What’s happening in astrology today
November 14 in the stars: Find out what’s in store for you today in our daily horoscopes for Tuesday November 14. Read the daily horoscopes for your Sun sign or rising sign (ascendant) to plan your day.
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Your daily horoscopes for Tuesday November 14, 2023
Aries (March 21-April 19) daily horoscope for Tuesday November 14
PSA for busy Rams: Life is a marathon, not a sprint! Ease off the gas on an all-consuming project today as the Sagittarius moon forms a cozy alignment with healing Chiron. If you’re on the verge of burnout, that’s a sign that you could benefit from a little self-care. Stepping back could also help you gain a valuable new perspective on your efforts. This evening, find a way to unwind and truly disconnect from work. Draw yourself a soothing bubble bath or bake a test batch of a healthy(ish) holiday cookie recipe.
Taurus (April 20-May 20) daily horoscope for Tuesday November 14
Self-care is the name of the game today, Taurus, as the moon gets cozy with healer-feeler Chiron. Do whatever it takes to carve out some much needed “me time,” even if that means issuing a few rainchecks. True friends will understand if you need to bail on evening plans in order to recharge your depleted batteries. And if they don’t? Maybe they aren’t the real allies you thought. Regardless, don’t let anyone pressure you into doing something you don’t want to do. That being said, if you’re longing for a little socializing, plan a relaxed eve at home base.
Gemini (May 21-June 20) daily horoscope for Tuesday November 14
If you’re pushing hard to meet a deadline, joining forces with a savvy collaborator could help you get to that goal. Already have your dream team in place? Do a “wellness check” with your crew before you begin that last push to the finish line. A heartfelt alignment of the moon and soothsayer Chiron will help you iron out any miscommunications. If you discover unrest among your team, address the underlying issues before moving forward with your master plan. Positive reinforcement will boost team morale considerably, so pile on the praise!
Cancer (June 21-July 22) daily horoscope for Tuesday November 14
It’s all about moderation, Cancer. If you’ve been trying to keep seasonal temptations at bay by depriving yourself, throw away that recipe. Today’s stars help you arrive at a more balanced wellness routine as the moon in your vitality-boosting sixth house aligns with the healing comet Chiron. Stock your cupboards with healthier treats and bring some fun to your fitness routine. Dancing, roller-skating or laps in an indoor pool: all valid alternatives to a dreaded run on the treadmill.
Leo (July 23-August 22) daily horoscope for Tuesday November 14
People will find you even MORE irresistible than usual under today’s magnetic skies, Leo. But as the coquettish Sagittarius moon aligns with healing comet Chiron, be careful how you wield your seductive powers. Reserve the flirtatious banter for people who truly interest you, and if you’re on the receiving end of someone’s hot-and-cold routine, stop playing into this confusing dynamic. Take a step back from the situation and view it through an objective lens. Is there a real future with this person, or are they just a serial heartbreaker?
Virgo (August 23-September 22) daily horoscope for Tuesday November 14
Keep things “inner circle only” when it comes to sharing your deepest feelings today. That’s not to say new friends can’t be valuable in their own right. In fact, today’s alignment of the moon and “wounded healer” comet Chiron can help draw promising acquaintances deeper into your personal orbit. But don’t rush to give a newbie a place in your core squad. That level of intimate rapport can take time to build. Allow your relationship to develop organically.
Libra (September 23-October 22) daily horoscope for Tuesday November 14
Today you may learn that someone’s been undermining your efforts, saying one thing to your face and a completely different thing behind your back. While this betrayal may hurt, resist the urge to lash out impulsively. Instead, see how this situation develops over time. It’s possible that this person is simply trying to protect your feelings or is avoiding a hard-to-talk-about issue. If this is the case, pull them aside for a candid but diplomatic chat. Perhaps they’re simply scared to tell you the truth because they’re afraid of how you’ll react. This could be a sign that you need to be more graceful when absorbing bad news. Don’t kill the messenger!
Scorpio (October 23-November 21) daily horoscope for Tuesday November 14
It could be wildly difficult to focus on your work today as the moon aligns with “wounded healer” comet Chiron. But pressing deadlines wait for no one, meaning you must do whatever it takes to reach the finish line in time. Avoid social media, hang a “do not disturb” sign on your office door, decline any calls from your squad’s resident drama queen. The slightest distraction could derail your entire day, so be strict when it comes to avoidance. On the plus side, this starmap could inspire a power player to come out of the woodwork and help you take a project to the next level.
Sagittarius (November 22-December 21) daily horoscope for Tuesday November 14
Follow your bliss, Sag! Your spontaneous spirit comes out to play under today’s starmap as the moon in your sign joins forces with healer-feeler Chiron. If you can swing it, wrap up your day early and head off on an impromptu adventure with your favorite companions. Reserve a table at a new restaurant or check out a show at a local venue. Just one warning: Be sure to give your crew a heads-up if you want to change your plans last-minute. They have a right to chime in as well!
Read more Sagittarius horoscopes
Capricorn (December 22-January 19) daily horoscope for Tuesday November 14
Sacrifice is not a noble act if it constantly comes at the expense of your own needs. And if it breeds resentment, that’s even worse. Someone could attempt to take advantage of your generosity under today’s moon-Chiron trine. Before you rush to their rescue, ask yourself: Could this person solve the problem on their own? Gently direct them to the tools they need to take care of this themselves. Sure, they may bristle at your newly established boundary, but don’t give in to any guilt trips. You deserve to have YOUR needs met too!
Read more Capricorn horoscopes
Aquarius (January 20-February 18) daily horoscope for Tuesday November 14
Extra sensitivity is called for under today’s trine between the moon and “wounded healer” comet Chiron. Remember that, Aquarius, BEFORE you sound off in a group text thread or bring up a triggering topic during dinner. If you’re trying to get everyone on board with a shared expense, be mindful of the fact that people may be dealing with circumstances they aren’t ready to be open about. Give folks a chance to opt out gracefully. And wait until you see who’s contributing before you go shopping.
Pisces (February 19-March 20) daily horoscope for Tuesday November 14
It’s time to stretch! Don’t let a case of imposter syndrome prevent you from pursuing a goal that’s bigger than anything you’ve done in the past. Instead of balking at that amazing opportunity because you’re a little scared, employ a “learn as you go” strategy. Once you’re actually wearing that crown, you’ll realize that it’s a perfect fit. Also, make sure that you’ve got a great team of collaborators backing you up. So much of your success hinges on surrounding yourself with brilliant minds!