Your New Year’s Horoscope: Don’t Let Mars Retrograde Crash Your Party! | The AstroTwins
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Your New Year’s Horoscope: Don’t Let Mars Retrograde Crash Your Party!

Feisty Mars is retrograde, in festive Leo no less, from December 6, 2024 to January 6, 2025. Some emotional regulation will be needed to sidestep drama and stay on your toes—our New Year’s horoscope tells you how!

Let’s start with the good news: This is the first New Year’s Eve since 2022 that isn’t clouded with a Mercury retrograde. That means you may avoid long will-call lines, weird communication blips and general scheduling mayhem. Buuuuuut…

For New Year’s Eve 2024, Mars retrograde in Leo calls for a mix of festive flair and caution. While Leo energy craves attention and celebration, spunky Mars retrograde warns everyone to keep egos and tempers in check. Expect heightened emotions, particularly in crowded or high-energy environments, where misunderstandings or competitive vibes could flare up. 

If you’re heading out, stay mindful of boundaries—both your own and others’. Avoid getting drawn into dramatic showdowns or trying to outshine anyone. (A friendly dance-off, on the other hand, could be highly entertaining).

Lean into Leo’s magnanimity. Focus on uplifting connections and shared joy. Double-down on your creative expression: rock the glittery outfit, toast to the year with confidence, and dance like no one’s watching—but keep safety and mindfulness at the forefront as you ring in 2025!



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Mars aside, the champagne isn’t the only thing bubbling, thanks to the moon in Capricorn and Aquarius

If you break dawn on NYE, you might wind up holding an impromptu brainstorming session (or board meeting!) over bubbles.

The moon holds court in Capricorn until 5:50AM EST (the Capricorn new moon arrives December 30), igniting everyone’s ambitions as 2025 dawns. Capture those ideas in a voice memo, then set them aside.

In the early hours of the day, la luna shifts into social, idealistic Aquarius, turning the black tie vibes into a casual athleisure affair. Spend the day sending friendly texts to the people who matter most and meeting as many of them as you can for a hair-of-the-dog hangout or an inspired vision-boarding session.

Your New Year’s Horoscopes (Eve and Day)

Below are horoscopes for every zodiac sign for New Year’s Eve 2024 and New Year’s Day 2025. You may read for your Sun sign or your rising sign (ascendant). Visit our Cosmic Calculator section if you want to calculate your Rising sign or discover more about your personal astrology.

ARIES (Mar 21-Apr 19) New Year’s Horoscope

New Year’s Eve

With a high-profile Capricorn moon aglow in your prestigious tenth house this NYE, you’ll want to be at THE party of all parties. Fear not, Aries! If you aren’t game for spending more than general admission, you’ll easily charm your way into the VIP room once you’re past the main entrance.

While you’re a Ram with a plan, don’t be too pushy or impatient with your celebratory squad. You may have to linger longer at the cocktail hour event (or meet them at the next venue) to accommodate the slower-moving revelers in your pack. But as everyone else is snogging, you could be talking shop with a promising new contact. Don’t forget to have fun, and maybe squeeze in a kiss of your own. 

New Year’s Day

The new year starts with a major surge of momentum as the Aquarius moon faces off with your ruling planet, Mars, which is retrograde in Leo. It will take a village to pull off the outsized schemes you’re dreaming up—and that’s a good thing!

Here’s your first resolution of 2025: learn how to be a better team player. Letting go of control and asking for support are softer muscles for your independent sign. Practice, practice, practice remembering not to swing to the opposite extreme and compromise TOO much. You could take your walk of fame with an ensemble cast in the days ahead.

Aries horoscopes, read more!

TAURUS (Apr 20-May 20) New Year’s Horoscope

New Year’s Eve

Sorry, Ryan Seacrest, but your Taurus viewership may be AWOL this NYE. With the Capricorn moon in your festive fifth house trine wild child Uranus, an adventurous night is in store for Bulls, one that could even find you trekking out of town to celebrate. Let the spirit of spontaneity take hold, no matter your GPS coordinates. Did you accidentally invite a clingy friend to join your brigade? Have a straight-up talk about boundaries before you head out together. Make it clear that tonight you need to feel free to come and go as you please. And with WHO, too! 

New Year’s Day

As you emerge from the champagne-addled haze, your mind will be on your grandest ambitions for 2025. You can thank a dynamic opposition between the Aquarius moon and motivator Mars for this momentum. When this buzz starts, it will be hard not to talk off the ears of your hungover friends and family.

On that note, how can you rally their support and talents to pull off your moneymaking missions? Since Mars is retrograde, look to the past. Your inner circle of supporters will be the ones who will help you make your dreams come true this year. Setting up a home office might even be part of the plan.

Taurus horoscopes, read more!

GEMINI (May 21-Jun 20) New Year’s Horoscope

New Year’s Eve

It’s literally a mystery how you’ll opt to spend your NYE, one that may unfold in exciting ways throughout the evening. The Capricorn moon dipping into your secretive, seductive—and solitary—eighth house, but it’s also trine spontaneous Uranus. Feel zero pressure to report your whereabouts on the socials or inform friends who you’d rather see AFTER 2024 of your celebratory intentions. A masked ball could be fun, or you might prefer to sway hypnotically to an amazing band or DJ. This sultry energy could bring a midnight kiss from a dashing stranger. A private fete with your amour or a favorite person might be all you need to kick the year off on the right note. 

New Year’s Day

Think globally, act locally. That’s the missive from the stars on this auspicious New Year’s Day. With momentum-boosting Mars opposing the Aquarius moon, you could really make a name for yourself in your corner of the world. From company superstar to community activist, resolve to be a game-changer who opens people up to fresh ideas.

The one challenge you’ll face in early 2025? Figuring out how to get your message across clearly so that people respond immediately to it. With Mars retrograde in your communication zone, tone down the zeal and take both sides of the “argument” into consideration.

Gemini horoscopes, read more!

CANCER (Jun 21-Jul 22) New Year’s Horoscope

New Year’s Eve

Surprise! A free-flowing New Year’s Eve is in store for Cancers as the moon trines liberated Uranus. Even if you weren’t initially planning to dress up and brave the crowds, you may suddenly have a change of heart. Can you dash to the store for some bubbles and scout out a ticket to that buzzy show? Don’t leave your favorite plus-one out of the plans. The moon is in Capricorn, activating your relationship/seventh house this NYE. Single? The stars could deliver a promising prospect, one with potential that goes way beyond a stellar midnight smooch. 

New Year’s Day

Grab your umbrella, Cancer, because you’re ready to make it rain. The year is off to a prosperous start, thanks to the help of momentum-boosting Mars opposing the Aquarius moon in your money zones. While your security-loving sign is a wreck when you don’t have adequate funding, this year, it may come from more unconventional sources, like an entrepreneurial venture or a daring investment in somebody else’s startup. Since Mars is retrograde in Leo (and inching back into Cancer on the 6th), get a savvy budget in place for Q1 of the new year. It’s not just how you earn it, Crab; it’s also how you burn it.

Cancer horoscopes, read more!

LEO (Jul 23-Aug 22) New Year’s Horoscope

New Year’s Eve

All things in moderation this New Year’s Eve—except, of course, your unbridled enthusiasm on the dance floor. The Capricorn moon is parked in your sixth house of service and wellness, modulating your energy toward healthier forms of celebration. But since it’s fist-bumping electrifying Uranus, you need to move your body. Mix up those mocktails or sip water liberally between flutes of champagne.

While you won’t mind playing social organizer, keep things simple. Despite your love of an epic itinerary, you’ll prefer to pick one venue for celebration tonight. Ring it in from there, be it a club, karaoke bar or a candlelight yoga with sound bath. 

New Year’s Day

Me plus you equals a portmanteau? That’s not the equation you’re plugging into in 2025, Leo. With the indie-spirited Aquarius moon facing off with unbridled Mars in your sign today, you’ll happily couple up but not if it means getting lost in a bubble. That’s not to say you shouldn’t make relationship resolutions. Mars is retrograde, helping you revamp your vision of love. How can you invite in true love (or enjoy the person you’ve already found) without losing your autonomy in the process? In 2025, this will be a challenge worth taking on!

Leo horoscopes, read more!

VIRGO (Aug 23-Sep 22) New Year’s Horoscope

New Year’s Eve

Gloss, plumper, smudge-free lip stain: With the moon twerking through your festive, romantic fifth house this NYE, a sultry midnight smooch looks to be in the stars. Don’t play coy about your interest if you’re feeling the chemistry. Tonight’s “anything goes” trine between the moon and wild child Uranus gives you a golden ticket to shoot your shot. You have good reason to feel confident, but also remember that sometimes a kiss is just a kiss. When it comes to your outfit, this theatrical moon wants sequins, cutouts and dopamine-bright hues. Peacock your way into 2025! 

New Year’s Day

As the sign of service, you’re no stranger to sacrifice, Virgo, but this first day of 2025 brings the subject of boundaries to the fore. With self-authorized Mars facing off with the liberated Aquarius moon, you could have a major epiphany about where your limits lie. How can you be generous without draining yourself and also ensure that your own tanks are refilled? For starters, book an appointment with a healer or sign up for a class the moment your yoga studio or gym opens.

When you commit to treating yourself with the utmost care, other people tend to respond in kind. While you’re on the subject: Are there some toxic people you need to leave in 2024? Unfollow, block or hide them from your feed.

Virgo horoscopes, read more!

LIBRA (Sep 23-Oct 22) New Year’s Horoscope

New Year’s Eve

Home is where the Libra heart is this New Year’s Eve as the moon gets cozy in traditional Capricorn and your domestic fourth house. But that doesn’t mean you’re destined to have a sad girl NYE. Pick up champagne, sparklers and the makings of a charcuterie board and invite a few close friends to join you to ring in 2025. Spread out vision-board supplies (magazines, glue sticks, poster board) and queue up your favorite playlists. Put on some semblance of a fun outfit because you never know.

With wild card Uranus trining the moon, this sweet little pre-funk might turn into a champagne toast at a local pub. Don’t feel like entertaining? Scout out someone else’s house party or tour the soiree circuit in a tight huddle with your squad. 

New Year’s Day

If the first day of 2025 determines anything, Libra, you’re set to put your name on the map in a major way. Powerhouse Mars is planted in your fifth house of fame, opposing the Aquarius moon in your zone of popularity. Teamwork makes the dreamwork in the year ahead, and your exemplary people skills will come in handy for recruiting collaborators.

The challenge? Mars is retrograde, which could make you uncharacteristically aggressive about getting what you want. While it’s great that you’re taking command, don’t be so forthright about YOUR vision that you wind up being a dictator instead of a facilitator.

Libra horoscopes, read more!

SCORPIO (Oct 23-Nov 21) New Year’s Horoscope

New Year’s Eve

You’re in the mood for “people-ing” this NYE as the Capricorn moon draws you out onto the social scene. And with wild card Uranus fist-bumping la luna from your third house partnership zone, you could connect with some fascinating people on the party trail. The only thing that can dampen your spirits? Inviting Debbie Downers or snarky Mean Girls to join your entourage.

Enter 2025 with people who lift your spirits higher. Want to keep it simple? Head out with only one friend (or your S.O.) instead of a whole gaggle. That will make it easier to hop from venue to venue without herding cats every step of the way.

New Year’s Day

How well does your personal life sync up with your professional image? As 2025 opens, you may realize that some adjustments are in order. An ambition-fueling opposition of driven Mars and the visionary Aquarius moon could turn hair-of-the-dog discussions to your “personal brand.”

Ask friends to weigh in on your superpowers. Where do they see room for improvement or ways you could play up your strengths? Survey your social media profiles over the coming few days and reconsider any posts that are more inflammatory than informative. With Mars retrograde until February 23, you don’t want anything standing in the way of your success.

Scorpio horoscopes, read more!

SAGITTARIUS (Nov 22-Dec 21) New Year’s Horoscope

New Year’s Eve

Forget about shivering in the cold or waiting in long lines to get into some overpriced (and overrated) party tonight. With the moon in sensual Capricorn this NYE, you’d rather get cozy at an intimate gathering. Some Archers might even attend a black-tie affair or another dressy shindig. Why not end 2024 on a luxurious note? With unconventional Uranus trining the moon, you could start the evening with a release ritual, like a salt bath or fire ceremony to cleanse any negativity from 2024. 

New Year’s Day

It’s only January 1, but already your feet are starting to itch. Nope, it’s not the fault of your too-snug UGGs, Sagittarius, but the fact that adventure-junkie Mars in your nomadic ninth house is opposing the experimental Aquarius moon. Don’t brush off this wanderlust. Let your first resolution revolve around making a 2025 pilgrimage to an exciting part of the world.

Since Mars is retrograde, this may be a favorite location that feels like a home away from home for you. Is a relocation on the agenda? When the espresso kicks in, scroll through travel feeds or send out “happy New Year” texts to ignite conversation with your globetrotting friends. 

Sagittarius horoscopes, read more!

CAPRICORN (Dec 22-Jan 19) New Year’s Horoscope

New Year’s Eve

Hello NYE celebutante! With the moon in Capricorn tonight, you are the uncontested star of the soiree circuit. You might feel pressured to attend a laid-back house party or spend the evening watching movies with the fam, but with rebellious Uranus fist-bumping the moon, you need to raise the volume to something a little more raucous than that.

Go ahead and host a pre-game cocktail hour at your place, but at the last minute, you might enlist your crew in purchasing tickets to a club, concert or just wandering around town for a couple hours. You want to be entertained! 

New Year’s Day

A little music for your ears, Capricorn? No, we’re not talking about the hook that’s stuck in your head from last night’s celebration. The first day of 2025 brings a prosperity boost from driven Mars and the indie-spirited Aquarius moon. No one understands better than you that money is a resource for creating a life of fullness and satisfaction.

But how will you go about creating that income? With Mars retrograde in your investment zone, today’s starmap could draw your attention back to an old revenue stream. Is it time to turn the taps back on, Capricorn? Start crunching numbers or reaching out to people you worked with successfully in the past.

Capricorn horoscopes, read more!

AQUARIUS (Jan 20-Feb 18) New Year’s Horoscope

New Year’s Eve

With the moon in your soulful twelfth house on NYE, you’ll be intent on leaving 2024’s stress behind you. Spend time making a list of what you’d like to let go of, totally forget about and never have a repeat performance of again. Your ruler, metaphysical Uranus, will trine the moon, which could bring some huge emotional epiphanies while the fireworks burst overhead.

Before you hit the dance floor, gather with a few friends for a ceremonial purging. Make those “farewell to thee” lists, read them aloud and then burn them (safely, please!). With this spiritual energy afoot, you may prefer a midnight meditation, service or yoga class to the loud boom of bass at a club. 

New Year’s Day

All you need is love? Well sure, if that equation also involves loving thyself. The new year opens up with the moon in Aquarius and your indie-spirited first house, underscoring the importance of tending to your own ambitions and desires in 2025.

Across the zodiac, motivator Mars is retrograde in Leo and your partnership zone. You may reconfigure partnerships in the days ahead, finding a new balance between “mine” and “ours.” If you’re feeling a little snappy, don’t blame it on the hangover. Your conscience may be telling you that you need more personal space — or more together time if you’ve been spending a little TOO much time apart from the one you j’adore.

Aquarius horoscopes, read more!

PISCES (Feb 19-Mar 20) New Year’s Horoscope

New Year’s Eve

Huddle in your haven on New Year’s Eve? Not this year! With the Capricorn moon in your “the more, the merrier” eleventh house, you’ll be the live wire of the celebrations. Chill an extra bottle of bubbly, but don’t put any pressure on yourself to refresh everyone’s glass. With the fancy Capricorn moon in cahoots with “power to the people” Uranus, there’s no need to break the bank on high-dollar tickets. Hang out at more laid-back venues. Champagne toast at the local dive bar where everyone knows your name? Sounds like heaven!

New Year’s Day

What a strange turn of events! While other people are popping Advil and hiding under the covers, you may already be doing sun salutations in the living room or bundling up for a brisk outdoor run. Okay, Pisces, even if you’re lingering in the sheets till 2PM, know that your first 2025 order of business is to map out your wellness plan for the new year.

Today, driven Mars in your healthy-living zone faces off with the idealistic Aquarius moon, pumping up your desire to glow from the inside out. One of your first missions of the new year may be to join a gym or sign up for a 21-day detox challenge. Purge your cupboards, revamp your menu and get ready to blast off on a rocket-fueled mission to vitality!

Pisces horoscopes, read more!

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The AstroTwins

Identical twin sisters Ophira and Tali Edut, known as The AstroTwins, are the founders of and the authors of multiple bestselling astrology books. Their horoscopes reach millions here and through their resident astrologer column at ELLE Magazine.