Aries Weekly Horoscope

Your weekly horoscope, continued

But not every area of your life is set to slow down! On Tuesday, April 30, your ruling planet, action-star Mars, returns to your sign for the first time in two years. From now until June 9, you'll be ready to take those dreamy visions you had while the red planet was in your fantasy zone (Pisces) and manifest some tangible results. And produce you shall! As your ruler pours rocket fuel into your tanks, you’ll be amazed by how much you’ve completed by the time this cycle ends. One warning: Mars in your sign can ratchet up your competitive spirit, making you impatient—and almost TOO passionate at times. If you don't want to shock your subjects, you need to crank the heat up slowly to give fans a chance to warm to your avant-garde ideas. Mars can make you antsy, so when the world feels like it's moving in slo-mo, burn off some of your nervous energy with lots of physical activity.
While solo missions heat up, a group effort could complexify starting this Thursday, May 2, as furtive, mysterious Pluto shifts into his annual retrograde motion. This year, the reversal splits between two signs, beginning in Aquarius and your eleventh house of technology and collaboration (until September 1), and then backing through Capricorn and your career house until October 11. Over the coming five months, you might experience some slowdowns or even work stoppages on a Team Aries project. While pushing, arguing and cajoling might make you feel better in the moment, none of that is likely to have much of a positive effect. Yet assuming a passive (or passive-aggressive) attitude is probably worse. Pick your battles carefully: If someone isn't carrying their fair share of the load, take them aside and firmly but kindly let them know exactly what needs to change—and spell out the consequences of not doing so. This may be a little challenging with vengeful Pluto in reverse. If you can't find the words, prepare a little script that you can memorize and recite, rather than trying to think on your feet, when you might come across as unnecessarily threatening. Since retrogrades rule the past—and the eleventh house is also the domain of groups, social activism and innovation—you may reconnect with old friends or colleagues who are involved with programs to improve the world. In your personal life, with Pluto retrograde, you might prefer to stay more insulated with your innermost circle. Got a digital venture that you're dying to test? Talk to some pros who can help you take your next step.
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