Here’s what’s happening in astrology this week
The astrology shaping your weekly horoscopes for September 18-24.
Stay on top of the details as Virgo season winds down
How much is too much? Relying on gut checks and public consensus won’t be the best yardstick this week as the Virgo Sun dances into a pair of mystifying formations. Better break out the measuring cups and read over those Google Analytics reports.
On Tuesday, September 19, the Sun and obfuscating Neptune lock into their annual opposition in the skies. Like shining a light into fog, you’ll only be able to see what’s sitting a few feet in front of your face. The benefit to this muddling mashup is that it allows you to powerfully tune in to the present moment. Pause from strategic planning and postpone those Zooms. Downloads could come while you draw back from the action, especially on Wednesday (or Thursday, depending where you live), when introspective Pluto trines the Sun. Draw from a deep well of inspiration within your own psyche. It might make more sense than you think!
Balance life with “work” during Friday’s quarter moon in Capricorn
Does “work-life” balance sound more like a Zen riddle than an attainable goal? Make some adjustments—fast—under the equalizing beams of Friday’s waxing quarter moon in Capricorn. Achieving feels great, but think through your path to the finish line. Are you spreading yourself too thin when you could easily be delegating tasks? Trying to “do it all” could logjam an important mission. If career goals are elevating your stress levels, make some modifications. Rather than pushing to do one more thing, see what happens if you start logging out and, say, going to yoga to recharge.
Has it been slow going for your career? These brightening moonbeams could illuminate a work opportunity that (re)builds your skill set. Picking up an extra shift or taking a webinar can get you back in the black!
Power to your partnerships! Libra season begins on Saturday, September 23
Drop the lone-wolf routine and gear up for a solar-powered month of joint ventures. The Sun kicks off its annual tour of romantic, fair-minded Libra in the early hours of Saturday. In business AND pleasure, the name of the game is dynamic duos. You’ll increase your chances for happiness and success by keeping an open mind to different types of people—not just those who match the items on your checklist.
Should you belly up to a bargaining table, this diplomatic four-week cycle can help you negotiate an equitable deal. Relationships that you’re already a part of could grow more serious. Add an exclusivity clause, put a ring on it or figure out what the next level of the game is for you!
What zodiac sign is your relationship?

What zodiac sign is your relationship?
Learn the secrets of the composite (blended) chart in SuperCouple, a cosmic care and feeding manual for any relationship. Written by The AstroTwins, astrologers and matchmakers for Amazon Prime Video's Cosmic Love.
Your weekly horoscopes for September 18-24
What’s does this week’s horoscope forecast for your zodiac sign? The AstroTwins’ weekly horoscopes for September 18-24, 2023, reveal what the planets have in store. How to use astrology to navigate!
You can read your weekly horoscopes for September 18-24 for your Sun sign or your rising sign (ascendant). Visit our Cosmic Calculator section if you want to calculate your Rising sign or discover more about your personal astrology.

Aries (March 21-April 19) weekly horoscope for September 18-24
This Tuesday, September 19, you may be in search of “the whole truth,” but that might prove an elusive pursuit. The Sun in straightforward Virgo forms its annual opposition with illusory Neptune in your foggy twelfth house. Whether you’re uncharacteristically gullible or clear answers are in short supply, it’s going to be a herculean task to get to the truth of the matter—let alone verify it. Even if you stumble on an ostensibly reliable trail of breadcrumbs, it may lead you… Keep reading your Weekly Aries Horoscope

Taurus (April 20-May 20) weekly horoscope forSeptember 18-24
Close the opinion polls! It’s not your usual M.O., Bull, to ask everyone’s point of view BEFORE you’ve made up your mind. But on Tuesday, September 19, the once-a-year befuddling opposition of the confident Virgo Sun with nebulous Neptune in your collaborative zone muddies up previously clear waters. Maybe that’s why you can’t seem to make a decision to save your life! And with the Sun in your creative fifth house out of sync with boundary-challenged Neptune, it’s all too easy to get… Keep reading your Weekly Taurus Horoscope

Gemini (May 21-June 20) weekly horoscope forSeptember 18-24
Work-life balance: What’s that? Demands in your personal and professional worlds may clash on Tuesday, September 19, thanks to a testy tug of war between the Sun in service-oriented Virgo and your domestic quarters and boundary-challenged Neptune in your career corner. And frustratingly, at work, you may be brimming with enthusiasm and brilliant ideas, but your focus is scattered. On top of that, you may constantly feel pulled between your own professional and loved ones’ needs, and no matter what you do, it never seems like enough. You CAN minimize the internal stress by… Keep reading your Gemini Weekly Horoscope

Cancer (June 21-July 22) weekly horoscope forSeptember 18-24
How are you feeling, Cancer? Seriously, someone cares—even if, for one lonely moment, you don’t believe that. But the cosmos wants to convince you otherwise, and that’s why you’ll want to tune in this Tuesday, September 19, when the generous Sun in service-oriented Virgo forms an exact angle with intuitive Neptune in compassionate Pisces. This is NOT an invitation to exhaust yourself to the point of burnout by giving, soothing and showing up for people who are in need. The recipients of your generosity… Keep reading your Cancer Weekly Horoscope

Leo (July 23-August 22) weekly horoscope for September 18-24
Two things Leos should NOT avoid dealing with this Tuesday, September 19? Your emotions and your finances. This is the one day a year that your galactic ruler, the radiant Sun—currently in Virgo and your second house of income and security—faces off with sensitive Neptune in your intense, mysterious eighth house. Strong feelings could well up like a tsunami and ignoring them will only strengthen them! If that financial situation you were hoping would magically go away by itself shows… Keep reading your Leo Weekly Horoscope

Virgo (August 23-September 22) weekly horoscope forSeptember 18-24
As Virgo season winds down for another year, make it your mission to strike a sustainable balance between work and personal interests. But early this week, a signal-scrambling transit might throw a wrench into your careful plans. Negotiations could hit a speed bump on Tuesday, September 19, as the Sun in your analytical, rational sign locks into a perplexing opposition with nebulous Neptune in your partnership zone. The key to getting past this blip, is to… Keep reading your Virgo Weekly Horoscope

Libra (September 23-October 22) weekly horoscope forSeptember 18-24
Pop quiz, Libra: Do you know the difference between helping people and enabling them? You’ll get a free master class on that very topic this Tuesday, September 19, as the illuminating Sun, tucked away in service-minded Virgo and your subterranean twelfth house, forms its annual opposition to boundary-challenged Neptune in your sixth house of helpful people and service. Your people-oriented sign is quick to leap to the aid of a friend (or relative or co-worker) in need, but it can be tricky to uphold healthy PERSONAL boundaries. Practice… Keep reading your Libra Weekly Horoscope

Scorpio (October 23-November 21) weekly horoscope forSeptember 18-24
Normally, Scorpio, you’re NOT the first to jump on any bandwagon and become a “joiner.” But this week, as the practical Virgo Sun sails through your collaborative eleventh house, you may be warming up to that very idea. On Tuesday, September 19, sensitizing Neptune in your fifth house of glamour and fame swings into an opposition with the empowering Sun, nudging you up onto the stage. If you are presented with an opportunity but can’t quite make up your mind, check your motivation—also what’s coming up as resistance. If it feels like… Keep reading your Scorpio Weekly Horoscope

Sagittarius (November 22-December 21) weekly horoscope forSeptember 18-24
The illuminating Sun has been powering through Virgo and your professional tenth house for almost a month now, hopefully setting you up for major advancement. Be prepared for a potential speed bump (or detour) this Tuesday, September 19, however. That day features the once-a-year wrench-throwing opposition of el Sol and befuddling Neptune in your domestic fourth house. Just as the finish line or completion energy comes within reach, demands from the home front (or a needy BFF) could derail you by sucking precious time out of your day. Well, there’s an asterisk here, Archer: IF you let it. Set… Keep reading your Sagittarius Weekly Horoscope

Capricorn (December 22-January 18) weekly horoscope forSeptember 18-24
Your knack for being a tightly sealed vault may waver this week, so take extra precautionary measures not to “accidentally” spill any tea. On Tuesday, September 19, the Virgo Sun in your candid and spontaneous ninth house faces off with boundary-challenged Neptune in your communication corner, leaving you prone to gossip, nosiness and oversharing. Take a minute to reflect on how this level of pettiness can undermine your big goals by making you a less-than-trustworthy partner—then nip that impulse in the bud. You excel at… Keep reading your Capricorn Weekly Horoscope

Aquarius (January 20-February 18) weekly horoscope forSeptember 18-24
There is such a thing as being too trusting, you know, Aquarius! And with the illuminating Sun trekking through analytical Virgo and your eighth house of secrets, you’re beginning to suspect that someone’s stated intentions are hiding a more self-serving agenda. And try as you might, it’s impossible to get a clear read on this. Confusing things even further, on Tuesday, September 19, el Sol locks into a perplexing opposition with deceptive Neptune in your house of personal money and security. Someone may indeed not be revealing their cards, and… Keep reading your Aquarius Weekly Horoscope

Pisces (February 19-March 20) weekly horoscope forSeptember 18-24
Partnership is sacred to you, Pisces, and when things get out of sync, it can really throw you for a loop. But sometimes a short-lived kerfuffle can actually make a relationship stronger! Hopefully that’ll be the case this Tuesday, September 19, when the Sun in Virgo and your dynamic-duos zone forms its annual one-day opposition to your galactic guardian, nebulous Neptune. Things might be flowing along smoothly when out of the blue, confusion or miscommunication sets in, making you unsure where you stand—let alone clear on how to gauge the future. If you’re in a solid union, be patient. Give bae (and yourself) some space and trust that… Keep reading your Pisces Weekly Horoscope