Plan with the astrology of the week. Your weekly horoscopes for January 27-February 2.
Astrology overview for January 27-February 2, 2025
Here is the astrology shaping your weekly horoscopes for Monday to Sunday, January 27-February 2. Horoscopes for your zodiac sign follow.
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2025 Horoscope
Your weekly horoscopes for January 27-February 2
What’s does this week’s horoscope forecast for your zodiac sign? The AstroTwins’ weekly horoscopes for January 27-February 2, 2025, reveal what the planets have in store. How to use astrology to navigate!
You can read your weekly horoscopes for January 27-February 2 for your Sun sign or your rising sign (ascendant). Visit our Cosmic Calculators if you want to calculate your Rising sign or discover more about your personal astrology.
Messenger Mercury geeks out in Aquarius from Monday to Valentine’s Day
Slip off the blazer and slide into your lab coat starting January 27. As mentalist Mercury quits conventional Capricorn for mad-scientist Aquarius, everything is up for experimentation. New ideas and inventions flood in. Over the next few weeks, you could become obsessed with learning everything there is to know about an offbeat topic. Dive down that rabbit hole! Just confirm that the research you find is credible and not funded by someone with a hidden agenda. (Mercury in Aquarius can spin conspiracy theories.) Under the influence of team-spirited Aquarius, Mercury helps you forge new bonds both IRL and virtually. Community is healing and uplifting, especially during tense times; in fact, “tending and befriending” is a known stress response. Don’t isolate!
Mercury bumps into investigative Pluto on Wednesday
Forget about settling for status quo! As inquisitive Mercury unites with investigative Pluto, you want deeper answers. What’s really going on here, and what else might be possible? This once-a-year meetup on January 29 pries open the discovery vault. Since both planets are touring “anything goes” Aquarius, you might be drawn to subject matter that is dark, mystical and revolutionary. Just be warned that Pluto can pull you into some shadowy places. If you start to feel creeped out or pessimistic, close those browser tabs and do something to shift your mood!
The Aquarius new moon kicks off the Lunar Year of the Wood Snake on Wednesday
Let’s get together and feel alright! The Aquarius new moon in the “one love” sign sends a strong reminder that we are all connected. And thanks to a globally expansive trine to Jupiter in Gemini, you have a powerful moment for reaching across borders and diversifying your dream team. Each year, the Aquarius new moon dovetails with the Chinese Lunar New Year’s Eve. On January 29 (7:36AM; 9°51’), the enchanting Wood Dragon disappears in a puff of smoke, handing the magic stick to 2025’s reigning creature, the seductive Wood Snake.
The Year of the Snake is the second of the two-year wood element cycle, which puts the emphasis on growth and cultivating our natural gifts between now and February 17, 2026. Add romantic and artistic gifts to that list! The Snake is ruled by luscious, beauty-loving Venus, a far tamer vibe than the warring Mars energy that the Year of the Dragon brought. Send up the prayers for peace!
Uranus (the ruling planet of Aquarius) ends its retrograde on Thursday
Train your sites on that wild hare and get ready for a hot pursuit when the Uranus retrograde ends! After a five-month retrograde that began last September 1, shock jock Uranus wakes up and jolts us all into action starting January 30. As the planetary innovator makes a U-turn in money-minded Taurus, opportunities to improve your economic status could crop up everywhere. Don’t get stuck on projects that aren’t clicking into place. Business opportunities could arise when you’re out doing mundane tasks like picking up coffee or chatting up another parent at a PTA meeting. No matter what you do for a living, keep your mind open to boundary-pushing and edgy possibilities. Pursuing one of them could lead to quite the bounty in the days ahead. Let’s go!
The Sun tribes Jupiter on Thursday, bringing a burst of good luck
Exactly how wide can you open your mind? January 30’s free-flowing exchange between the idealistic Aquarius Sun and philosophical Jupiter in Gemini could pull you out of any mental rut you’ve been stuck in. Novelty is the antidote to a pedantic mindset, so if you need to spark your own ingenuity, avoid the usual places. If you can’t get past a sticking point, could you adopt an attitude of curiosity? Go for a walk (or drive) OFF your beaten path. Peruse a site that’s not in your usual feed. Under the mentally agile influence of this air trine, thinking outside the box can lead to a breakthrough.
Saturday’s Venus-Neptune meetup—the first of three—gets us all into flow state
Shall we dance? Venus in Pisces falls under Neptune’s spellbinding sway as the two meet for their first of three conjunctions in 2025 on February 1. Romance takes on a magical glow as the universe sprinkles stardust on all your encounters. But before you dive headfirst into the fantasy, hit pause. Make sure to look beyond the fairy-tale sheen to see what’s real and what might be an illusion. If you’ve been caught in a tangled web with a friend or loved one, these compassionate vibes offer the perfect chance to mend fences and heal those wounds. Let the cosmic currents guide you toward love and forgiveness.

ARIES (Mar 19-Apr 19) weekly horoscope for Jan 27-Feb 2
Your world could get a little more AI-ified starting this Monday, January 27, when communicator Mercury blasts into Aquarius and your futuristic eleventh house. Reskilling on new software may be necessary just to keep up. Meanwhile, you may realize that it’s time to seriously fix the settings on your social media profiles to…Keep reading your weekly Aries Horoscope

TAURUS (Apr 19-May 20) weekly horoscope for Jan 27-Feb 2
Waiting for some of your 2025 resolutions to kick in, Bull? You won’t have to call upon your famous Taurean patience much longer. This Monday, January 27, nimble messenger planet Mercury blasts into Aquarius and your success-driven tenth house, giving your avant-garde ideas wings to soar. Wednesday powers you up even…Keep reading your weekly Taurus Horoscope

GEMINI (May 20-Jun 20) weekly horoscope for Jan 27-Feb 2
The world is once again your oyster this week thanks to a series of expansive planetary power plays. First, on Monday, January 27, your fleet-footed ruler, Mercury, blasts into Aquarius and your global ninth house, sending some strong gusts under your expansive ideas and helping them soar until February 14. And then on…Keep reading your weekly Gemini Horoscope

CANCER (Jun 20-Jul 22) weekly horoscope for Jan 27-Feb 2
It’s still the dead of winter in the northern hemisphere, but you’re steaming up the windows of every room you step into. This Monday, January 27, communicator Mercury cranks up the heat in Aquarius and your seductive, erotic eighth house. It may be hibernation-slash-hygge season and you may be the domestic…Keep reading your weekly Cancer Horoscope

LEO (Jul 22-Aug 22) weekly horoscope for Jan 27-Feb 2
Warm up the adjacent throne, Leo. On Monday, January 27, communicative Mercury wings into Aquarius and your seventh house of partnership, making you a magnet for a fellow magnate. You may discover that teaming up with an “opposite” is highly attractive while the messenger planet wings through this zone until February…Keep reading your weekly Leo Horoscope

VIRGO (Aug 22-Sep 22) weekly horoscope for Jan 27-Feb 2
If your New Year’s wellness resolutions haven’t gotten much traction yet, sit tight. This week should get you back to self-care central. On Monday, January 27, mental Mercury wings into Aquarius and your health-conscious sixth house, shifting your attention to eating better and moving your body in more…Keep reading your weekly Virgo Horoscope

LIBRA (Sep 23-Oct 22) weekly horoscope for Jan 27-Feb 2
No need to wait for St. Valentine before you raise a toast to love, sweet love. Whether your romantic status is locked or you’re mulling a radical makeover, this subject will be very much on your mind all week. On Monday, January 27, mindful Mercury wings into Aquarius and your flirty, fun-loving fifth house until…Keep reading your weekly Libra Horoscope

SCORPIO (Oct 22-Nov 21) weekly horoscope for Jan 27-Feb 2
Maison de Scorpio becomes your hibernation hub on Monday, January 27, when communicator Mercury makes a sweet landing in Aquarius and your fourth house of home and family. Domesticity is your new (or not so new) obsession, and between the soft era vibes of the fourth house and Aquarius’ social nature, your…Keep reading your weekly Scorpio Horoscope

SAGITTARIUS (Nov 21-Dec 21) weekly horoscope for Jan 27-Feb 2
Testing, 1-2-3… Yes, Archer, that’s a hot mic you’re holding, and opportunities to vocalize your insights will be plentiful starting Monday, January 27. That day, messenger Mercury wings into Aquarius and your articulate third house, giving you a planetary platform that could extend from YouTube to Substack to an…Keep reading your weekly Sagittarius Horoscope

CAPRICORN (Dec 21-Jan 19) weekly horoscope for Jan 27-Feb 2
Ready to generate more revenue? Of course you are, Capricorn, and lucky you. This Monday, January 27, clever Mercury zips into innovative Aquarius and your second house of fiscal foundations, stirring up some exciting ideas for making bank. Your traditional sign tends to choose the tried-and-true over the experimental…Keep reading your weekly Capricorn Horoscope

AQUARIUS (Jan 19-Feb 18) weekly horoscope for Jan 27-Feb 2
The cosmic cup runneth over with exciting news for Water Bearers this week. The galactic gala starts on Monday, January 27, when nimble Mercury bolts into Aquarius and your first house of identity, putting some wind in your rebellious sails and helping your most visionary ideas soar between now and February 14. On…Keep reading your weekly Aquarius Horoscope

PISCES (Feb 18-Mar 19) weekly horoscope for Jan 27-Feb 2
Your willingness to shed some sentimental mementos may take you by surprise this Monday, January 27, when analytical Mercury blasts into Aquarius and your twelfth house of release, forgiveness and healing. You don’t have to pack everything up and haul it to the dumpster, but you do have a special opportunity to…Keep reading your weekly Pisces Horoscope
Weekly horoscopes for all zodiac signs

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