Weekly Horoscopes for September 11-17, 2023 | The AstroTwins
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Weekly Horoscopes for September 11-17, 2023

Here’s what’s happening in astrology this week

The astrology shaping your weekly horoscopes for September 11-17.

Thursday’s New Moon in Virgo (9:40PM EDT) calls for a life edit

If it’s time for a life edit, you’re in luck. The make-better vibes come flooding in with Thursday’s new moon in Virgo, the only one of 2023. Apply a “clean and green” ethos broadly. Set up a new shelving system and fill your house with plants. Get your budget in order and make sure you’re supporting companies with ethics you can stand behind. Feed your body food that has ingredients it can actually use for fuel. If you’re surrounded by chaos, don’t just contain it—tackle it head-on. Make a thrift store drop, meal plan, do all that laundry, and scrub the baseboards. With innovators Jupiter and Uranus chiming in, make your maintenance plan a “smart” one. Put a system in place and let your devices remind you to keep them up.

Mercury retrograde ends on Friday at 4:21 PM EDT

Chronic miscommunication gives way to clarity as messenger Mercury wakes up from its retrograde that began in Virgo on August 23. After a choppy three weeks, we’ll start seeing eye-to-eye once again. If you’ve been waiting for a clear signal to sign a contract or upgrade your devices, the smoke is clearing now. With Mercury powering forward through this sensible, savvy earth sign until October 4, you have a few good weeks to bring some order back to your court without retrograde glitches running interference. Cue the sigh of relief!

Innovative ideas stream in right after Mercury turns direct!

The confident Sun and spontaneous Uranus unite in a harmonious trine, emboldening you to leap into new terrain. If your gut is telling you to take a chance, this is the day to follow it. But do look both ways before you swan-dive into something that you haven’t researched. The combo of these two impulsive planets can tempt you to abandon common sense. Stuck at a plateau? Mix things up and keep trying different approaches. Under this innovative mashup, your bold and trailblazing attempts could bring a “Eureka!” moment.

Steel your willpower on Sunday when heavenly hedonist Venus and expansive Jupiter clash

Not again! Love planet Venus and generous Jupiter, normally cosmic BFFs, go for one last round on the mat. As they lock into a testy square, they stir up FOMO and a few wandering eyes. But is the grass really greener in another pasture? You won’t see clearly today. That said, you don’t have to settle for less than you want or deserve. And now that we’ve just wrapped a six-week inventory of Venus retrograde, many of us have clarified what our hearts truly desire. Put this into practice, whether with your current amour or a new prospect.


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Your weekly horoscopes for September 11-17

What’s does this week’s horoscope forecast for your zodiac sign? The AstroTwins’ weekly horoscopes for September 11-17, 2023, reveal what the planets have in store. How to use astrology to navigate!

You can read your weekly horoscopes for September 11-17 for your Sun sign or your rising sign (ascendant). Visit our Cosmic Calculator section if you want to calculate your Rising sign or discover more about your personal astrology.

Aries Daily horoscope

Aries (March 21-April 19) weekly horoscope for September 11-17

While you might not be able to get your ducks in a pristine row this week, start nudging them into some sort of straight line. Mercury remains retrograde in Virgo until Friday (at 4:21PM EDT), but with the countdown timer on, you’ll already feel the pull toward an orderly direction all week. That’s especially true… Keep reading your Weekly Aries Horoscope

Taurus daily horoscope

Taurus (April 20-May 20) weekly horoscope forSeptember 11-17

You might not be interested in anything that includes the words “budget” or “economy” this week, but keep an eye on your bottom line, nonetheless. Until this Friday, September 15, Mercury will still be winding down its retrograde through Virgo and your fifth house of glamour, romance and creative expression. Since August 23, satisfying your champagne tastes may have come at a price that wasn’t worth paying. The good news is that you don’t have to dial down the sensuality or passion in order to fulfill your need for luxuriating. (And why should you?) Your earthy sign can still… Keep reading your Weekly Taurus Horoscope

Gemini Daily Horoscope

Gemini (May 21-June 20) weekly horoscope forSeptember 11-17

If you’ve been trying to get home-based initiatives off the ground for the past few weeks without much luck, sit tight. It could be the handiwork of trickster Mercury, who’s been retrograde in Virgo and your domestic fourth house since August 23. That muddling backspin finally ends this Friday, September 15, when the messenger planet pivots back into direct motion, basically waving the checkered flag for all your stalled plans and projects. Been squabbling with relatives or roomies? Bury that hatchet! Haven’t been able to get on the same page with bae? Let… Keep reading your Gemini Weekly Horoscope

Cancer Daily Horoscope

Cancer (June 21-July 22) weekly horoscope forSeptember 11-17

If misunderstandings have been the norm over the past three weeks, don’t blame yourself. Silver-tongued Mercury has been retrograde in Virgo since August 23, during which time scrambled signals and mixed messages are the norm. But this Friday, the cosmic messenger gets back on track and helps you undo all the mix ups that its pivot may have caused. While it motors ahead in your communication sector, you’ll have the mic and can get your ideas out there with a flourish. New kindred spirits could emerge, and you’ll feel… Keep reading your Cancer Weekly Horoscope

Leo Daily Horoscope

Leo (July 23-August 22) weekly horoscope for September 11-17

All kinds of shifts around money and spending have been underway for Leos ever since bean-counting Mercury turned retrograde in Virgo and your second house of values on August 23. But you can get a grip on your budget again starting Friday, when the planet does an about-face and powers forward through Virgo until October 4. If you’re feeling deprived (which, trust us, is just a feeling!), treat yourself to a “closet shopping spree.” With discernment and creativity, you could pull together some fierce looks with… Keep reading your Leo Weekly Horoscope

Virgo Daily Horoscope

Virgo (August 23-September 22) weekly horoscope forSeptember 11-17

This week comes with a double-header of good news for Virgos, which we know you’ll love hearing. Thursday, September 14 marks the annual new moon in your sign—a fresh-start for fall that comes every year near your birthday. But that’s not all. On Friday the 15th, your cosmic custodian Mercury snaps out of retrograde and powers forward through your sign until October 4. We’re not going to lie: Virgo season 2023 has been challenging. The very day it began, August 23, Mercury flipped into reverse, which has made it harder for you to… Keep reading your Virgo Weekly Horoscope

Libra Daily Horoscope

Libra (September 23-October 22) weekly horoscope forSeptember 11-17

If boundaries have been blurrier than a Rorschach ink blob test lately, don’t get down on yourself. Since August 23, trickster Mercury’s been in a muddling retrograde through Virgo and your twelfth house of illusions, making it hard to put your foot down with people, much less figure out what shoes to wear on any given day. (We’re betting the comfortable ones won THAT battle.) Set the countdown timer, Libra. At 4:21PM EDT this Friday, September 15, the messenger planet does an about face and gets back on track. Instead of… Keep reading your Libra Weekly Horoscope

Scorpio Daily Horoscope

Scorpio (October 23-November 21) weekly horoscope forSeptember 11-17

If you’ve basically been ghosted by community spirit lately, don’t give up on Team Scorpio. Masquerading Mercury has been retrograde in your collaborative eleventh house (Virgo) since August 23, throwing group dynamics into a tailspin. Now for the good news: On Friday, September 15, Mercury corrects course, which means by the time you wake up on Saturday, you’ll feel a renewed sense of hope about joining forces with your squad again—or you’ll finally be ready to cut bait and… Keep reading your Scorpio Weekly Horoscope

Sagittarius Daily Horoscope

Sagittarius (November 22-December 21) weekly horoscope forSeptember 11-17

If you’ve been struggling to focus on your goals—let alone gain traction—since August 23, don’t give up! Results start streaming in starting this Friday, September 15, as Mercury wakes up from a three-week retrograde through Virgo and your career zone. This course correction might just feel like the answer to your prayers. Even when you did your best, you encountered a string of red lights and probably felt like you had little control over the outcome. After 4:21PM EDT on Friday, you can hit the gas with confidence that you… Keep reading your Sagittarius Weekly Horoscope

Capricorn Daily Horoscope

Capricorn (December 22-January 18) weekly horoscope forSeptember 11-17

If you’ve been struggling to get something important off the ground, be patient for just a little bit longer, Capricorn. Until Friday, messenger Mercury lingers in retrograde through Virgo and your visionary, expansive ninth house. Since August 23, figuring out “next steps” for anything, whether a travel plan or business venture, may have felt more like wandering through a labyrinth than a productive effort. The good news is… Keep reading your Capricorn Weekly Horoscope

Aquarius Daily Horoscope

Aquarius (January 20-February 18) weekly horoscope forSeptember 11-17

If you’ve been dealing with mysteries, tangled emotions and irresistible attractions for the past three weeks, you’re about to catch some sweet relief. This Friday, September 15, trickster Mercury snaps out of retrograde and resumes forward motion. Whew! With Mercury backing up through Virgo and your eighth house of intimacy, seduction and joint finances since August 23, its effect may have hit you where it hurts most, possibly disrupting a key relationship. But as of 4:21PM EDT on Friday, you’ll begin to… Keep reading your Aquarius Weekly Horoscope

Pisces Daily Horoscope

Pisces (February 19-March 20) weekly horoscope forSeptember 11-17

If you and a certain loved one have been like two ships passing in the night lately, there’s only one planet to blame: Mercury. Since August 23, the cosmic messenger has been spinning retrograde through Virgo and your seventh house of relationships. But don’t start impersonating a ghost, Pisces! (Even if it seems that they have…) At 4:21PM EDT this Friday, September 15, Mercury officially corrects course. As it forward-marches through Virgo until October 4, you can make up for lost time. Whether you’re… Keep reading your Pisces Weekly Horoscope

Read more for your sign in your September monthly horoscope and astrology forecast.

The Astrology Advantage

Are you an Innovator, Authority or Maven? Our new USA Today bestseller THE ASTROLOGY ADVANTAGE will help you unlock your exact success archetype and thrive in your personal and professional goals.

The AstroTwins

Identical twin sisters Ophira and Tali Edut, known as The AstroTwins, are the founders of Astrostyle.com and the authors of multiple bestselling astrology books. Their horoscopes reach millions here and through their resident astrologer column at ELLE Magazine.