Tarot, like astrology, has long been one of our favorite divination systems. Interpreting either takes practice. As you learn, we wanted to help you to quickly connect to the cards and use them in ways that are actionable and practical in every area of life. xoxo, Tali & Ophira
Co-authored by James Kerti
What does the Six of Pentacles tarot card mean?
The Six of Pentacles represents giving and generosity.
This minor arcana card embodies sharing with others from a place of having enough.
Pentacles are associated with money and the material world. This generosity might be in terms of finances or possessions, but those aren’t the only ways to help others. It could also denote giving time or emotional support.
Either way, this card is all about generosity with a true spirit of giving. There can also be a strong sense of community with the Six of Pentacles. There’s a feeling of togetherness. This minor arcana card reminds you that sharing in this way brings benefits that go both ways. This magnanimity can have ripple effects far beyond the gift itself.
This card’s placement and the surrounding cards can tell you more about whether you’re the giver or the receiver in your situation.
What is the Six of Pentacles zodiac sign?
The zodiac sign of the Six of Pentacles is Taurus
Six of Pentacles Tarot Guide
Keywords for the Six of Pentacles: Generosity, charity, sharing, giving, receiving, donations, community support
Yes or No: Yes
Planet of the Six of Pentacles: Venus
Element of the Six of Pentacles: Earth
What does the Six of Pentacles card mean in a love reading?
The Six of Pentacles is connected with the theme of generosity and sharing within relationships.
If you’re in a relationship now, this card may be bringing attention to the ways in which you and your partner support one another. Is one of you is carrying more of the financial weight, for instance, while the other focuses on different responsibilities? The Six of Pentacles reminds you that things don’t need to be 50-50 all the time for a relationship to feel balanced.
However, it also offers a gentle reminder that it is important for there to be a feeling of fairness and harmony. If things are starting to feel out of alignment, it’s important to speak up.
For single people looking for connection, this minor arcana card offers a hint that kindness and generosity may go hand in hand with attracting love. You may meet someone with a generous spirit or come upon a romantic connection while engaged in a charitable activity.
What does the Six of Pentacles tarot card mean for career, money and finance?
The Six of Pentacles is commonly connected with the arrival of new opportunities when it comes up in a career or money reading. Imbued with the energy of abundance, this card suggests a generally positive atmosphere and plenty of potential for more to come.
Have you been considering a new job or project? This card is a positive signal for that choice, especially if you’ve been feeling hesitation about accepting it. The Six of Pentacles can sometimes come up when you’ve been struggling with “imposter syndrome”—not feeling good enough or qualified enough to step into a new role.
Be willing to accept opportunities (career or financial) from people who are demonstrating they respect and trust you. Receiving is an important part of the equation, too.
How to read your birth chart
Your Cosmic Code
What does the Six of Pentacles tarot card mean for health?
The Six of Pentacles is closely associated with giving and receiving help. This message may be showing up strongly for you in a health reading.
If you’ve been dealing with ongoing issues, you might consider this card a signal to ask for help getting a handle on things. That may mean reaching out to a friend for support or recommendations for health care providers or advice.
This card can also sometimes appear when someone close to you needs your help. That support could take a number of forms — financial, physical/logistical, or emotional. If that describes the situation of someone you know, see what you can do to be there for them.
Six of Pentacles Tarot Card in Reverse Meaning
The Six of Pentacles in reverse highlights common challenges that can be associated with giving.
It’s important to maintain boundaries. For instance, be careful not to give from a place that compromises your ability to meet your own needs. Giving from a place of abundance is wonderful, but when we empty our own cups to help others, it can hurt more than it helps.
The Six of Pentacles reversed can also call attention to the nebulous feeling of balance that exists in the course of charity and generosity. Giving with strings attached isn’t truly generous and can be a control mechanism. Even having subconscious expectations or hopes that giving to someone will bring a specific return can damage a relationship in the long run. The Six of Pentacles in reverse gently encourages you to look at your relationships to see where that dynamic might be present.
Is the Six of Pentacles tarot card a yes or no?
With its association with generosity and giving, the Six of Pentacles gives you a big yes when it shows up in a yes or no reading.
What does the Suit of Pentacles mean?
Pentacles are associated with earth signs, which help you plant the deep roots needed for long-term growth. Earth energy is very physical, tangible, and sensual, and people with earth signs like to have a steady foundation and are the steadiest and most grounded bunch of signs.
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Feature art by Diana Hlevnja