We’ve assembled this resource guide to answer: What is my horoscope for this week?
Plan it by the planets to answer, what is my horoscope for this week? Read your free weekly horoscope from The AstroTwins, then check what the stars have in store for the most important people in your life.
From new moons to retrogrades, we’ll guide you through the most important days for love, career, and other opportunities so you can strike while the stars are hot—and hold back when they’re not.
Your online horoscope for this week
Aries Weekly Horoscope (March 20—April 19)
Taurus Weekly Horoscope (April 20—May 20)
Gemini Weekly Horoscope (May 21—June 20)
Cancer Weekly Horoscope (June 21—July 22)
Leo Weekly Horoscope (July 23—August 22)
Virgo Weekly Horoscope (August 23—September 22)
Libra Weekly Horoscope (September 23—October 22)
Scorpio Weekly Horoscope (October 23—November 21)
Sagittarius Weekly Horoscope (November 22—December 21)
Capricorn Weekly Horoscope (December 22—January 19)
Aquarius Weekly Horoscope (January 20—February 18)
Pisces Weekly Horoscope (February 19—March 20)
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What is my horoscope for this week FAQ
Are you really twin sisters?
Yes! We are identical twins born four minutes apart. We grew up in Detroit, Michigan and have always shared a love of writing, art and all things mystical. We also seemed to have a knack for giving friends and family helpful advice. We never knew it would lead us to this amazing career, but we are thrilled that life came together in this way.
How long have you been professional astrologers?
We began writing the daily horoscope and other forecasts in 2002. Since then, we have authored 13 books, including Momstrology: Parenting Your Little Ones By The Stars, Love Zodiac, Shoestrology and our annual horoscope guides. We are the official astrologers for ELLE magazine and ELLE.com, as well as Parade.com, MindBodyGreen and Monster.com. We’ve created astrology sections for many properties, including Refinery29, Lifetime TV and Brides.com.
How did you learn astrology?
We always loved reading our horoscopes as kids. In fact, we had a paper route as tweens and before we distributed The Detroit News to our neighbors, we’d pause to check our Sagittarius ‘scope and to read Dear Abby (who was twins with fellow advice columnist Anne Landers, featured in The Detroit Free Press). Can you say foreshadowing?
When were students at The University of Michigan, a friend gifted us a birth chart, which mapped out the placement of all the planets at our times of birth. (December 2, for the record, Tali at 10:00 and Ophi at 10:04AM.) We were fascinated—and a little bit shocked—at its accuracy. How did this 20-page booklet read us so well? We were obsessed! Which was explained in the chart by our moon, Mercury, Venus and Mars in Scorpio, incidentally. We couldn’t stop devouring books and began doing charts for all of our friends. Then, one fateful day, a friend offered us a chance to write our first column for Teen People magazine, and the rest is cosmic history. You can read our full story here: https://astrostyle.com/the-astrotwins/our-story/
How do you come up with the predictions for the weekly horoscope?
It’s a mix of math and myth! We use a guide called an ephemeris, which maps the planetary movements through the zodiac signs based on NASA data. Then, we pull that together with our nearly 20 years of astro-know-how AND our life experience. We are constantly expanding and educating ourselves through travel, study, coaching and self-development work, shamanic training and living life to the fullest in our relationships, as a mother (Ophi) and by building our business as “astropreneurs.”
Should I read my Sun sign and rising sign horoscope?
You certainly can—and it’s possible to glean a lot from both. That said, these horoscopes are written with your Sun sign in mind. The Sun sign is the essence of your personality and the source of your life. It’s what fuels you into action, which is why we love using it as a guide in your daily horoscope. (See also our post, The Beginner’s Guide to Astrology)
Why are the houses different than the ones in my natal chart?
The in-depth daily horoscope on our website, astrostyle.com (and everywhere you read for your sign) are Sun sign horoscopes. They are a broad-strokes prediction for your sign. The houses are calculated by placing your Sun sign in the 1st house and counting the houses from there using the whole sign system.
This is distinct from a natal chart, which calculates the houses based on your TIME of birth, not your Sun sign). This is very specific to you as an individual—in fact, only someone born the same day in the same time zone will share your chart. There are literally thousands and thousands of possibilities.
Sun sign horoscopes are accurate, and we stand behind them 100%! We have tested the system for decades and as astrologers. They are wonderful for big picture planning. Reading your Sun sign horoscope and learning your birth chart can give you an even fuller picture. Yes, you’ll have to calculate for 2 different house placements.
What house system do you use for the daily horoscope and natal charts?
For your accurate daily horoscope, we use the whole sign system, which makes each house of the zodiac exactly 30 degrees. For natal charts—AKA the chart specific to your exact birth time—we use the Placidus system. You can do a free birth chart on our website, right here! (astrostyle.com/birthchart)
What exactly IS a birth chart (also called a natal chart)?
The birth chart is a road map to your soul—the owner’s manual that human beings actually DO come with! When you were born, every planet, plus the Sun and moon, were located in the one of the 12 zodiac signs. For example, you may have been born with the Sun in Virgo (August 23 to September 22 most years); this determines your essence personality.
The moon, which rules your inner desires could have been in any of the 12 signs. Same for ALL of the planets! Your Mercury sign reveals your communication style. The position of Venus and Mars in your birth chart can show what you need in love and sex.
Do unlimited free charts for yourself and others. Discover your moon sign, rising sign (ascendant) and put together the whole picture!
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Photo credit: Jazmin Quaynor via Unsplash