Weekly Horoscopes for August 19-25 | The AstroTwins
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Weekly Horoscopes for August 19-25

Plan with the astrology of the week. Your weekly horoscopes for August 19-25

Astrology overview for August 19-25, 2024

Here is the astrology shaping your weekly horoscopes for Monday to Sunday, August 19-25. Horoscopes for your zodiac sign follow.



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It’s a Full Blue Aquarius Moon on Monday, August 19

There’s power in numbers this Monday, August 19, as the year’s only full moon in collaborative, progressive Aquarius stokes camaraderie. And while this may sound implausible given the coincidental timing of the DNC, this actually IS a blue moon—a seasonal blue moon, meaning it’s the third in a season that has a rare quartet of full moons.

Whatever matters most to you, this activating lunar lift has a simple message: Get involved and make an impact! Champion a cause you care about. Speak up if you see an injustice. Teamwork gets a boost, but cosmic sidenote: Playing well with others doesn’t have to come at the cost of your individuality. La luna will be square trailblazing Uranus and trine energizer Mars, so turn up the dial on your personality.

Let the people who surround you fire up your mission and inspire you to speak out more. Make sure to give them due credit. What goes around comes around. But make sure your messaging is clear and salient before you start circulating companywide emails or posting on TikTok. The Summer 2024 Mercury retrograde in Leo is directly opposite this full moon, which could skewer communications and make them come off as inflammatory or unnecessarily divisive.

Brace yourself for a cosmic tug-of-war between Jupiter, Venus and Saturn

While the Aquarius full moon encourages us to experiment and innovate, there are a few cosmic forces running interference. Monday, August 19 also marks the opening Jupiter-Saturn square—the first major meeting these planetary titans have had since the December 21, 2020 Great Conjunction. (Remember the “Christmas Star”?)

Jupiter expands, Saturn contracts and when they put their energies together in Aquarius four years ago, they opened the doors to social change, AI and all the technological advances we are still trying to parse our way through now. Their 90-degree squares, which happen once a decade, are a bit more disruptive, since this odd-couple mashup is basically butting heads.

Disagreements could break out on Monday as outspoken Jupiter and stubborn Saturn lock horns. And since they’re in the “dual” signs of Gemini and Pisces, making a decision could feel nearly impossible! Conversations can get deadlocked quickly, as this planetary impasse makes people petty and passive aggressive. Regulate your energy instead of scattering it. Under these stars, it’s best not to spread yourself too thin or launch your ideas without a proper plan.

The one silver lining (if you could call it that) is that diplomatic Venus is running interference. As the peacekeeping planet opposes Saturn and squares Jupiter, she can help cooler heads prevail. Nevertheless, this cosmic trio is forming a complicated T-square, which is basically a three-way tug of war. Venus in Virgo could make people unnecessarily harsh and critical. Even if you’re giving honest feedback, you could do harm by being harsh or inconsiderate of people’s emotional states. When in doubt, keep it to yourself.

Virgo Season begins on Thursday, August 22 (10:55AM EDT)

Back to the simpler things! The Sun shifts out of high-wattage Leo and moves into Virgo. Collectively, it’s time to scale back during Virgo season, prioritize and bring efficiency to our lives. Living sustainably feels so much better than dripping in excess (even if the hedonism of the past four weeks was fun).

With el Sol in this nature-loving earth sign, squeeze some al fresco moments into these last four weeks of summer: bike rides to the beach, yoga in the park, lap swims in the saltwater pool. Then, bring some order to your court. From your storage systems to your project-management software, give everything a proper review.

With earthy Virgo ruling the skies, enjoy the harvest of fresh produce—all the better if it’s locally grown by independent farmers and rich with life-enhancing enzymes! Skip the fast-fashion specials and support brands with eco-conscious practices and production models.

But brace for a clash between lovebirds Venus and Mars on Thursday

Is a relationship veering off course? Thursday’s challenging dust-up between cosmic lovebirds Venus and Mars could bring a sharp wake-up call. With Venus in pragmatic Virgo, do your best to focus on solutions rather than pointing out your love interest’s “mistakes.” That could be difficult with Mars in Gemini turning the most basic conversations into mind-boggling debates.

If you’ve been stuck in a holding pattern, the dynamic Venus-Mars square motivates change. And it can be as simple as planning a long weekend trip instead of spending another night watching movies on the couch. Single? Spark up a conversation with an intriguing stranger. With Venus and Mars in mutable signs, you’d do well to stretch yourself outside what’s comfortable. This cosmic catalyst will get your heart racing again!

Your weekly horoscopes for August 19-25

What’s does this week’s horoscope forecast for your zodiac sign? The AstroTwins’ weekly horoscopes for August 19-25, 2024, reveal what the planets have in store. How to use astrology to navigate!

You can read your weekly horoscopes for August 19-25 for your Sun sign or your rising sign (ascendant). Visit our Cosmic Calculator section if you want to calculate your Rising sign or discover more about your personal astrology.

Aries Daily horoscope

Aries (March 21-April 19) weekly horoscope for August 19-25

Drop the lone-wolf routine and go sniff out your pack! There’s strength—and joy—to be tapped in numbers this Monday, August 19, when 2024’s only full moon in team-spirited Aquarius activates your collaborative eleventh house. Group…Keep reading your weekly Aries Horoscope

Taurus daily horoscope

Taurus (April 20-May 20) weekly horoscope forAugust 19-25

What’s next for your career? You could get some clear signs this Monday, August 19, as the year’s only full moon in Aquarius switches on all the lights in your tenth house of ambition and success. All your…Keep reading your weekly Taurus Horoscope

Gemini Daily Horoscope

Gemini (May 21-June 20) weekly horoscope forAugust 19-25

Going somewhere? Or maybe everywhere? This Monday, August 19, the year’s only full moon in Aquarius powers up your ninth house of travel, adventure and multicultural connections. And since it’s forming a free-flowing trine to Mars in Gemini, a…Keep reading your weekly Gemini Horoscope

Cancer Daily Horoscope

Cancer (June 21-July 22) weekly horoscope forAugust 19-25

Don your Sherlock hat and start sleuthing, Cancer. This Monday, August 19, the year’s only full moon in Aquarius rocks your eighth house of mystery, intensity and unspoken erotic chemistry. And with lusty Mars blurring the lines from your twelfth house, your usual…Keep reading your weekly Cancer Horoscope

Leo Daily Horoscope

Leo (July 23-August 22) weekly horoscopefor August 19-25

Peak partnership moments are ahead this Monday, August 19, as the year’s only Aquarius full moon electrifies your seventh house of dynamic duos. Whether you’re scouring the Earth for a soul mate, songwriting partner or any other missing puzzle piece, a little extra effort…Keep reading your weekly Leo Horoscope

Virgo Daily Horoscope

Virgo (August 23-September 22) weekly horoscope forAugust 19-25

If life’s gotten a little messy during “summer hours,” fear not, Virgo. Your inner efficiency whiz grabs the wheel this Monday, August 19 as the year’s only full moon in Aquarius powers up your sixth house, AKA the “Virgo house,” which rules qualities like…Keep reading your weekly Virgo Horoscope

Libra Daily Horoscope

Libra (September 23-October 22) weekly horoscope forAugust 19-25

The Pink Pony Club has a spot in the VIP room with your name on it, Libra. (Or maybe it’s the Pink Unicorn Club?) As the full moon in eclectic, free-spirited Aquarius lights up your festive fifth house, keep on dancing your way through whatever brings YOU joy. Just don’t expect…Keep reading your weekly Libra Horoscope

Scorpio Daily Horoscope

Scorpio (October 23-November 21) weekly horoscope forAugust 19-25

We’d never suggest you go #tradwife, Scorpio, but if your domestic urges verge on Nara Smith levels this Monday, August 19, blame it on the full moon. This one’s in Aquarius and it illuminates your fourth house of close friends, family and foundations. If you’ve…Keep reading your weekly Scorpio Horoscope


Sagittarius (November 22-December 21) weekly horoscope forAugust 19-25

Pair up FTW! How many times have you said, “We should do something together,” over the past couple months, Sagittarius? Whether you were talking about grabbing dinner or combining forces on a project, make sure it isn’t just lip service. This…Keep reading your weekly Sagittarius Horoscope

Capricorn Daily Horoscope

Capricorn (December 22-January 18) weekly horoscope forAugust 19-25

Stability and security are always high on your list of “must-haves,” Capricorn, but how would you define those benchmarks for yourself in 2024? Money is on your mind this Monday, August 19, as the annual full moon in innovative Aquarius lights up your second house of material…Keep reading your weekly Capricorn Horoscope

Aquarius Daily Horoscope

Aquarius (January 20-February 18) weekly horoscope forAugust 19-25

This Monday, August 19 marks a very special day for you, Aquarius, as the year’s only full moon in your sign powers up your first house of self, identity, style and desire. This annual lunar lift gives you the confidence to put yourself out there and promote…Keep reading your weekly Aquarius Horoscope

Pisces Daily Horoscope

Pisces (February 19-March 20) weekly horoscope forAugust 19-25

Open up your third eye and make way for the divine downloads! They’ll come flooding in this Monday, August 19 as the year’s only Aquarius full moon activates your introspective and metaphysical twelfth house. As a Pisces, your intuition has always been as integral to…Keep reading your weekly Pisces Horoscope

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The AstroTwins

Identical twin sisters Ophira and Tali Edut, known as The AstroTwins, are the founders of Astrostyle.com and the authors of multiple bestselling astrology books. Their horoscopes reach millions here and through their resident astrologer column at ELLE Magazine.