Happy astrological new year! The zodiac calendar begins anew on March 19, 2024 (at 11:06 PM EDT) with the start of Aries Season and the Spring Equinox. Wipe the slate clean and enjoy four action-packed weeks!
The Spring Equinox catapults us into Aries Season and hits refresh on the cosmic calendar (in tropical/Western astrology). This energetic, physical fire sign snaps us out of winter hibernation and prompts us to get moving.
Every 30 days or so, the Sun visits a new zodiac sign. During this “season” everyone feels the energy of this prevailing astrological sign, no matter what your Sun sign horoscope may be. Here is everything you need to know about the astrology of Aries season, plus your horoscope!
The Astrology Advantage
Fasten your seatbelt: Aries season plants a foot firmly on the accelerator
Aries Season always begins with the Spring Equinox, which makes sense since the first zodiac sign, is all about novelty. No matter what your zodiac sign is, though, Aries Season means: out with the old, in with the new!
With the Sun in originality seeking Aries, you can turn up the volume on both life and love. Yep, it’s officially “go!” time for us all.
But warning: Aries does not have an “off” switch. So don your safety gear during this wild, four-week ride, which is bound to break every speed limit.
And that leads us to one more thing…
Aries season 2024 comes with a side of Mercury retrograde
We welcome the second Mercury retrograde of 2024, from April 1-25 (the dates of Aries Season are March 19 to April 19, 2024).
With Mercury jamming communication, this year’s solar cycle comes with extra challenges. Offset by tempering any selfish urges, and notice when your impatience starts breaking the aforementioned speed limit.
Since Aries is the first sign of the zodiac, we all want to be No. 1 during Aries Season. Healthy competition is great, but don’t go overboard with that main character energy, ok? Instead, cast your eyes firmly on your prize and then share the glory with your ensemble cast.
How to tame the frenetic energy of Aries Season
The pioneer and trailblazer of the horoscope wheel, Aries energy helps us initiate, fight for our beliefs and fearlessly put ourselves out there. Below are some examples of ways to harness the Aries energy (be sure to check out our Aries Season Rituals too!)
- Replace crafting supplies with garden tools. Head outside and get your hands dirty. (Spring bulb planting, anyone? Dig out a new garden spot? Start seeds indoors that you can plant outside when your area’s frost date has passed.)
- Swap (or reduce!) binge-watching marathons for breezy walks in nature. The spirit of renewal is in the air, and soon enough, you’ll be fired up by the Ram’s daring initiative, eager to embrace the next adventure.
- Break free from groupthink and act independently, push the envelope.
- Try something new and have fun dabbling!
Love blooms (fast) during Aries Season
New friendships and virtual flirtations sprout like spring crocuses as the life-giving Sun arrives in Aries. Exhilarating as this feels, don’t invest too much too fast. Text trysts and late-night wooings may be fire hot, but many fizzle as fast as they sizzle, thanks to the Ram’s impulsive influence. And even if they don’t, how much sexier is it to stay grounded in your own individuality and power? (SO much!)
When out on dates or just interacting with your boo, keep your argumentative streak in check. Debates can heat up quickly with the Sun in this sign, ruled by combative Mars. What starts as an innocent dialogue about loading the dishwasher could quickly devolve into a heated, bridge-burning exchange. When tempers start flaring, call a time-out.
Your Aries Season Horoscope
Below are horoscopes for every zodiac sign for Aries Season, from March 19 to April 19, 2024. You can read for your Sun sign or your rising sign (ascendant). Visit our Cosmic Calculator section if you want to calculate your Rising sign or discover more about your personal astrology.
Embrace the energy of the season with one of our many Aries Season rituals, too!
Your Aries season horoscope:
Aries (March 21-April 19)
That little light of yours? Let it shine, Aries! Your birthday season begins March 19 as the Sun shimmers in your sign until April 19. If you’ve hit nothing but roadblocks for the past few weeks, don’t worry. You’re about to make one of your legendary comebacks. In between pampering yourself and posing for photo opps, take a fresh look at your personal goals and desires. Focus on projects that truly light your fire and let go of anything that threatens to extinguish that flame. There’s no telling where that go-getter mindset will lead you over the next four weeks. Aim high! Aries horoscopes, read more!
Taurus (April 20-May 20)
Give it a rest, Taurus, and we mean that in a good way! With the Sun in your rejuvenating twelfth house until April 19, you’ll find it impossible to push yourself into “beast mode.” Don’t resist this four-week timeout; instead, allow yourself a moment to refill your cup and make self-care a priority. Whether it’s weekly massages, intensive therapy or a watercolors workshop, clearing your mind is a must. And if within that quiet time, you decide to let some things go (which you might since the twelfth house rules endings and may prompt a need for closure), do so gently. When stuck, reach out for support! You’re not alone in this, Bull. Taurus horoscopes, read more!
Gemini (May 21-June 20)
Rally your soul squad, Gemini! The Sun bursts into Aries and your communal eleventh house, igniting the spirit of bonhomie until April 19. Over the next four weeks, you’ll fully embrace the phrase “There is no ‘I’ in team.” Be fearless about sharing your idealistic visions with any group you’re a part of. Champion people’s causes while also asking for the support that YOU need. Don’t limit your imagination when it comes to fostering connections. Tap into tech and keep building a network that extends around the world. Gemini horoscopes, read more!
Cancer (June 21-July 22)
Tis the season for making money moves, Cancer! Opportunities come rushing in March 19 as the Sun blazes into Aries and your tenth house of success. With these solar cells fueling your ambitions until April 19, keep a keen eye out for “growth opportunities.” Maybe it’s an internal promotion, a profitable side hustle or a freelance gig for a major client. Your busy extracurricular schedule could take a hit, but you can still “weekend” with friends. Pro tip: Socialize strategically for the next four weeks. A business deal might be hatched over brunch! Cancer horoscopes, read more!
Leo (July 23-August 22)
When you’ve gotta go, you’ve gotta go, Leo. And starting March 19, that means giving in to your burning desire to see the world. The Sun trails into Aries and gives life to your travel-loving ninth house until April 19. Over the coming month, you could pack up for a grand adventure or explore uncharted territory through a self-development workshop. (How about the best of both worlds, like a retreat in a tropical location?) Not in a position to go “away” right now? Save up for an Airbnb weekend in a part of your city that you’ve always wanted to explore—and possibly even plant roots in someday. Leo horoscopes, read more!
Virgo (August 23-September 22)
A sexy spring awakening erupts March 19 as the Sun makes a beeline for Aries and your erotic eighth house. You’ve always been a hottie, Virgo, but between March 19 and April 19, your powers of attraction could level up to “utterly exothermic.” Reserve your heat for people who can go the distance. A relationship may be one clarifying conversation away from a full commitment. No more vagueness: Let your desire for exclusivity be known! But be aware of who you let into your circle of influence. Newcomers may arrive with hidden agendas, and groupies will drain your energy! Virgo horoscopes, read more!
Libra (September 23-October 22)
Over the past four weeks, you took a deep dive into your work—and hopefully all those systems you set up are flowing smoothly. On March 19, as the Sun zips into Aries and your seventh house of dynamic duos, you can shift your focus back to relationship-building: a Libra’s raison d’etre! Until April 19, try some “synchronized swimming” with people whose strengths complement your own. Did a certain connection hit a lull? Set a date for some relationship reboot time and keep it fun. The couple that plays together slays together! Libra horoscopes, read more!
Scorpio (October 23-November 21)
Sloooowwwit down, Scorpio. After four weeks of nonstop action (and a few hedonistic detours), the Sun beams into Aries and your “back to basics” sixth house. The focus between March 19 and April 19 is on daily work and healthy habits. Life will still be busy, but follow the rule of K.I.S.S. and simplify, downsize and Konmari. Take your workouts to the park and unwind with sign-appropriate pursuits like crafting, crossword puzzles or strumming chords on a guitar. Personal development could be another path to feeling sexy until April 19. There’s nothing hotter than a Scorpio who knows and loves thyself! Scorpio horoscopes, read more!
Sagittarius (November 22-December 21)
The spotlight is on you, Sagittarius… and don’t even bother pretending that you don’t love it! The dramatic Sun makes a grand entrance into Aries and your fifth house of flash, bringing out the fame monster in you until April 19. Embrace center-stage status in a way that suits you. Maybe it’s teaching or doing daily Instagram Lives or honing your comedic chops at open-mic night. Ready for a new look? With Mercury turning retrograde from April 1 to 25, hurry up and make those changes. After that, all that glitters might not be gold, but a bit of shimmer—from earrings to metallic clothes—just feels right. Sagittarius horoscopes, read more!
Capricorn (December 22-January 19)
File for an extension… on hygge season, Capricorn! With the Sun simmering in Aries and your domestic fourth house until April 19, you’ll enjoy being in your home-alone zone. Don’t sleep on the cherry blossoms, but if you prefer to spend the bulk of your chill time on your couch, we totally get it. When you decide to invite others into your sacred space, start small and intimate. Host a brunch with dear friends or invite a beloved relative to visit for a long weekend. Hi Mom! Capricorn horoscopes, read more!
Aquarius (January 20-February 18)
You were born to wander, Aquarius, but don’t take every grand adventure to faraway lands. The Sun beams into Aries and your locally grown third house. Quelle surprise! You’ll actually feel pulled to work and play in your own zip code between March 19 and April 19. Mix it up: Volunteer at a neighborhood nonprofit, wander through mom-and-pop shops, sample new eating and drinking venues. (Time to follow that banh mi food truck on Instagram and IRL!) No matter your GPS coordinates, don’t drift into your own world, as you’ve been known to do. Stay in the moment and make connections with the people in your neighborhood! Aquarius horoscopes, read more!
Pisces (February 19-March 20)
Your birthday season draws to a close on March 19, but there’s still plenty of reason to turn up! The Sun will spend the next four weeks in Aries, dazzling your second house money zone until April 19. Have no regrets as you shift from party mode to priority mode. Whatever you’ve conjured up in your vivid Pisces imagination can now evolve from dream to reality. Although you know better than anyone how to be flexible when needed, a solid plan is a must. But with a realistic budget and outlined goals, you’ll open the door to fresh opportunities ANDcash flow. Pisces horoscopes, read more!
More about the Spring Equinox in astrology
Aries season always corresponds with the vernal equinox.
Equinox translates into “equal night.” It is one of only two days annually when the Sun sits on the Earth’s equator, blessing both hemispheres with equal ray action. As a result, most places on the planet have a rare, 24 hours of nearly uniform daylight and nighttime hours.
The first day of Aries season is viewed as a vital time to examine your internal balance. While you shine bright (like a diamond) are you also delving into introspection and shadow work? It’s kind of like finding that equilibrium between your own day and night states.
Artwork created for The AstroTwins by Bodil Jane
What’s happening in the stars for you today? Read your daily, weekly and monthly horoscope for your sign here>