Aries Love Horoscope and Astrology Compatibility | The AstroTwins
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Aries Love Horoscope and Astrology Compatibility | The AstroTwins

Aries Love Horoscope

Aries (March 21 – April 19) is an independent sign that loves to love, but also needs plenty of breathing room.

Aries love horoscopes for every possible relationship phase: dating, sex, wedding, break-ups, cheating, friendship, and more

In love, Aries is a one-on-one person

You can never get too much attention or solo time with your sweetie. You’ll put your partner first in all matters, and you expect the same in return. If your mate’s universe doesn’t include a starring role for you, there’s simply no point in being together.

That doesn’t mean you’re a pushover, though! Aries is one of the most independent zodiac signs. You’re not into being suffocated or controlled. You just love attention (giving and receiving), and you want to share your most intimate side with someone you can trust.

Are your signs compatible?

Who has a starring role in Aries love?

If your mate’s universe doesn’t include a starring role for you, there’s simply no point in being together.

It’s been said that the biggest gift we can offer is to listen to another person. Aries are masters of this. You give your full heart and attention in a relationship, often “stage mothering” or playing the heroic savior for the object of your affections. This can become a bit suffocating for both you and your partner at times, so monitor this tendency carefully. Otherwise, your independent spirit will rebel, wreaking havoc on your relationship. That Aries temper can blindside you at times, and out of frustration, you can say things that are quite cruel.

Traits that influence Aries love

Aries is a self-possessed cardinal sign and an extroverted fire sign. But as the first sign of the zodiac, Aries can also be naive. Although they talk a good game about their independence, many Aries secretly like to be babied, coddled and even financially supported. At times, Aries can be entitled, helping themselves to other people’s hard-earned bounties. They can also be extremely generous, sweeping in heroically and championing their loved ones.

The remedy? Carve out “me time” every day. Being alone to breathe, relax, and tune in to your thoughts helps you stay centered and balanced in love. Aries rules the head and face, and tension for you tends to pool here. Regular scalp and neck massages, blowouts, and pampering will keep you from burning out—and lashing out. While some traits of Aries can make them frustrating, their warmth and courage is also endearing, and their boyish/girlish charm is irresistible.

Aries love requires independence and, dependence?

Because you’re the zodiac’s first and “youngest” sign, you may secretly feel more dependent on your partner than you care to admit. When you’re in a relationship, be sure to keep following your own pursuits so you remember how powerful you are. As the sign of the “self,” you must always maintain a strong sense of who you are as an individual if you want to succeed in love.

Aries is a competitive and alpha sign. You guard your mate like a prize. And you won’t back down from a fight if someone tries to cross a line. You may be private about your relationship’s intimate details, but you want the world to know exactly who you’re with!

Although your appetite is lusty and you radiate sensuality, at the end of the day, you want that special someone who truly gets you. Although you may naively hang on to a bad match, you don’t tolerate disrespect once the blinders come off. You’re quick to say “next!” the minute you recognize that you’re not the apple of your partner’s eye.

Aries Love Horoscopes

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So you’re dating an Aries or want to be. Here’s our guide to navigating first moves, knowing if its reciprocal, flirting and memorable date ideas.

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The AstroTwins

Identical twin sisters Ophira and Tali Edut, known as The AstroTwins, are the founders of and the authors of multiple bestselling astrology books. Their horoscopes reach millions here and through their resident astrologer column at ELLE Magazine.