The Mars in Aquarius Transit Shakes Up Social Dynamics | The AstroTwins
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The Mars in Aquarius Transit Shakes Up Social Dynamics

The more is the mightier—or the messier! Fierce Mars storms through collaborative, innovative Aquarius from February 13 to March 22, 2024, its first visit to the Water Bearer’s realm since 2022! Here’s how the Mars in Aquarius transit shakes things up for your sign.

To friend or unfriend? That’s the pervasive question from February 13 to March 22, as firebrand Mars takes its biennial tour through Aquarius, the sign of community and camaraderie. Get ready for shakeups and friend breakups—as well as a flood of the most exciting invitations you’ve had in a couple years.

Mars transits can come in like a wrecking ball, but they can also help smash through our resistance to change. The 2024 Mars in Aquarius transit can agitate group dynamics. Maybe it’s time to finally discuss discrepancies—or find collaborators who are a better fit.

The really good news? Motivating Mars can expedite team efforts while in Aquarius and help groups move their missions to the finish line together. And when you do find your people (or if you’ve already found them), the lively Mars in Aquarius transit can get you all out on the playground of life together. Bring on the group hangs, friend trips and refreshingly unexpected collabs!

Pro tips for the Mars in Aquarius transit

While Mars is in Aquarius (February 13 to March 22, 2024) here’s what to expect:

Socialize like it was your side hustle

Whenever Mars tours one of the three social, communicative air signs (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius), we feel a push to get out into the public and mingle with our fellow humans. Drop your agenda and stop worrying about “making connections.” When you mingle sans expectations, you could discover new dimensions to people who you’ve known for years.

Feeling especially intrigued by some folks? Mars in Aquarius lends courage to slide into their DMs and drop into group activities—even if you don’t know a single soul in the room. The only caveat being that social anxiety may spark up under Mars’s pulse-quickening influence. In Aquarius, there’s nothing more calming than four long, deep breaths.

Activate your activism

Calling all agents of change! Energizer Mars ditches its laptop case for a picket sign as it heads out of corporate Capricorn and into activist Aquarius for five weeks. This unifying cycle, which comes around every two years, makes us all even more passionate about human rights.

Sound idealistic? That’s how the Mars in Aquarius transit rolls! This unifying cosmic cycle can help people back on the same page—a lofty goal in recent years.

The trick? Focus on commonalities and shared goals while creating an inclusive space for everyone’s voice to be heard.



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Love lines can blur during the Mars in Aquarius transit

The line between platonic and erotic could get blurry over the next five weeks as lusty Mars treks through Aquarius, the experimental sign of friendship and intellect.

It’s your call whether to “dabble” or not, but if you do, you may discover the farthest reaches of your personal edges. Minds will be wide open during this boundary-pushing transit, and three, four or five could be the magic number for some. Choose a safe word before you go play, and make sure everyone’s in alignment on what constitutes a “yea” or a “nay.”

Since Aquarius governs the digital domain, finding a love connection online might be a smarter approach than dipping into the friend pool, since you won’t risk losing an important relationship.

Attached? Burst out of the couple bubble! Autonomy makes the heart grow fonder during a Mars in Aquarius transit.

Your Mars in Aquarius transit horoscope

Below are horoscopes for every zodiac sign for the Mars in Aquarius transit, from February 13 to March 22, 2024. You can read for your Sun sign or your rising sign (ascendant). Visit our Cosmic Calculator section if you want to calculate your Rising sign or discover more about your personal astrology.

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Aries (March 21-April 19) Mars in Aquarius transit horoscope

Let the games begin! Energizing Mars—your planetary protector—swings into outgoing Aquarius and your community-minded eleventh house, from February 13 to March 22. This transit, which happens every other year, could turn even the most self-sovereign Ram into a card-carrying team player. You won’t need to set reminders to attend soirees, but this pumped-up social cycle is also perfect for other kinds of collaborations. Look into deals on two-for-one lift passes, dance classes or partner yoga.

And don’t forget about group travel discounts! Just honor your Aries need for alone time. Don’t overbook yourself or get mixed up with a demanding crowd. Read more Aries horoscopes.

Taurus (April 20-May 20) Mars in Aquarius transit horoscope

Is it possible to be TOO ambitious? You may find out firsthand this winter as motivational Mars blasts into Aquarius and animates your tenth house of career from February 13 until March 22. With your mind fixed firmly on your professional goals, your career could grow by leaps and bounds. Stay determined (as only a Bull can be) and you’ll make significant progress.

But curb your competitive streak if you begin to lose sight of the fact that the end does NOT justify the means. The tenth house also rules the fellas in your life, and your guy-bonds could deepen in wonderful ways this hygge season. Read more Taurus horoscopes.

Gemini (May 21-June 20) Mars in Aquarius transit horoscope

As restless Mars blazes into your globetrotting ninth house for the next five and a half weeks, you’ll be raring to go SOMEWHERE. If you’re ready to cash in a few of your 2024 vacation days, start surfing for winter getaway deals. If you can’t jet off to a remote locale before this cycle ends on March 22, you can still scratch that travel itch by taking a few long weekends to sister cities or to visit friends who have the guest bedroom pillows fluffed and ready for you! Got an entrepreneurial project up your sleeve. You could make major traction on it now, so put your shoulder to the wheel! Read more Gemini horoscopes.

Cancer (June 21-July 22) Mars in Aquarius transit horoscope

If you haven’t already mastered the art of seduction, the arrival of lusty Mars into your sensual eighth house will make a quick study out of you. You’ll be one vivacious vixen with the hot-blooded planet revving your mojo here from February 13 until March 22. That role requires the right evening wear—as well as behind-closed-doors late-night-wear! Even shy Crabs will be able to set aside your timidity and follow Mars’ brazen lead.

Only tiny caveat: You don’t want to scare away the object of your affection with too much amorous intensity. Mars is a strong brew, so pay attention to the body language you’re receiving in return. Read more Cancer horoscopes.

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Leo (July 23-August 22) Mars in Aquarius transit horoscope

You may not be able to resist the urge to merge beginning February 13, as firecracker Mars blazes into Aquarius and your seventh house of relationships until March 22. This transit could manifest as anything from a heightened sex drive to the desire to put a ring on it. If you’ve already got the bling, you might be thinking of buying a home together or getting in the family way. Your heart needs certainty, Leo, so if your current S.O. isn’t ready for commitment or exclusivity, cut bait and head for greener pastures. Read more Leo horoscopes.

Virgo (August 23-September 22) Mars in Aquarius transit horoscope

With comfort food and hibernation season going strong, you might want to set a few winter wellness resolutions, Virgo. Motivational Mars powers into your sixth house of healthy living from February 13 until March 22 and sends a reminder that even when it’s cold outside, you need to keep your muscles warmed up and body moving. Revamp your workout schedule, maybe by trading a couple of cardio classes for Vinyasa flow or Pilates.

Work is going to be busy and enlivening with Mars here, so you might want to join a gym close to your office space. Just set up systems and processes. Staying organized will save you from getting overwhelmed during this buzzy transit! Read more Virgo horoscopes.

Libra (September 23-October 22) Mars in Aquarius transit horoscope

Cue up the playlist of babymaking bangers and start curating a few seasonally appropriate date-night outfits. Passionate Mars blazes into Aquarius and your fifth house of amour and glamour February 13 until March 22, turning up the heat in your romantic forecast. With the red-hot planet here, you won’t be shy about taking the lead—or accelerating your leisurely timeline, the one that may have frustrated the object of your affections to know end. (Whoops!)

For happily paired-up Libras, stimulate your relationship with shared adventures like a weekend trip to Miami or crushing the competition in a couple’s pickleball league. And if actually babymaking IS part of your vision, this fertile cycle is prime time to get into action. Read more Libra horoscopes.

Scorpio (October 23-November 21) Mars in Aquarius transit horoscope

Come on in for a landing, Scorpio. Your co-ruler, dynamic Mars, beams into Aquarius, firing up the action in your fourth house domestic quarters from February 13 until March 22. Before you invite one and all to come stay at the Scorpio Chalet, do a little internal reality check. While you love the idea of all those out-of-town guests couch-surfing in your living room, how will this affect your essential private time? Find a happy compromise: a few days at your place, then maybe a few more at a reasonable Airbnb. This could be YOUR cue to expedite a family visit. Over the meadow and through the woods… Read more Scorpio horoscopes.

Sagittarius (November 22-December 21) Mars in Aquarius transit horoscope

You’ve got a lot on your mind, Archer, and you may not be able to keep it all in over next five and a half weeks, thanks to stimulating Mars’ arrival in your third house communication corner from February 13 until March 22. And while you’ll have good reason to be enamored of the sound of your own voice, random baristas or strangers in the checkout line might not be the ideal audience for all those mic drops. Channel your pearls of wisdom into an opinionated blog or a lively podcast. Or get a mastermind group going—a great way to keep yourself busy and productive and make winter fly by. Read more Sagittarius horoscopes.

Capricorn (December 22-January 19) Mars in Aquarius transit horoscope

QOTD: Can you monetize that? Better make that the question of the next five and a half weeks, as galvanizing Mars leaves Capricorn and swings into Aquarius and your second house of finances from February 13 until March 22. While you hosted the red planet since January 4, you may have been deluged with supersized ideas. Now, you can slow down and do what your pragmatic sign does best: realistically assess those notions to see which if any hold water. Your powers of concentration are strong, so if you see legit dollar signs alongside your dreams, start developing!  Read more Capricorn horoscopes.

Aquarius (January 20-February 18) Mars in Aquarius transit horoscope

Prepare for liftoff! For the first time in two years, make-it-happen Mars bursts into Aquarius from February 13 to March 22, revving your engines and filling your tanks with can-do enthusiasm for the next five and a half weeks. You’ll definitely want to take full advantage of this high-octane first house fuel. Hosting Mars provides mental and physical energy to take ideas from concept to completion—if you can filter out the distractions. This is a time to unapologetically put yourself first and to invest in your own ideas.

One catch: The red planet can tip the scales to aggression so make sure you’re not picking fights or coming on so strong that you overwhelm people. Read more Aquarius horoscopes.

Pisces (February 19-March 20) Mars in Aquarius transit horoscope

Give yourself time—and space—to tune in to your own inner wisdom, Pisces. Your sign runs on intuition, and from February 13 through March 22, you’ll got the cosmic password to directly download all kinds of higher information. Activator Mars cruises into your spiritual twelfth house, awakening your all-knowing self.

Make time to meditate, journal or work with divination tools to connect even more deeply. This is also a perfect five-and-a-half-week period for healing and releasing. A good place to start: forgiving anyone who’s draining your joie de vivre. Evict the energy vampires from your inner circle and make room for high-vibe types only! Read more Pisces horoscopes.

Where will Mars be in 2024?

Mars is also the last of the personal inner planets—the planets before Jupiter which are closest to the Sun. The red planet hangs out in a zodiac sign for approximately 6-8 weeks, directing the global temperament and fighting style. Lusty Mars is the forthright companion to seductive Venus and can bring out the “cosmic cave(wo)man” in us all. Our raw desire is on display during certain Mars cycles, while other zodiac signs provoke a more discreet style of pursuit.

Mars transits 2024:
Mars in Capricorn, January 4-February 13
• Mars in Aquarius, February 13-March 22
• Mars in Pisces, March 22-April 30
• Mars in Aries, April 30-June 9
• Mars in Taurus, June 9-July 20
• Mars in Gemini, July 20-September 4
• Mars in Cancer, September 4-November 3
• Mars in Leo, November 3-January 6, 2025

Mars transit 2023:
Mars in Virgo
Mars in Leo
Mars in Cancer
Mars in Gemini (plus the retrograde, which occurs every two years)
Mars in Libra
Mars in Scorpio
Mars in Sagittarius

Want even more Mars?

Go beyond your Mars in Capricorn transit horoscope: Do you know your Mars sign? Is Mars in Capricorn a good placement in a birth chart? Calculate your birth chart here and read your Mars sign meaning here!

Read your daily, weekly and monthly horoscopes at


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The AstroTwins

Identical twin sisters Ophira and Tali Edut, known as The AstroTwins, are the founders of and the authors of multiple bestselling astrology books. Their horoscopes reach millions here and through their resident astrologer column at ELLE Magazine.