The March 2024 Pisces New Moon (Supermoon) Opens Fantasy Floodgates | The AstroTwins
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The March 2024 Pisces New Moon (Supermoon) Opens Fantasy Floodgates

The Pisces new moon (and supermoon) on March 10, 2024 (at 5 AM EDT) invites your softer, more receptive side to take the wheel. Here’s why you might want to surrender control and immerse yourself in a creative process. Plus, your sign’s horoscope!

The fantasy floodgates open when the year’s only new moon in Pisces awakens everyone’s wildest imaginings on Sunday, March 10. And those visions come double strength thanks to Neptune, the ruler of Pisces, traveling in tandem with the new moon. Sidenote! March 10 is also Daylight Savings Time; remember to spring ahead!

The spiritual veil is thin during the Pisces new moon, making this is one of the best times of the year to download divine inspiration. Get yourself into a quiet space where you can receive the guidance of your inner voice. Extra, extra: The Pisces new moon forms a  supportive sextile to geeky, innovative Uranus, encouraging you to try some “imagineering.” Perhaps those wild dreams are more doable than you realize.

The Pisces new moon offers a blank canvas for creatives

As the sky goes dark during a new moon, it’s like having a clean slate upon which to create. Think of the March 10 Pisces new moon as a chance to reboot all things Piscean in your life—no matter what your zodiac sign is.

You could:

  • Start an artistic venture or a meditation practice
  • Pick up a musical instrument
  • Try your hand at writing poetry
  • Sign up for training in a spiritual modality, like learning to read Tarot cards or exploring plant medicine
  • Check out our Pisces new moon ritual article for tons of ideas to start something new

Remember there are no “shoulds”—Pisces energy is firmly “don’t tell me what to do.” The Pisces new moon encourages you to find your own way.

The Pisces new moon amplifies feelings

You can expect to feel more compassionate, free-flowing, artistic, spiritually aware and dreamy. Use this new moon energy to kick off a new practice or start a creative project (as mentioned above) or deepen your connection to someone you care about. 

But first, what needs to drain away?

Emotions are the domain of the Fish, Pisces is one of the zodiac’s three water signs (along with Cancer and Scorpio). A Pisces new moon provides both a reflecting pool and a chance to plunge into the depths of your own feelings. From that open state, divine guidance flows in.

But first, is there anything you need to drain away? Since Pisces is the last of the three water signs—and the 12th zodiac sign—it connects to endings and transitions.

The Pisces new moon also reveals where you need to refill the metaphoric pond with fresh water. Have you allowed feelings to get murky and boundaries to blur? While you may not resolve matters overnight, pay attention to where situations feel heavy. 

And grab your life raft!

You don’t have to drown in the emotion ocean! Let the Pisces new moon throw you a life raft. This compassionate energy is great for making amends—and also for forgiving yourself.

​​The 2024 Pisces New Moon Is A Supermoon

Every 27-29 days, there is a new moon, a night when the sky goes dark and the Sun and moon align at the same degree and zodiac sign. The Pisces new moon occurs annually during Pisces season, between February 18 and March 20 (this date differs from year to year).

During a supermoon, the new moon arrives at the closest possible distance to the Earth. Its fresh-start momentum can be amplified, so spring into action when and where you feel the urges. 

Love and the Pisces new moon: Secret desires revealed

Harboring a secret desire? The floodgates to fantasy open with the Pisces new moon. Surrender and see what happens if you follow the flow of your imagination.

This boundary-blurring new moon can give you the confidence to go beyond your fears and bare your soul. Nothing ventured, nothing gained!

The March 2024 new moon in selfless Pisces brings a golden opportunity to be the supportive angel of your lover’s dreams. But also…

Heed this planetary PSA: Compassion does not equal codependence!

This sacrificial lunation may find you playing the role of caretaker instead of companion. It’s great to lend a hand when people need extra support. But if you’re feeling drained, set boundaries around your availability. A healthy “no” or “not right now” saves you from resentment in the future and lays the groundwork for a healthier relationship that ensures everyone pulls their weight.

Check in with yourself before you offer up your time, energy and resources. Is compassion veering into caretaking terrain or even codependence? “Giving” feels best when it comes wrapped in your boundaries. Measured generosity spares you future resentment, and you’ll avoid putting pressure on a relationship.

Your Horoscope for The Pisces New Moon

Below are horoscopes for every zodiac sign for the Pisces new moon on Sunday, March 10 (at 5 AM EDT). You can read for your Sun sign or your rising sign (ascendant). Visit our Cosmic Calculators if you want to find your Rising sign or discover more about your personal astrology. And follow your daily horoscopes at to never miss a detail!

​​Try one of our many Pisces new moon rituals, too!

Your horoscope for the Pisces new moon and Supermoon:

Aries (March 21-April 19)

The March 10 Pisces new moon electrifies your twelfth house of healing and helps you release something or someone that’s passed its expiration date. This is a perfect time for a fresh start. If you’re finally ready to shed that self-defeating behavior or toxic relationship, make a clean break. Take the next six months (until the corresponding full moon and lunar eclipse on September 17) if you must. Relax, but don’t get lost in your meditation cave because ambition is calling! Aries horoscopes, read more!

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

The year’s only Pisces new moon in your eleventh house kicks off an amazingly productive six-month cycle. The eleventh house rules your social and digital life. Talk to marketing-savvy friends for promotional tips or your pals in development to see if your brilliant idea for an app is actually viable. Single? Online dating is perfect now, so check out a new app. Not your cup of oolong? Ask friends to make introductions on your behalf. Taurus horoscopes, read more!

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

You can take your big dreams from fantasy to reality on March 10, Gemini, thanks to the year’s only Pisces new moon landing in your tenth house of career ambition and success. Are you ready to launch your 2024 professional plans into orbit? Start taking steps now. Just be sure to tap your patience because it could take until the corresponding Pisces full moon and lunar eclipse on September 17 for these goals to fully manifest.  Gemini horoscopes, read more!

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

The only Pisces new moon of 2024 lands in your intrepid ninth house on March 10. Where on earth do you want to go? For the next six months, the only thing that will hold you back is your own imagination. Spin the globe, Cancer! Travel, adventure, higher education or an entrepreneurial venture could send you in a whole new direction. By the corresponding Pisces full moon and lunar eclipse on September 17, you’re sure to have logged some important miles.  Cancer horoscopes, read more!

Leo (July 23-August 22) 

You’re on fire on March 10, Leo, as the year’s only new moon in Pisces powers up your seductive eighth house. The moon will ratchet up your desires, and it’s easy to get carried away with all the choices. But if you’re playing for keeps, make sure your other half is, too. Those one-hit wonders will never satisfy you. Leo horoscopes, read more!

Virgo (August 23-September 22)

The year’s only Pisces new moon lights a fire in your seventh house of partnership on March 10, amping up your desire for genuine commitment. Single? A budding romance could deepen quickly, and you’ll know whether this is a keeper or a “one and done” chump. (If the latter, drop it like it’s NOT hot.) Longtime couples may rediscover the spark that brought you together in the first place. This new moon can also help a fledgling business venture or creative collaborative reach critical mass.  Virgo horoscopes, read more!

Libra (September 23-October 22)

The only Pisces new moon of 2024 amps up your sixth house of health and fitness on March 10. Lace up your trainers and chase after the wellness wagon! Don’t aim for “perfection”; come up with some strategies you can stick with—and enjoy doing. You don’t have to give up red wine or everything with gluten or sugar in it. Just enjoy those treats in moderation and make sure your plate is 80 percent packed with the good stuff like lean proteins, superfoods and greens. Libra horoscopes, read more!

Scorpio (October 23-November 21)

The only Pisces new moon of 2024 churns up the energy in your passionate, glamorous fifth house on March 10, the best possible news for one the zodiac’s incurable romantics. The challenge will be allowing yourself to get a little carried away by someone who seems to have it all—yet still do your due diligence. Attached? Make sure your S.O. shows appreciation for you. If not, give a refresher course. And, uh, so much for your rep as the brooding person of mystery in the corner! Scorpio horoscopes, read more!

Sagittarius (November 22-December 21)

No need to pack the PJs away, at least not after hours, Sag. On March 10, the year’s only Pisces new moon turns up the heat in your cozy fourth house—possibly on a pot of lentil soup. In between shindigs, reconnect to your domestic side. If your abode is a noisy den of activity, find at least a corner you can make all your own. You may be inspired to feather your nest or bring some flowy feng shui energy into your space. How about a crafting corner or a writing nook? Sagittarius horoscopes, read more!

Capricorn (December 22-January 19)

Still looking for your kindred-spirits? Narrow your search radius on March 10. The Pisces new moon falls in your third house of local socializing, and it could point you toward intriguing new people. Get to know them before you become a card-carrying member of the squad, though. If you’re thinking about working together, test the waters with a trial project. It could hit pay dirt by the corresponding full moon and lunar eclipse on September 17.  Capricorn horoscopes, read more!

Aquarius (January 20-February 18) 

On March 10, the only Pisces new moon of 2024 falls in your second house of finances, kicking off a six-month cycle of upward mobility. Of course you’ve got goals, but how specific are they? It’s not enough to want “a well-paying job.” Write down the amount you want to be earning by the end of the year. Then create a step-by-step plan that will lead to that objective. Leave room for the universe to work its magic, though! Aquarius horoscopes, read more!

Pisces (February 19-March 20)

Welcome to your personal new year on March 10, courtesy of 2024’s only Pisces new moon. This lunation kicks off a super-charged six months and one opportunity after another for fresh starts. The sky’s the limit, Pisces, especially since this new moon manifests with the full moon and lunar eclipse on September 17. But it’s up to you to chart a course and steer your ship in the direction you want to sail. Focus on your dreams, and don’t let anyone tell you they’re not realistic. Pisces horoscopes, read more!

When is the next new moon?

The next new moon is on April 8, 2024, in Aries (it’s also the next supermoon, and a total solar eclipse)

When is the next new moon and full moon in Pisces?

• The next new moon in Pisces is on February 28, 2025.

• The next full moon in Pisces on September 17, 2024. 

Read even more about new moons

New moons reset the monthly lunar cycle. Astrologers treat these occurrences as ultra-powerful moments to set intentions, start fresh and begin projects anew. Learn more about new moons in astrology here.

Learn all about each of the 2024 new moons here.

Feature art by Rosie Dienhart


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The AstroTwins

Identical twin sisters Ophira and Tali Edut, known as The AstroTwins, are the founders of and the authors of multiple bestselling astrology books. Their horoscopes reach millions here and through their resident astrologer column at ELLE Magazine.