Money! Power! Sex! Your 2023 Mars in Scorpio Transit Horoscope | The AstroTwins
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Money! Power! Sex! Your 2023 Mars in Scorpio Transit Horoscope

Intensity and intrigue build over the next 6-7 weeks as potent Mars burrows into seductive Scorpio. Warning: Power struggles can flare up during the Mars in Scorpio transit! Here’s your horoscope for navigating this sultry cycle.

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What to expect during the Mars in Scorpio transit

Here’s what we can all anticipate between October 12 to November 24, 2023, during the Mars in Scorpio transit.

Bonds deepen under a Mars in Scorpio transit. You’ll gain a strong sense of who you can trust! It’s also helpful to know where to steel yourself, too. Check out our suggestions for boundary-friendly language suitable for your zodiac sign, which is also helpful while Saturn is in Pisces!

In love, you can bring on the holiday season heat! As lusty Mars slides into sexy Scorpio, a budding connection could burst into flames of full-on consummation. The red planet is all too happy to set your desire on fire (Mars governs sex drive!). But remember our warning about jealousy: it (and possessiveness) could run rampant now.

In all relationship types, know the facts before you blow things up! If someone legitimately betrayed you, use this courageous Mars in Scorpio transit to walk away. But know that your raw emotions could also be provoking paranoia. Investigate before you accuse (and no, that doesn’t mean snooping or invading privacy). This goes for romantic partners but also coworkers and the like.

Rise through the ranks If you’ve earned a higher place on the power pyramid, the Mars in Scorpio transit can help you ascend. While you’ll need to move up strategically, avoid being sneaky or ruthless. Find out what everyone’s agenda is before you act. Whenever possible, cleverly craft a win-win.



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What the Mars in Scorpio transit can really do for your love life

Coupled? Privacy, please! The magic happens behind closed doors during a Mars in Scorpio transit—a time that can reboot the erotic desire for couples who have drifted into too much familiarity. Bring back the art of mystery and the element of surprise. (Though not in a public setting!)

Absence makes the heart grow fonder, too, as long as you don’t disappear altogether. Let your S.O. miss you a little and go cultivate a new dimension of yourself that stirs up intrigue. Soulful seduction is the name of the game, so unlock eroticism through visuals, clothes, scents and other mood-setting ambiance. Tantra, breathwork, OM-ing: Slow down and connect to enhance “the act.”

Single? The cat and mouse games are on! With frisky Mars in “now you see me, now you don’t” Scorpio, dating can feel like a giant mystery between October 12 and November 24. The reason for people’s selective ghosting? Scorpio craves intimacy and privacy in equal measure. Which means, the more intensely attracted you are to someone, the more your own internal anxious and avoidant attachment styles will flare. So if your date doesn’t follow up for 72 hours, it might be a good sign.

Mars is impatient, but in Scorpio, it teaches us the power of the pause. Wait a little longer to text. Fill your life with plans so you’re not available at the drop of a dime. Be a sexy mystery (hot!), but not a total enigma (frustrating!).

Your Mars in Scorpio transit horoscope

Below are horoscopes for every zodiac sign for the Mars in Scorpio transit, from October 12 to November 24, 2023. You can read for your Sun sign or your rising sign (ascendant). Visit our Cosmic Calculator section if you want to calculate your Rising sign or discover more about your personal astrology.

Aries (March 21-April 19)

Where there’s smoke, there’s fire, Aries—and for the next seven weeks, you’re the hottest thing in town! Lusty Mars swaggers into Scorpio from October 12 to November 24 and revs up your mojo. Magnetism? Charm? Undeniable sex appeal? Yeah, let’s just check all those boxes. While Mars in Scorpio wants passion, it will also find you playing for keeps. Try not to break too many hearts as you patrol for a soulmate during the Mars in Scorpio transit. Financially, you’ll be brilliant at hunting down royalties, commissions and other passive-income streams. Build it to last, Ram. Read more Aries horoscopes.

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

Sealing the deal becomes an outright obsession as go-getter Mars marches into Scorpio and your partnership zone October 12 to November 24. Two heads are definitely better than one during this seven-week phase, but keeping those heads cool is a whole other story.

Beyond the passion and lust, Mars can fire you up in relationships—and this could spell “trouble in paradise.” Be patiently assertive with your partners in all areas of life. But remember: Just because you say “Jump!” doesn’t mean they’ll auto-respond with a swift “How high?” Read more Taurus horoscopes.

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

Laptop case or gym bag? How about both, Gemini? With go-getter Mars zipping into Scorpio beginning October 12, you’re lit with motivational energy until November 24. Surprise: You’ll be as pumped about spreadsheets as you are about Spin class.

Before you shoot for the moon, though, make sure your tanks are filled with rocket fuel (read: clean, vitamin-rich food and enough cash to pull off the plan). Be a savvy project manager during the Mars in Scorpio transit. It’s not just about starting a mission: It’s also about getting it done with integrity. Read more Gemini horoscopes.

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

Viva la glamazon! You’re coming out of your shell in an epic way, as white-hot Mars zips into Scorpio and your fifth house of fame, passion and romance October 12 to November 24. When it comes to love, you tend to favor exclusive relationships, but this could be the moment where you finally discover the joy of casual dating. Dress up as often as you can, if only to make yourself happy (and definitely for Halloween).

Baby fever could strike some Crabs now, and if at first you don’t succeed, Mars gives you the momentum (and libido) to try, try again. Not in that game? Give birth to a project you’d be proud to call “my baby.” Read more Cancer horoscopes.

Leo (July 23-August 22)

Home is where the HEAT is for the next seven weeks as restless Mars grooves through Scorpio and your domestic sector until November 24. Starting October 12, the pressures and demands of family could send you scurrying for sanctuary. Perhaps it’s time to reconfigure your home, creating more privacy for yourself…or to follow Virginia Woolf’s directive and find “a room of one’s own” to do work outside your house. If you’re a Leo who loves to entertain like La Martha herself, Mars will create a lively—and sexy—vibe for any get-togethers you might throw. Read more Leo horoscopes.

Virgo (August 23-September 22)

Say what? On October 12, when bold and fiery Mars bursts into Scorpio and your communication zone, you’ll be quick with a clever quip and a sassy retort. Warning: Mars adds a bite to your communications. This might come in handy when you have to stand up for yourself, but it could burn some bridges if you keep it up 24/7 until November 24. If you’re a writer or teacher, this Mars in Scorpio transit phase can be high-octane fuel for your productivity.

Friendships will be lively, but you’ll be clear about who you can stand and who works your nerves. If your inner circle gets smaller, so be it. At least the people who stick around will know how to keep it real. Read more Virgo horoscopes.

Libra (September 23-October 22)

Hello, money mojo! You’re burning to earn for the next seven weeks as savvy Mars blazes through your finance house. Let that fire in your belly guide you toward prosperity, from October 12 to November 24. Take more chances at work, initiate projects, burn the midnight oil. Just don’t become too single-minded in your quest for cash, Libra. You may be the zodiac’s materialist, but your relationships with people matter more than anything. On that note, how about devising a plan that helps your friends profit too? Read more Libra horoscopes.

Scorpio (October 23-November 21)

Red-hot Mars blazes into Scorpio, cranking up the heat, passion and your famously magnetic sex appeal. Carpe diem! This passionate planet only visits your sign every two years, and you’ll have its energizing presence at your disposal from October 12 until November 24.

You’ll also have plenty of momentum for a personal project during the Mars in Scorpio transit, which could turn into a cult of personality with you at its epicenter. Strike while the iron’s hot, and don’t worry if you have to set out alone to get this one off the ground. Read more Scorpio horoscopes.

Sagittarius (November 22-December 21)

Exactly how “over it” are you, Sagittarius? With no-holds-barred Mars moving through your twelfth house of transitions from October 12 until November 24, you’re ready to detoxify and downsize. From hauling junk out of your storage space to kicking a frenemy out of your inner circle, wrap this season with a clean slate.

Easy though! With brash Mars egging you on, you could act in haste. (Once you’ve donated a family heirloom to Goodwill, it’s gonna be hard to get back.) If you must say goodbye, do it with compassion—even if you’re done for good. Read more Sagittarius horoscopes.

Capricorn (December 22-January 19)

Grab the bullhorn and rally your soul squad. From October 12 to November 24, motivator Mars fires it up in Scorpio and your collaborative eleventh house. And with all the ambitious plans you’ve lined up since fall began, you could REALLY use some extra hands. Work smarter, not harder by delegating tasks or turning your solo projects into joint ventures during the Mars in Scorpio transit.

And just in time for the holidays, your joie de vivre returns. Bring on the agenda-free playtime and take some legit longer breaks. “Life of the party” is a good look for you. Read more Capricorn horoscopes.

Aquarius (January 20-February 18)

You’ll wrap the fall on an ambitious note, thanks to go-getter Mars’ arrival in Scorpio and your tenth house of career from October 12 to November 24. Use the next seven weeks for strategic networking. DM-ing an influencer could lead to a serendipitous power lunch. You’re ready for advancement, so trust in your unique gifts—and invest in developing them further. A leadership position could land in your lap. Flattering, but before you say yes, make sure you’re really up for the responsibilities that come along with it. You might be better off getting plans in motion for your own venture. Make way for Aquarius, Inc.! Read more Aquarius horsocopes.

Pisces (February 19-March 20)

Swim up to the surface, Pisces, and have a look around! Thrill-seeker Mars motors into Scorpio and your nomadic ninth house from October 12 until November 24. With your wanderlust fired up, too many cozy days at home could make you feel claustrophobic. Poke around the travel sites and make some calls, even if the website says the place is fully booked for the holiday season. You might as well get on the waitlist. Under this spontaneous surge, hopping a last-minute flight isn’t too far out of reach and fares are down to some places. This enterprising Mars phase could bring your next big idea for a side hustle, media project…or maybe your first tell-all memoir! Read more Pisces horoscopes.


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Where will Mars be for the rest of 2023?

When the Mars in Scorpio transit ends on November 24. Mars then moves into Sagittarius from November 24 to January 4, 2024.

Mars is the last of the personal inner planets—the planets before Jupiter which are closest to the Sun. The red planet hangs out in a zodiac sign for approximately 6-8 weeks, directing the global temperament and fighting style. Lusty Mars is the forthright companion to seductive Venus and can bring out the “cosmic cave(wo)man” in us all. Our raw desire is on display during certain Mars cycles, while other zodiac signs provoke a more discreet style of pursuit.

You can read about other recent Mars transits/2023 cycles:
Mars in Virgo
Mars in Leo
Mars in Cancer
Mars in Gemini (plus the retrograde, which occurs every two years)
Mars in Libra

Want even more Mars?

Do you know your Mars sign? Is Mars in Scorpio a good placement in a birth chart? Calculate your birth chart here and read your Mars sign meaning here!

What zodiac sign is your relationship?


What zodiac sign is your relationship?

Learn the secrets of the composite (blended) chart in SuperCouple, a cosmic care and feeding manual for any relationship. Written by The AstroTwins, astrologers and matchmakers for Amazon Prime Video's Cosmic Love.


The AstroTwins

Identical twin sisters Ophira and Tali Edut, known as The AstroTwins, are the founders of and the authors of multiple bestselling astrology books. Their horoscopes reach millions here and through their resident astrologer column at ELLE Magazine.