Tarot, like astrology, has long been one of our favorite divination systems. Interpreting either takes practice. As you learn, we wanted to help you to quickly connect to the cards and use them in ways that are actionable and practical in every area of life. xoxo, Tali & Ophira
Co-authored by James Kerti
What does the Five of Pentacles tarot card mean?
The Five of Pentacles represents struggle and hardship. If you’ve been feeling like you’re up against the world, you may not be surprised to see this card in an upright position.
This minor arcana card is associated with harder periods in life. You may feel as if things keep going wrong.
Pentacles are connected with finances and the material world. Seeing the Five of Pentacles may mean that you’re going through a time of hardship with money. It also acknowledges the emotional toll that such losses can take on you.
This tarot card brings with it a reminder that hard times like these are temporary and that it’s okay to ask for help. Indeed the Five of Pentacles offers encouragement to adopt as much of an abundance mindset as you can during these circumstances. This can lead you to feel like you can ask for and accept help from people who are happy to be there for you.
What is the Five of Pentacles zodiac sign?
The zodiac sign of the Five of Pentacles is Taurus
Five of Pentacles Tarot Guide
Keywords for the Five of Pentacles: Hardship, loss, struggle, adversity, isolation, worry
Yes or No: No
Planet of the Five of Pentacles: Venus
Element of the Five of Pentacles: Earth
What does the Five of Pentacles card mean in a love reading?
When the Five of Pentacles comes up in a love reading, its meaning of isolation comes to the forefront. Whether you’re single or partnered, this card may mean that you’re feeling particularly alone.
The Five of Pentacles is also a reminder that no person is an island! Tap into your independence and self-reliance while also seeking healthy connections where available to you. This card reminds you that you don’t have to go it alone!
Loss is another theme of the Five of Pentacles. This card carries the message that sometimes we have to let go of situations that feel hard and isolating. If you’re in a relationship, you may feel misunderstood or that your efforts to communicate have been thwarted. The Five of Pentacles offers gentle encouragement to give things a rest for a while. The time is not right to get through to this person.
Sometimes the Five of Pentacles comes up for singles when you’re feeling especially rejected or abandoned. If you’re moving on from a recent rejection or heartbreak, this card validates hurt feelings, and it lets you know that the pain is temporary. As you let go and move forward, you will heal and return to being your confident self.
What does the Five of Pentacles tarot card mean for career, money and finance?
The Five of Pentacles tarot card is closely connected with financial or material struggle. It can represent losing a job, a home or other material possessions. If you’re seeing this card, there may be few (if any) actions you can take to undo that loss.
This minor arcana card urges you to focus on the things you can control. Consider the other options and possibilities out there for you, especially if you’re able to keep the faith and lean on those around you for help and support.
This situation is temporary and you don’t have to go through it alone. It may be hard for a time, but you will come out on the other side!
What does the Five of Pentacles tarot card mean for health?
The Five of Pentacles is associated with health challenges. These issues are often connected with external triggers, such as financial stresses you may be going through.
This card encourages you to do the best you can with regard to self-care. It’s okay to do that “imperfectly” and in small ways. Even going for short walks or meditating for a few minutes at a time can make a big difference.
If things feel like they’re spiraling out of control, don’t hesitate to seek the help of medical professionals.
How to read your birth chart
Your Cosmic Code
Five of Pentacles Tarot Card in Reverse Meaning
The Five of Pentacles is one of the cards in the tarot deck that typically carries a much more positive meaning when it appears in a reversed position.
If you’ve recently gone through a difficult time, the Five of Pentacles in reverse is an encouraging sign that things are taking a turn for the better. This card reversed is a hopeful signal for what is to come.
This card is one of recovery and coming back. You may find the wind behind your sails as the Five of Pentacles appears in reverse. Things are about to get easier. Keep your eyes open to opportunities that may soon be coming your way.
Is the Five of Pentacles tarot card a yes or no?
As the Five of Pentacles is associated with loss, hardship and struggle, it’s a no in a yes or no reading.
What does the Suit of Pentacles mean?
Pentacles are associated with earth signs, which help you plant the deep roots needed for long-term growth. Earth energy is very physical, tangible, and sensual, and people with earth signs like to have a steady foundation and are the steadiest and most grounded bunch of signs.
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Feature art by Diana Hlevnja