beyond the surface, and you could have a powerful breakthrough.

Read Cancer daily horoscope

Leo Daily horoscope

Leo (July 23-August 22) daily horoscope for Tuesday July 30

Today, an auspicious angle between the moon and open-minded Jupiter energizes your eleventh house of group activity. Tap the hivemind for anything you’re looking for now—whether it’s a short-term intern, a date-night babysitter or a ride to the airport. Send out a group message or post a request on your socials. With generous Jupiter involved, you could end up with a bounty of amazing suggestions. While you’re at it, why not promote your own offerings? You shouldn’t have to wait long for a wave of interest to come rolling in.

Read Leo daily horoscope

Virgo Daily horoscope

Virgo (August 23-September 22) daily horoscope for Tuesday July 30

Today’s mashup of the moon and lucky Jupiter in your ambitious tenth house could throw open the doors to professional advancement. Don’t wait for opportunity to bang on your door. Connect with an influential player and make your bold ask. Under these auspicious skies, you could get exactly what you want. If the “yes” you’re seeking doesn’t come immediately, shepherd your request through the proper channels. When the powers that be see you respect their decision-making process, it’ll be that much easier to get your way.

Read Virgo daily horoscope

Libra Daily horoscope

Libra (September 23-October 22) daily horoscope for Tuesday July 30

Go big or go home, Libra. With the moon and generous Jupiter merged in your expansive ninth house, the world is truly your oyster. You could be overcome by a craving for new scenery and adventures today. Start researching flights and travel plans or register for an inspirational seminar. Conversations could also take you to new heights, causing you to rethink some of your core beliefs. Note: This cosmic coupling can make you a little gullible. Remove the rose-colored glasses to make sure you’re not being taken for a ride.

Read Libra daily horoscope

Scorpio Daily horoscope

Scorpio (October 23-November 21) daily horoscope for Tuesday July 30

Partnering up could be profitable today as the moon and fortuitous Jupiter connect in your eighth house of joint ventures. Consider how much further along you’d be if you merged your skills and resources with others. This cosmic combination urges you to spend more time on the tasks you excel at and outsource the rest. Even if you have to dole out cold, hard cash for these services, you’ll earn so much more in the long run. Time is money, after all.

Read Scorpio daily horoscope

Sagittarius Daily horoscope

Sagittarius (November 22-December 21) daily horoscope for Tuesday July 30

Today, the moon aligns with “tell it like it is” Jupiter in your relationship house, sparking honest dialogue. A heartfelt discussion or a clear-the-air conversation can bring you to a deeper understanding. With the presence of cosmic gambler Jupiter (your ruling planet), it’s an auspicious day to take a chance in love. Coupled? Take your bond to a deeper level by addressing unspoken issues. Single Archers could connect with someone from a different background or culture. Be open to prospects who aren’t your usual type and prepare to be pleasantly surprised.

Read Sagittarius daily horoscope

Capricorn Daily horoscope

Capricorn (December 22-January 19) daily horoscope for Tuesday July 30

Reminder: Healthy living isn’t about suffering and deprivation. How about making it into an adventure instead? Today’s expansive moon-Jupiter merger in your self-care sector motivates you to create an enjoyable routine. Watch some cooking videos, experiment with new spices and superfoods, sign up for an aerial silks workshop. These orderly stars could also give you the urge to purge any clutter from your space. Be careful not to take on TOO big of a project because your enthusiasm could fizzle out before you finish.

Read Capricorn daily horoscope

Aquarius Daily horoscope

Aquarius (January 20-February 18) daily horoscope for Tuesday July 30

Give your feelings some airtime. Today, as the moon merges with outspoken Jupiter in your expressive fifth house, insist on transparency. There’s a good chance your emotions will come rushing out before you can stop them, so just roll with it. Silver lining: With everything out in the open, you don’t have to pretend anymore. The fifth house also rules romance, and this cosmic lineup could dial up the flirtatious vibes. Take a chance and flirt back! If you’re in a relationship, it’s a great night for an adventurous date. Dress up and head somewhere festive; there will be no shortage of options.

Read Aquarius daily horoscope

Pisces Daily horoscope

Pisces (February 19-March 20) daily horoscope for Tuesday July 30

Try taking a “live and let live” approach, especially with your family. Since you only want the absolute best for your loved ones, it can be hard to withhold your unsolicited advice. But today’s alignment of the moon and expansive Jupiter in your domestic sphere prompts you to listen and ask questions more than talk AT people. Initiate an honest conversation with a relative or close friend. You never know: By patiently hearing each other out, you might actually learn something new.

Read Pisces daily horoscope

Check out everything that’s happening in your July monthly horoscope too!

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The AstroTwins

Identical twin sisters Ophira and Tali Edut, known as The AstroTwins, are the founders of Astrostyle.com and the authors of multiple bestselling astrology books. Their horoscopes reach millions here and through their resident astrologer column at ELLE Magazine.