Weekly Horoscopes for May 15-21, 2023 | The AstroTwins
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Weekly Horoscopes for May 15-21, 2023

Here’s what’s happening in astrology this week

The astrology shaping your weekly horoscopes for May 15-21.

The week starts off on a sensitive note—protect your heart accordingly

Sensitivity alert! Monday, May 15, is not the time to play fast and loose with your opinions. Aggravating Mars in soft-hearted Cancer brings a tinderbox of fragile feelings to compassionate Neptune in Pisces, setting the scene for big emotions and even bigger reactions. As they form a free-flowing trine, this is a day to exercise restraint. Instead of blowing up, take a deep breath and look inward to find your serenity. Take extra care to be respectful of people’s triggers—you never know when you might accidentally set one off. If you’ve been bottling things up, however, this planetary connection could pop the cork and let it all come gushing out.

Major news comes Tuesday as Jupiter heads into Taurus for a year—its first time here since 2012!

Starting Tuesday, advancing one step at a time will get you to your destination faster (and more safely!) than making a giant leap. Supersizer Jupiter beams into sensual, stabilizing Taurus for 12 months, teaching us all how to make practical magic. The red-spotted planet in this position could bring financial growth and turn one of your ideas into an entrepreneurial success. No need to come up with any wild escapades under down-to-earth Taurus’ reign. Your most brilliant concept could be hiding in plain sight. The simpler the better! Jupiter’s last visit here was from June 2011 to June 2012, so look back to that time for clues of what may resurface after May 16.

Brace for power struggles midweek—and do your best to NOT get sucked in

But brace yourself! Midweek, there could be a massive power struggle accompanying the red-spotted titan’s noteworthy shift! As pioneering Jupiter in Taurus locks into a challenging square with power monger Pluto in Aquarius, intense forces pull us in dueling directions. On the one hand, there’s a current sweeping us toward major change, demanding that we try a radically new way of doing things. An equally strong force will resist these new attempts: If it ain’t broke, why fix it? With these two dominant planets at the negotiating table, compromise won’t be comfortable—or easy to find.

Soothe your senses on Friday with the Taurus New Moon–you’re gonna need it

On Friday, come back to your senses—all five of them—as the year’s only new moon in Taurus (11:53AM EDT) focuses your attention on the physical and material world. Here’s the invitation to get back into your body—the invitation Jupiter was TRYING to send out on Tuesday and perhaps the moment we’ll all begin to feel the effects of this mega planet’s transit into the Bullpen. Slow down and savor the pleasures you might normally rush right through: the first sip of morning coffee, the feel of your softest sweater against your skin, a tree-lined view on your commute to work.

This megadose of Taurean stability couldn’t come at a better time since the spring has been filled with so much radical change and retrograde madness. Take a clear-eyed look at the practical pieces of your life, such as budget and schedule. Could you cut back on expenses, contribute more to your retirement fund or arrange your appointments so they don’t disrupt your most productive work hours? Since new habits are supported by this lunar liftoff, try adding a practice like morning meditations or cardio workouts that you do the same four days every week. In the coming six months, you’ll see real-life results if you create a simple, sustainable plan. Less is more!

Summon your inner Queen Charlotte as red-hot Mars struts into Leo from Saturday ‘til July 10

Let your inner big cat roar this Saturday, May 20, as fierce Mars charges into Leo for the first time in two years. And throw in a little performance art if you wish! With everyone vying for the spotlight, standing out will require extra effort. Good thing there’s no such thing as “too much” during this transit, which lasts until July 10. Wardrobe, hair and makeup: Why not? As long as you remember that a warm personality and contagious enthusiasm will outshine any OOTD. Leo’s rule? Lead with your heart and accessorize from there.

For lovers, this fierce connection can cause friction, but instead of fighting it out via text or over dinner, take that feisty energy to the bedroom. (Something that could become truly habit-forming once sultry Venus joins Mars in Leo on June 5!) Mars in Leo can awaken lust-out-loud, sheet-tangling passion. (Did someone say makeup sex?) Just beware—this cycle begins with a Mars-Pluto opposition on May 20, which could drive up dormant desires but also a boatload of suppressed resentment that may need to be cleared first. To the most courageous will go the spoils!

Your weekly horoscopes for May 15-21 by zodiac sign

What’s does this week’s horoscope forecast for your zodiac sign? The AstroTwins’ weekly horoscopes for May 15-21, 2023, reveal what the planets have in store. How to use astrology to navigate!

You can read the weekly horoscopes for May 15-21 for your Sun sign or your rising sign (ascendant). Visit our Cosmic Calculator section if you want to calculate your Rising sign or discover more about your personal astrology.

Aries Daily horoscope

Aries (March 21-April 19) weekly horoscope for May 15-21

There’s spring cleaning, and then there’s DEEP cleaning, and your home and personal life could be ripe for both treatments this week! On Monday, May 15, Mars in Cancer and your domestic fourth house taps into the soulful vibes of Neptune in your twelfth house of endings and healing. So as you’re sweeping away the dust bunnies and tackling the clutter, think about the busted equipment, ill-fitting clothes and inbox of mail you’ll never read. All this is an energetic drain on your psyche. Objects carry a charge, Aries, and under this fast-moving transit, you may Keep reading your Weekly Aries Horoscope

Taurus daily horoscope

Taurus (April 20-May 20) weekly horoscope for May 15-21

Call for backup! Before you bite off more than you can chew, o’ ruminant one, lean in to the support of your vast friend network! On Monday, May 15, as proactive Mars spins into a supportive 120-degree trine with sensitive Neptune, YOU stand to benefit from turning to Team Toro. In fact, if others are closely involved in your current project, then you actually should check in with them before you make a unilateral decision on their behalf. And in the process, you can probably harvest some honey from the hivemind. Mars can make you anxious to put plans into effect, but foggy Neptune suggests Keep reading your Weekly Taurus Horoscope

Gemini Daily Horoscope

Gemini (May 21-June 20) weekly horoscope for May 15-21

A positive pivot for your finances may happen with surprising ease on Monday, May 15, as driven Mars revs through your financial sector and forms a supportive mashup with thoughtful Neptune in your professional zone. Not only might your cash start flowing in the right direction, but this once-every-other-year transit can reconnect you to your sense of purpose. You may need to do some soul-searching to get back in touch with your highest vision for your work life. You don’t have to show anyone, but as an exercise, write a mission statement or refresh your list of intentions. Beyond “a steady paycheck and benefits,” ask yourself Keep reading your Gemini Weekly Horoscope

Cancer Daily Horoscope

Cancer (June 21-July 22) weekly horoscope for May 15-21

With passionate Mars revving through your sign until the weekend, you should feel energized and brimming with confidence. Take that to the bank on Monday, May 15, when the red planet forms a supportive angle with soulful Neptune in your ninth house of adventure and candor. Are you hoping to seal an intimate bond, Crab? No need to be seductive or assertive; try being courageously vulnerable. If you’re feeling a strong connection, gauge their response when you share a few personal details or make your interest obvious. If this is someone you could imagine a future with, why wouldn’t you want to be more transparent? Consider Keep reading your Cancer Weekly Horoscope

Leo Daily Horoscope

Leo (July 23-August 22) weekly horoscope for May 15-21

Step away from the fray on Monday, May 15, Leo: Your emotions may be running high and you could be overly quick to react. And should you feel tensions rise, don’t numb yourself out or try to avoid the situation. Agitator Mars has been rumbling through your unconscious twelfth house, which can make you feel like there’s nowhere to hide, and as the week kicks off, the red planet aligns with escapist Neptune in your equally intense eighth house. If you can Keep reading your Leo Weekly Horoscope

Virgo Daily Horoscope

Virgo (August 23-September 22) weekly horoscope for May 15-21

What’s your leadership style, Virgo—and what’s the smartest thing you can do NOW? If a team mission is heading off the rails, you may need to jump in and grab the wheel this Monday, May 15. You’ll find the right balance of persuasion and diplomacy thanks to a supportive trine between sensitive Neptune and self-guided Mars in your teamwork sector. You know what outcome YOU want; now put yourself in other people’s shoes and think about what would motivate you. Maybe someone’s miffed that they’ve been left out of discussions, or perhaps they’re having issues at home. Start by Keep reading your Virgo Weekly Horoscope

Libra Daily Horoscope

Libra (September 23-October 22) weekly horoscope for May 15-21

Have you been downplaying the role that stress has on your health, Libra? You may have to face the music on Monday, May 15, as distracting (and distractible) Neptune in your sixth house of wellness aligns with fidgety Mars in your future-focused tenth house. You’re capable of absorbing a lot of emotion without exhibiting symptoms, but that’s not necessarily a good thing! If you’re taking it in and not releasing it, where do you think it’s been going? This might be the culprit behind hard-to-pinpoint aches, energy dips and blue moods. If you have Keep reading your Libra Weekly Horoscope

Scorpio Daily Horoscope

Scorpio (October 23-November 21) weekly horoscope for May 15-21

Let love rule—or at least let it in! Monday, May 15, is a perfect day to cash in some comp time if you have it and head for the hills. Any form of adventure will do, and bonus points if you can steal away with your favorite plus-one. As the week kicks off, dreamy Neptune in your romance zone rubs up against passionate Mars in your expansive ninth house, dissolving your resistance to love. Making Keep reading your Scorpio Weekly Horoscope

Sagittarius Daily Horoscope

Sagittarius (November 22-December 21) weekly horoscope for May 15-21

Your indie-spirited sign likes to believe you can do everything by yourself. And while you might able to, the real question is, why WOULD you when there are so many willing and capable helping hands surrounding you? In fact, support may arrive from a surprising source this Monday, May 15, as electrifying Mars in your house of wealth and mergers gets a boost from compassionate Neptune. An unexpected Keep reading your Sagittarius Weekly Horoscope

Capricorn Daily Horoscope

Capricorn (December 22-January 18) weekly horoscope for May 15-21

Cat got your tongue? We’re guessing probably NOT, at least not this Monday, May 15, when intensifying Mars in your seventh house spins into a supportive angle with soulful Neptune in your communicative third. This can speed up all your mental processes, from how you gather information to what you do with it to how you share it! This isn’t necessarily a TMI alert, but do tap your native Capricorn discretion when it comes to spilling personal details about a breakup. (So maybe DON’T tell your boss or the summer intern.) The third house rules Keep reading your Capricorn Weekly Horoscope

Aquarius Daily Horoscope

Aquarius (January 20-February 18) weekly horoscope for May 15-21

Mini detox for your body AND mind, Water Bearer? That might be the perfect way to celebrate this Monday, May 15’s salubrious sync-up of soulful Neptune and motivated Mars in your sixth house of healthy living. We’re talking one day, Aquarius, not the rest of your life, so how hard can it be to swap out happy hour drinks and a heavy dinner for a fresh-brewed kombucha and vegan dragon bowl? While you’re engaging in this self-supportive reality check Keep reading your Aquarius Weekly Horoscope

Pisces Daily Horoscope

Pisces (February 19-March 20) weekly horoscope for May 15-21

You might not be THE reigning drama queen, Pisces, at least not on purpose. But truth be told, every now and then, you do enjoy making a bit of an entrance. A perfect day for that is Monday, May 15, as dashing Mars in Cancer and your theatrical fifth house air-kisses your ruler, dreamy Neptune, in Pisces. Even if you don’t have anywhere to go, glam up, letting yourself be more of a peacock than usual. If you’ve got something Keep reading your Pisces Weekly Horoscope



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The AstroTwins

Identical twin sisters Ophira and Tali Edut, known as The AstroTwins, are the founders of Astrostyle.com and the authors of multiple bestselling astrology books. Their horoscopes reach millions here and through their resident astrologer column at ELLE Magazine.