Weekly Horoscope for February 19-25
The AstroTwins Radio Podcast
Tali and Ophi Edut, aka The AstroTwins, talk about what’s happening in the stars this week on their astrology podcast that you can listen to on all major podcast platforms, or at the link below!
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Show Notes for The AstroTwins Radio Podcast: February 19-25
“Valentine’s Day do-over, or part deux (if you had a good one!)”
In this episode of the podcast, we prep you for:
- The most romantic time of year, Pisces season!
- Why this is actually the most romantic time of year (Valentine’s do-over, anyone?)
- How losing track of time this week can be a GOOD thing
- The unconventional Aquarian lovefest that 2-22 will serve up—and how you can use it to boost your relationships
- Mental Mercury’s move into dreamy Pisces
- The Virgo full moon on 2-24!
🔮 Read your full Weekly Horoscope for every sign, on Astrostyle.com
⭐️ Our 8-week Become Your Own Astrologer certification program begins March 9. Enroll and apply here while spaces still last!
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🦉 Related Articles and resources on Astrostyle.com exploring what we talk about in your weekly horoscope for February 19-25:
- Mars in Aquarius
- Venus in Aquarius
- Pluto in Aquarius
- Venus stars, retrograde
- The Aquarian Decade
- Planets: Mercury, Venus, Mars, Pluto, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune
- Zodiac signs: Pisces, Capricorn, Leo, Aquarius
Stay aligned and have an awesome week!
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