Weekly Horoscopes for December 11-17, 2023 | The AstroTwins
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Weekly Horoscopes for December 11-17, 2023

December 11-17 astrology you can plan with

The astrology shaping your weekly horoscopes for Monday to Sunday, December 11-17.

The Sagittarius new moon brings an end-of-year jolt of momentum on Tuesday

Are you thinking big enough? This Tuesday, December 12 (at 6:32 PM EST) the year’s only new moon in visionary Sagittarius nudges us all out of the safety zone. Get ready for a bold entry into uncharted terrain or to take a supersized leap of faith.

Got the urge to travel? Even if your journey happens next year, don’t shy away from pressing “book now” on a great bucket-list destination deal. With courageous Mars mashing up with la luna, you’re feeling especially bold and ready to risk big. Multiply your adventurous and horizon-expanding ideas by (at least) ten. But make sure you’ve got a backup plan, since you could be tempted to gamble.

Need some extra motivation? Think about the people you’ll help and inspire as a role model. As healing Chiron breezes by the new moon in a supportive trine, do it for the people who didn’t get a chance—or those who might believe they can when you lead by example. Just keep one toe planted on terra firma, as a square from dreamy Neptune doesn’t exactly scream “practical” when it comes to your exciting plans.

And one day later, Mercury turns retrograde for three weeks (womp womp)

Do you hear what I hear? Absolutely not. Blame it on the static of the last Mercury retrograde of the year, which—we’re sorry to report—begins this Wednesday, December 13 and jams up the signals until New Year’s Day.

With chaos and miscommunications rippling through the rest of 2023, leave absolutely nothing up to chance with holiday plans. While Mercury’s backing up through Capricorn until December 23, set up an online hub with addresses, timelines and dishes and drinks everyone should bring to the celebration. (And plan on sending about five follow-up texts.) If you’re jetting off to ring in the occasion, double check your luggage to make sure you’ve got the essentials—not to mention an extra phone charger and a Kindle.

Delays will be likely, especially when Mercury backs into travel sign Sagittarius on December 23. Choose your fellow partygoers carefully. One divisive debater can ruin everything.

Watch where you’re pointing fingers this Saturday, December 17

Reflect before you project! Hazy Neptune in Pisces is at loggerheads with the Sagittarius Sun, which could leave everyone in a swirl of sticky rumors and questionable data. Finding that nugget of truth could take an entire search party…but then again, is it you that’s obscuring the facts?

As you scour the surface for details, look inward. Out of self-protection, you may be muddying the waters by being evasive, elusive—or avoiding conversations because they feel “difficult.” Unfortunately, these deflections will only arouse more suspicion. Brewing trust issues may be at play. Perhaps this is a red flag that you aren’t as certain about someone as you thought. While you’re soul searching, be on alert for creative inspiration. (Or just escape to a live show or exhibit!) Let that spark flow freely, no rules or feedback allowed.



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Your weekly horoscopes for December 11-17

What’s does this week’s horoscope forecast for your zodiac sign? The AstroTwins’ weekly horoscopes for December 11-17, 2023, reveal what the planets have in store. How to use astrology to navigate!

You can read your weekly horoscopes for December 11-17 for your Sun sign or your rising sign (ascendant). Visit our Cosmic Calculator section if you want to calculate your Rising sign or discover more about your personal astrology.

Aries Daily horoscope

Aries (March 21-April 19) weekly horoscope for December 11-17

Forget about settling into that long winter’s nap, Aries! You have places to go and people to see. This Tuesday, December 12, the new moon in Sagittarius activates your nomadic ninth house. With accelerator Mars at a nearby degree of Sagittarius, you could be “wheels” up on journey before the night is through. If you’re 90% certain you want to book a trip, carpe diem on your reservation. Mercury is turning retrograde on Wednesday (more on that in a sec). Not quite THAT impulsive of an Aries? Start… Keep reading your Weekly Aries Horoscope

Taurus daily horoscope

Taurus (April 20-May 20) weekly horoscope forDecember 11-17

Exactly how permanent ARE you willing to make things, Taurus? Your playing-for-keeps sign could get a lesson in commitment—or commitmentphobia—this Tuesday, December 12, when the freewheeling Sagittarius new moon lands with an ironic twist in your “all in” eighth house. What’s true about this paradox is this: In the right partnership, you feel expansive, not constrained. So if you’ve found someone who makes your horizons feel broader, why NOT give the union an official title?… Keep reading your Weekly Taurus Horoscope

Gemini Daily Horoscope

Gemini (May 21-June 20) weekly horoscope forDecember 11-17

If you’ve been wondering where the Dasher to your Dancer’s been hiding, we’ve got some happy news to report. This Tuesday, December 12, the year’s only new moon in Sagittarius charges up your partnership zone calling for a costume change from a onesie to a twin set. It’s no secret that Geminis are always set to pairing mode. But relationships can easily lose their signal after a short while. Hey, it’s hard to keep the most mentally agile sign of the zodiac enthralled! But stay alert this Tuesday—and since lusty, fearless Mars in Sagittarius is pumping you full of confidence, dare to take initiative! Someone with long-play… Keep reading your Gemini Weekly Horoscope

Cancer Daily Horoscope

Cancer (June 21-July 22) weekly horoscope forDecember 11-17

Launching a holiday health kick is a stretch goal that no one needs to attempt. But when the year’s only new moon in Sagittarius lands in your sixth house of self-care and systems this Tuesday, December 12, you can hew a few energy-zapping habits that are NOT in your best interest. Rather than trying to cut out desserts, for example, think about what might be driving you for repeat visits to the cookie tray. Have you been pushing through at work and skipping meals, effectively dropping your blood sugar to the point where your brain demands quick-burning fuels? (Like those sweet, cardamom-spiced pfeffernusse, yes.) But here’s the good news! Since the sixth house also rules helpful people, you could find an elf on a shelf… Keep reading your Cancer Weekly Horoscope

Leo Daily Horoscope

Leo (July 23-August 22) weekly horoscopefor December 11-17

Raise the velvet curtains and take your rightful place on center stage. Whatever you’ve been working on, it’s time to bring it out into the open and put your name on the world map. This Tuesday, December 12, the year’s only Sagittarius new moon lights up your fifth house of fame, passion and romance. This is the house associated with your scene-stealing sign, and under this lunar lift, you could light up the night sky like a supernova! Between now and May 23, 2024—the date of the corresponding Sagittarius full moon—you could completely revamp your personal brand. If you invest some time or funds into your public profile, it will be well worth it. Eager for a fresh start in love or for renewed passion with your long-term amour? During this new moon, you’ll be an easy target for Cupid’s arrows. Try a new approach… Keep reading your Leo Weekly Horoscope

Virgo Daily Horoscope

Virgo (August 23-September 22) weekly horoscope forDecember 11-17

Blast the holiday playlist and kick up your feet. The year’s only Sagittarius new moon tosses a Yule log into your fourth house of domesticity on Tuesday, December 12. If your seasonal excitement has been muted by the demands of work and family, you can officially get into the spirit now. With playful, energetic Mars also in Sagittarius, appoint yourself the CEO of Frolicking. This lunar lift spotlights your personal life, especially your friends and family. Have you been shortchanging them in the love-and-affection department? Reorder your priorities and give them top billing in your schedule. Get… Keep reading your Virgo Weekly Horoscope

Libra Daily Horoscope

Libra (September 23-October 22) weekly horoscope forDecember 11-17

So many options, so little time! That’s a good reason to “think locally” this week, along with the fact that the new moon in Sagittarius will be charging up your third house of hometown happenings this Tuesday, December 12. See what events and offerings are going down in your own zip code. Who knows? There could be an award-winning winemaker or state-of-the-art podcasting studio in your very own backyard. Community support will be plentiful this week, and if you’ve been wanting to get more involved, this is a great week to chat up business owners or local organizers. With confidence-boosting Mars close to the… Keep reading your Libra Weekly Horoscope

Scorpio Daily Horoscope

Scorpio (October 23-November 21) weekly horoscope forDecember 11-17

Even during the heart of the holiday shopping frenzy, you CAN wrestle finances back under control, Scorpio. (Or at least, begin to.) Consider that your monetary marching order on Tuesday, December 12, when the year’s only new moon in Sagittarius balances the books in your fiscally savvy second house. Check your lists: do you need to stuff every one of those stockings with a pricey treasure? Might you trim a few names off the roster—or opt for a handmade (or homemade) gift that you prepared with love? Sentimental value rarely depreciates, Scorpio. Over the six months ruled by this new moon, you can work down debt and start saving cash. Some belt-tightening may be in order, but look at it as a temporary measure; an investment in your own… Keep reading your Scorpio Weekly Horoscope


Sagittarius (November 22-December 21) weekly horoscope forDecember 11-17

Why yes, Archer, it’s perfectly appropriate to claim this Tuesday, December 12 as your bonus New Year. The year’s only new moon in Sagittarius energizes the skies, providing a springboard into the next six months of personal fulfillment. There couldn’t be a more potent day for making wishes, setting intentions and thinking about goals you’d like to accomplish by the corresponding full moon in your sign on May 23, 2024. Warning: With go-getter Mars, also in Sagittarius, riding shotgun with this new moon, you might feel rushed to make progress. Take a breath! You don’t have to have a ten-point plan mapped out; in fact, getting THAT granular could shortchange an important discovery process. If you’re going to commit to anything, make a promise to… Keep reading your Sagittarius Weekly Horoscope

Capricorn Daily Horoscope

Capricorn (December 22-January 18) weekly horoscope forDecember 11-17

Don’t fall prey to pessimism, Capricorn! One closing door could herald the opening of a brand-new portal. This Tuesday, December 12, the new moon in Sagittarius sends frissons through your spiritual, transitional twelfth house. Make way for miracles—or at least open your mind to the possibility that the universe has a divine plan written just for you. To access the “script,” you’ve gotta do something foreign to your sign: surrender. Letting go allows you to grow, Cap, so wave that white flag with pride! Some situations might be renewed for another season, but with others, you’re better off accepting the irreconcilable differences and moving on. This will lift a huge and heavy burden from your shoulders and bring more honesty to all your relationships. This lunation also ignites a six-month cycle of healing and release. With brave Mars also in Sagittarius, you’ll be ready to look those lingering traumas straight in the eyes. It takes genuine courage to give… Keep reading your Capricorn Weekly Horoscope

Aquarius Daily Horoscope

Aquarius (January 20-February 18) weekly horoscope forDecember 11-17

Let them call you idealistic, Aquarius! You’ll resemble that remark this Tuesday, December 12, when the year’s only new moon in Sagittarius revs up your utopian eleventh house. This hopeful lunar lift won’t sugarcoat any truths. But it WILL activate the “design thinking” part of your brain, giving you (and the rest of the world!) access to your Aquarian gift of envisioning a better future for all. With wars and social inequities happening everywhere you look, it hasn’t been easy for you to summon this spirit. But it’s what’s needed now. Even on a personal level, lean into objectivity and, as much as you possibly can. Try to view group dynamics from a dispassionate place where no sides are taken and everyone’s input counts equally. While you might not find a solution for world peace in one day, you could create a ripple of positive momentum in your corner of the… Keep reading your Aquarius Weekly Horoscope

Pisces Daily Horoscope

Pisces (February 19-March 20) weekly horoscope forDecember 11-17

That big final push could make all the difference this week, Pisces, so keep your shoulder to the wheel! On Tuesday, December 12, the year’s only new moon in Sagittarius switches on the engines in your tenth house of career where it positions you as a professional powerhouse. New moons are starting blocks, so no need to build your metaverse by the end of Q4. But DO visualize where you’d like to land and what you’d like to your job description to look like by the corresponding full moon on May 23, 2024. Results won’t happen by pure magic, though, so early this week, set aside time to map out your six-month goals. This is important for everyone but especially your fantasy-fueled sign, who can be easily distracted. Since the tenth house is also associated with the VIPs, a powerful mentor could come into your world and show you the entry point to… Keep reading your Pisces Weekly Horoscope

Read more for your sign in your December monthly horoscope and astrology forecast.


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The AstroTwins

Identical twin sisters Ophira and Tali Edut, known as The AstroTwins, are the founders of Astrostyle.com and the authors of multiple bestselling astrology books. Their horoscopes reach millions here and through their resident astrologer column at ELLE Magazine.