Saturn Retrograde Is Over! 8 Actions You Can Take When the Fog Lifts | The AstroTwins
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Saturn Retrograde Is Over! 8 Bold Actions To Take When the Fog Lifts in November

Taskmaster Saturn straightens out on November 15 after a long retrograde period in healing, watery Pisces. You’re about to pick up the pace on pretty much everything! Here are 8 ideas to get you started, for Saturn direct through July 2025.

Got stalled plans? We get it. Since June 29, Saturn retrograde brought plenty of soul-searching, inner growth and harsh but necessary lessons.

You may have learned a lot about trust, vulnerability, surrender and forgiveness. No one would call a cycle like this fun, but the growth and maturity that it can facilitate is priceless.

The best news when the Saturn retrograde ends on November 15? You can kick off the cement-soled shoes you feel you’ve been wearing and pick up your pace. Resume your stalled goals and plans with confidence with Saturn direct in Pisces, until July 13, 2025. 

Saturn is about halfway through its transit of Pisces, which began on March 7, 2023. With the mature planet in this sensitive zodiac sign, it’s opened a powerful window for you to explore your faith and heal from past triggers and traumas. It’s heavy stuff, but think of it this way: when your world is in order, it’s a whole lot easier to navigate the external world. 

How to rev stalled engines when Saturn retrograde ends

Structure-hound Saturn’s backspin caused some major slowdowns with your biggest projects and plans. It forced you back to the drawing board to ensure everything you were building was planted on a solid foundation.

As Saturn pulls itself out of the ditch on November 15 (at 9:20 AM EST), let’s heave a soulful sigh of relief. There’s work to do—sure, lots of it—but with the planet that rules time management back on track, we can get engines whirring in an efficient way.

8 Action-plans for when the Saturn retrograde ends

1. Patch things over with “the authorities.”

You may have found yourself in some hot water if you challenged authority. Or, did you give someone too much power over yourself? Cooler, clearer heads prevail when Saturn retrograde ends.

2. Pay your dues.

Frustrated about protocol? You’re not alone. This is Saturn’s bidding, however, and we promise you’ll thank the zodiac’s teacher for his due diligence soon enough.

3. Build skills through repetition.

Got an artistic or spiritual gift to contribute to the world? Practice the skills that lead to mastery. 

4. Create solid structures to support your ambitions.

Saturn doesn’t let you cut corners without consequence. Create solid structures now to support your goals. Do all the behind-the-scenes planning for your big projects.  

5. Assess your goals.

Do they light you up anymore? Maybe the reason you’re spinning your wheels is they’re out-dated or pointed in the wrong direction. Revise long-term plans as needed.

6. Connect to your supporters and mentors.

Haven’t seen them in how long? Make a plan. What about healthy role models? Find them. If you’re forging a career path, network with influencers and strengthen important connections that will advance you.

7. Figure out what you were/are supposed to learn from the struggle.

The weight of a Saturn retrograde can feel like you’re at a point of no return, but rest assured, as the Saturn retrograde ends, the heaviness starts to make sense. Through these teachable moments, you will find the confidence to move forward and onward.

8. Help someone else.

With mature Saturn correcting course, mentorship opportunities may become available—a great way to give back! Contribute to someone else’s development by sharing the wisdom of your own experience. 

The Saturn retrograde “station period” requires patience

Saturn is like a personal trainer breaking you down, revealing your weak spots and forcing you to do the heavy lifting so you can get stronger. Its retrograde phase—which lasts 4-5 months annually—is akin to falling off the wagon. It’s easy to slip into bad habits and adopt self-destructive habits.

As you course-correct, be patient with yourself if things don’t change overnight. While Saturn retrograde ends and the planet goes into direct (forward) motion, it first enters what astrologers call its “station” period. When a planet stations, it appears to be standing still. Imagine when you’re on a moving train that suddenly stops, jerking backward, then forward. Stationing cycles can shake things up in our world even more. Patience is required!

And that’s not all: The “shadow” period that follows a retrograde could have you feeling residual effects of the retrograde for several weeks after the Saturn retrograde ends on November 15. Saturn’s stationing will take until November 28 (Thanksgiving in the U.S.)!

But wait, there’s more! November 15 also marks arrival of the year’s last supermoon, the Taurus full moon. Check your daily horoscope, too, to never miss a detail!

Feature art by Rosie Dienhart

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The AstroTwins

Identical twin sisters Ophira and Tali Edut, known as The AstroTwins, are the founders of and the authors of multiple bestselling astrology books. Their horoscopes reach millions here and through their resident astrologer column at ELLE Magazine.