When Neptune Retrograde Ends (in Pisces), Give Attention to Your Divine Downloads  | The AstroTwins
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When Neptune Retrograde Ends (in Pisces), Give Attention to Your Divine Downloads 

The fog lifts on December 7, 2024 (6:43 PM EST) when Neptune retrograde ends in Pisces. What will you see clearly for the first time since Summer? Here’s your horoscope for Neptune direct in Pisces, and what’s next for the dreamy planet.

So what is next? For the past five months, that question has required deep contemplation, which hasn’t necessarily yielded much clarity. But after December 7, answers start coming into focus as tuned-in Neptune ends a long retrograde on its home turf of compassionate, dreamy Pisces.

During this period of soul-searching, you may have come to enlightening realizations about yourself, your desires and your relationships. Now, you can start putting those divine downloads into action.

That doesn’t mean you should stop daydreaming. Quite the opposite! Neptune is a master at manifestation and miracles and is highly attuned to creative visualization. Close your eyes, picture the outcome you want and act as if you’ve already achieved it.

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Let’s update Neptune’s cosmic resume

Neptune, the planet of dreams and healing, began its annual retrograde on July 2, 2024, in Pisces, the sign it’s been traveling in since way back on April 2011.

When Neptune retrograde ends on December 7, the planet moves in direct motion until its next retrograde, from July 4 to October 22, 2025.

But here’s where things get interesting! In 2025, Neptune will split its time between two signs—Aries and Pisces! For the first time since 1862 to 1875, the celestial soothsayer swings into the Ram’s realm. While this only lasts from March 30 to October 22, 2025, a longer, 13-year cycle of Neptune in Aries picks up again in January 2026. You can read more about this preview cycle in The AstroTwins’ 2025 Horoscope book.

Neptune brings each sign periods of heightened imagination, creativity and intuition. Its lengthy 14-year stays in each sign allow you to plan for spiritual and creative growth and to draw from the deep well of your psyche.

The only downside is Neptune’s muddling influence can blur reality. The fog doesn’t totally lift when Neptune turns direct, but visibility is improved.

Check in with the major themes of Neptune retrograde

As the planet of unconditional love (and unconditional everything!), Neptune suspends logic. It allows us to truly dream as if anything were possible. So Neptune retrogrades can be deeply introspective time periods—but ones that require extra reality checks (remember, the blurring).

During Neptune retrograde you may have felt like retreating or escaping from the world. This may have been a healing process for you, or one that lured you back to a destructive habit.

“Just this once” may have become famous last words you uttered while Neptune was in reverse. When the Neptune retrograde ends on December 7, be sure you set up support systems so you don’t give in to toxic temptations. While Neptune intensified its boundary-dissolving effect in its home sign of Pisces, that advice goes double!

Your horoscope for when Neptune retrograde ends

When Neptune retrograde ends on December 7, read how you can move forward as the planet does. With Neptune in Pisces, it’s still a “misty time, but there are clear actions you can take.

Below are horoscopes for every zodiac sign. You may read for your Sun sign or your rising sign (ascendant). Visit our Cosmic Calculators section if you want to calculate your Rising sign or discover more about your personal astrology.

In this Article

Aries (March 19-April 19)

Clarity and confidence return with a vengeance on December 7 as the hazy Neptune retrograde ends ends in your dreamy twelfth house. As the fantasy-spinning planet returns to forward motion in Pisces—alongside a balancing Pisces quarter moon that day—your life and certain goals should come back into focus, just in time to start crafting your New Year’s resolutions for 2025!

If you slipped back into an old pattern, relationship or belief system since Neptune went retrograde on July 2, you can now act out of choice instead of compulsion. This pivot can also stoke your creative and spiritual juices. 

Aries horoscopes, read more!

Taurus (April 19-May 20)

Don’t skip that holiday networking cocktail event or Secret Santa exchange. Taureans are innately aware that it really is who—more than what—you know, and that little touches, like handwritten thank-you notes, make lasting impressions. If you’ve been struggling to find your crew since July 2, relax! Friendships and work collaborations return to an even keel later on December 7 as the befuddling Neptune retrograde ends in your eleventh house of teamwork and resumes forward motion. It’s safe to pick up where you left off before this unnerving retrograde, or turn a new page. Either way, people should be more in sync and eager to work (and play!) together.

Taurus horoscopes, read more!

Gemini (May 20-June 20)

Career confusion or team misunderstandings should clear up starting December 7 as obfuscating Neptune ends a five-month retrograde through your professional tenth house and resumes forward motion. The balancing Pisces quarter moon on this day helps even more. It’s like a short-circuiting light bulb finally switches on and stays on: NOW you can see your way clearly to your most important objectives! If a colleague has been leaning a little too heavily on you, it’s time to give them a little pep talk and remind them that they’ve got their own two feet to stand on. 

Gemini horoscopes, read more!

Cancer (June 20-July 22)

If you’ve felt trapped in a limiting situation since as far back as July, get ready for some wider vistas and room to roam! Sensitive Neptune wraps up a five-month retrograde in Pisces and your ninth house of adventure, growth and higher vision, on December 7. You may have some big ideas but didn’t feel safe or supported in sharing them. But now the confusion is ending as Neptune resumes forward motion, and it’s safe to pursue those passions. You might not be able to keep quiet about some of them! The silver lining could be that with those “bonus” months under your belt, now you’re even clearer and more enthusiastic!

Need a partner in endeavors? Talk to a close friend and see if this resonates. If not, don’t hesitate to go it alone. The balancing Pisces quarter moon stokes your conviction even more on this day that the Neptune retrograde ends. Take the leap!

Cancer horoscopes, read more!

Leo (July 22-August 22) 

It’s been hard at times to tell a real deal from a real disaster ever since deceptive Neptune turned retrograde on July 2, but that’s about to change! The fantasy-spinning planet wraps up a befuddling five-month retrograde through your eighth house of intimacy and eroticism on December 7 and resumes forward motion. You can start to rely on your gut again and follow your heart where it’s leading you. Just don’t ignore any red flags—address them before they spin out of control. A balancing Pisces quarter moon on the same day the Neptune retrograde ends can help you process and release any tough emotions. Onward, Leo!

Leo horoscopes, read more!

Virgo (August 22-September 22)

When your stress levels go down, libido can’t help but go up! And just in time, Virgo. Relationships may have had more thorns than rose petals over the past five months as confusing Neptune shifted into reverse in your seventh house of committed partnerships last July 2. But the bloom is coming back later on December 7 as the nebulous planet wraps up its annual retrograde and resumes forward motion.

Something that was getting off to a sweet start in the summer could have withered on the vine, or you might have witnessed a union come unglued. The most frustrating part may have been your fruitless quest for straight answers! But now you’ll be back in the driver’s seat and can launch a new connection or iron out wrinkles in your existing one. A balancing Pisces quarter moon on the same day the Neptune retrograde ends can give you even more of a boost.

Virgo horoscopes, read more!

Libra (September 23-October 22)

Did you miss the mark on some health and fitness goals over the past five months? No worries, Libra: You’ll have the motivation to give it another go starting December 7. Elusive Neptune has been retrograde in your sixth house of wellness since July 2, driving up temptation even as it drove away self-discipline. But now, the hazy planet resumes forward motion, restoring your resolve and helping you just say no to self-defeating habits. Just in time to get back into a self-care groove before the holiday party season ramps up, you’ll be inspired to eat cleaner, work out more often and prioritize relaxation. 

Libra horoscopes, read more!

Scorpio (October 22-November 21)

Romance gets a big boost on December 7 as Neptune turns direct in Pisces and a balancing quarter moon appears in this sign. Something could have gone sideways over the past five months while hazy Neptune was retrograde in your romantic fifth house.

You may have granted a frog royal status, or a (so you thought) solid connection came unglued at the seams. Single Scorpios might have felt downright invisible! But all that’s scheduled to change as the planet of illusion, confusion and deception corrects course and resumes forward motion. Your instincts will be back on track, and it’s safe to give—or at least lend—your heart to someone. 

Scorpio horoscopes, read more!

Sagittarius (November 21-December 21)

If your home has been anything but sweet for the last five months, you can probably blame befuddling Neptune, which has been retrograde in Pisces and your fourth house domestic quarters since July 2. People have been shady, and you may have clashed with relatives and roommates or just found peaceful vibes an elusive concept. But on December 7, the foggy planet corrects course, putting an end to the confusion and conflict.

If you’re still harboring a grudge against someone, resolve to let that go: You may be the only thing standing in the way of a harmonious reconciliation! Have you been considering a move? Once the Neptune retrograde is over, you can, too. But don’t buy into a dream. Make sure you ask the tough questions and perform your due diligence. A balancing Pisces quarter moon on the same day helps you get anchored in your emotional truth. Trust your intuition!

Sagittarius horoscopes, read more!

Capricorn (December 21-January 19)

Illusory Neptune, which has been retrograde in your third house of communication and cooperation since July 2, corrects course on December 7, helping collaborations and certain relationships get back on track. You’ve had enough of flaky people who are all talk but no action. Once the Neptune retrograde ends, you’ll know who to turn to and how to manage your expectations. Give folks with a positive track record a chance. Even steady types have their unreliable moments. Need to clear the air? The same day also features a quarter moon in Pisces, which will help you speak your mind in a balanced way. Make sure to listen and talk in equal doses. 

Capricorn horoscopes, read more!

Aquarius (January 19-February 18) 

Money might have gotten a little funny over the past five months as illusory Neptune made a retrograde backspin through your second house financial sector beginning July 2. Some Water Bearers could simply have been mindless about saving and spending, doing far more of the latter than the former. Others may have TRIED to keep things in balance but got blindsided by an unexpected bill or expense.

The good news is that on December 7, the cosmic trickster resumes forward motion, and you’ll be able to get clarity—and control—over your moola once again. Take advantage of this course correction and set some early resolutions for next year. If you’re saving for a new car or dream vacation, arrange to have funds directly transferred from your paycheck to a special account—that you don’t TOUCH till you reach your goal! With a balancing quarter moon in Pisces the same day the Neptune retrograde ends, it’s a great moment to get your finances on track.

Aquarius horoscopes, read more!

Pisces (February 18-March 20)

You may have gone through a bit of an identity crisis over the past five months as your galactic guardian, gauzy Neptune, spun backward through your sign and first house of personality. Since July 2, you might have questioned everything from key relationships to your professional trajectory. But that’s vanishing in the rearview on December 7 as nebulous Neptune corrects course and the clouds clear. A balancing Pisces quarter moon further stabilizes you on that same day the Neptune retrograde ends.

While Neptune’s reversal could have been painful at times, the upside is that you may have discovered dormant sides to yourself that you’re now eager to explore. Your inner artiste or innovator will finally rouse from a long slumber and lead you to new pursuits. You don’t have to have all the answers: In fact, you’re more interested in seeing where your questions lead!

Pisces horoscopes, read more!

More Neptune

Because of its distance from the Sun, Neptune has a huge orbit to make. It takes 165 years to circle el Sol, and therefore spends an average of 14-15 years in each of the zodiac signs. Like the other outer planets, Neptune is retrograde annually, and for about five months.

Every Neptune cycle shapes a generation. It directs the music that moves us, spiritual ideologies that resonate with mass culture, and the way we live out our dreams.

Key Neptune dates in 2025

March 30: Neptune moves into Aries
July 4: Neptune retrograde in Aries
October 22: Neptune retrograde in Pisces
December 10: Neptune direct in Pisces

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The AstroTwins

Identical twin sisters Ophira and Tali Edut, known as The AstroTwins, are the founders of Astrostyle.com and the authors of multiple bestselling astrology books. Their horoscopes reach millions here and through their resident astrologer column at ELLE Magazine.