Your July 2023 Horoscope: Let Your Sentimental Side Go For A Swim | The AstroTwins
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Your July 2023 Horoscope: Let Your Sentimental Side Go For A Swim

This July, Cancer season finds us in our feelings, with both Neptune and Saturn retrograde in watery Pisces. Explore your emotions and let your sentimental side out for a swim! Underneath it all, your intuition is asking for more of something that your soul desires. What is it? More play, more art, more free time? Let yourself bask a little more in the first half of the month, and you’ll hear its wisdom.

The tides start turning on July 17. Alongside the Cancer new moon, the lunar nodes shift onto the Aries/Libra axis for 18 months. Then, right in sync with the start of Leo season on July 22, Venus turns retrograde in Leo for six weeks, followed by Chiron the next day. The rest of summer, we’ll all need to work extra hard to be kind to each other. When diplomatic Venus is OOO, even the strongest ties can be tested.

Check in on your 2023 goals at the Capricorn full moon

When the ball dropped on January 1, you probably made some promises to yourself. Do you remember what they were? The full moon on Monday, July 3 in goal-oriented Capricorn is the perfect time to check in on your progress. If you shelved a resolution (or don’t believe in making them), this lunar lift can help you get back on track or set a mini goal for yourself to achieve before the end of the year.

Capricorn is the zodiac’s ambitious high-achiever, so don’t forget to celebrate accomplishments you’ve made this year. If you’re ready to go bigger, the Capricorn full moon helps you expand your vision. Capture your ideas in writing, though. With the moon opposite mental Mercury and on the eve of the July 4 holiday in the U.S., relying on your memory won’t cut it while you’re BBQ hopping and enjoying the fireworks.

Fun astro fact: Just a few days after the Capricorn full moon, on July 6, the Earth will be the farthest from the Sun this year. Called the time of aphelion, it occurs two weeks after Summer solstice and the start of Cancer season!

Tidy your life with the Mars in Virgo transit

Mars, the planet of action, cruises through diligent Virgo for six weeks beginning July 10. This fix-it-fast, health-conscious transit encourages you to improve every area of your life, from your wellness to your living space to the people you hang with (workout buddy? friend to help you declutter?). While you’re tidying your life, consider going more global with your efforts while Mars travels through this earth sign. Plastic Free July is a global movement you could join to challenge yourself; participation requires that you avoid single-use plastics for the entire month. (Count us in!)

Mars in healthy Virgo also helps us optimize our love lives. If that doesn’t sound sexy to you yet, consider a new dating trend called “dawn dating,” which is exactly as it sounds: going on a date in the morning! It’s gained popularity with professionals who may feel too tired to go out after work. One idea is to meet up when a coffeeshop opens. (If you’re getting coffee anyway, it seems pretty low risk!) With love-planet Venus starting her sojourn back to “morning star” status later this month, dawn dating might be the perfect, cosmically-supported choice.

The Cancer new moon serves it up family style

Warm-fuzzy vibing is on the menu (yes, Chef!) as the Cancer new moon on July 17 beams its nurturing energy. Who are the stars of your innermost circle? Treat them like the VIPs they are. But if you’re feeling drained from too much giving, practice putting up your protective barriers. Saying “no” is a form of self-care and better than disassociating from it all like Carmy (though The Bear makes for a very Cancerian binge).

What’s “mine” vs. “ours” hits a tipping point as the Lunar Nodes shift into Aries and Libra

The lunar true nodes shift into Aries (North Node) and Libra (South Node) also on July 17 (until January 2025). The Nodes hold the keys to your destiny and ultimate life lessons. They’ve been in Taurus (North Node) and Scorpio (South Node) for the past 18 months.

As you take inventory of your inner circle, distance yourself from those who take but don’t give. The Aries North Node inspires new levels of confidence in you while the Libra South Node inspires you to let go of those pulling energy from your generator. This 18-month cycle enables you to stretch and assert yourself, thanks to Aries, but with Libra’s grace. It’s been nearly two decades since this particular Node cycle! Get ready to learn and grow!

Leo season inspires you to be bold

The point of Leo season is to let your mane down, no matter what anyone thinks. Does your name belong in lights? Or maybe a history book or the hall of fame? Speaking of books, what’s on your summer reading list while you’re basking under the glow of this Sun sign? We have a new tarot card section, if you want to inject some additional insight into your summer lovin’ adventures! We even created a summer themed tarot spread you could try. Leo season begins July 22 and favors the bold (that’s all of us now!).

Record scratch: A few retrogrades close out your July 2023 horoscope

Just when you thought the boat was smooth sailing, there are a few potential storms ahead:
Venus is retrograde in Leo beginning July 22 (until September 3)
• Chiron is retrograde in Aries on July 23 (until December 6)

Cupid hits a six-week speedbump on July 22 as Venus turns retrograde in Leo until September 3. During this cycle, the planet of love and romance shifts from being an “evening star” (appearing at dusk) to a “morning star” (glimmering in the sky just before dawn). Metaphorically, this is a key time to assess your love life and think about what issues you’d like to put to bed.

Thankfully, Venus only turns retrograde every 18 months—and it doesn’t have to completely rock the boat of love. Take things old school to return to calm waters. How about revisiting the spot of your first date or where you went on your honeymoon?

Chiron, the “wounded healer” begins its annual retrograde in Aries, where it’s been on a nine-year journey to help you find your voice. This backspin provides a window for introspection. Are you using the power of your voice to silence or dominate others? Try putting your energy into active listening. That way, you’ll learn and understand the other person, rather than simply respond. If you feel you’re the smallest voice in the room, the Chiron in Aries retrograde may actually help you tap into the confidence issues blocking your ability to speak up.

For sign-specific advice for all of these transits, see your July 2023 horoscope below!


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Your July 2023 horoscope

You can read your July horoscope today for your Sun sign or your rising sign (ascendant). Visit our Cosmic Calculator section if you want to calculate your Rising sign or discover more about your personal astrology.

Aries Daily horoscope

Aries (March 21-April 19) monthly horoscope for July 2023

Take a little break from the action, Aries. With the Sun nestled in maternal Cancer and your domestic-bliss zone until July 22, your heart is most content when you hunker down at home base or slip off the radar for some self-care. The fourth house is the most foundational part of your chart, so tending to your roots is key while the Sun pays a visit. If your summer schedule is already getting busy with social events and trips, take plenty of restorative breaks. The fourth house rules women, and you’ll enjoy spending time with nurturing and supportive sisters. Your mother or a maternal figure could also play into events over the next four weeks. But hang on, Aries: You know… Keep reading your Monthly Aries Horoscope

Taurus daily horoscope

Taurus (April 20-May 20) monthly horoscope for July 2023

Think, think, think…your mental wheels are turning nonstop! Until July 22, the Sun is in Cancer, heating up your third house of communication and ideas. This is a great time for brainstorming, problem-solving and all kinds of cerebral activities. Conversations can be both fun and productive, so opt for dialogue rather than trying to come up with everything alone. The third house rules kindred spirits, and the Sun here can spark a few dynamic-duo possibilities. Feeding your curiosity now could lead to some brilliant brainstorms. Need fresh inspo? Crack open summer’s best nonfiction or listen to new podcasts while you run errands. Step away from your desk for a bike ride or a walk through town. Your aha moments are… Keep reading your Monthly Taurus Horoscope

Gemini Daily Horoscope

Gemini (May 21-June 20) monthly horoscope for July 2023

Settle into your groove, Gemini. July is a grounding month—a great time to simplify and establish regular routines. The Sun is in Cancer until July 22, heating up your second house of security, finances and productivity. Focus on concrete steps you can take to cover your bottom line. Do you need to supplement your income or trim some costs? But don’t skimp on pleasure! The second house is the zone of practical luxury, and el Sol wants you to enjoy life, even if it’s in moderation. Thinking of turning one of your clever concepts into something tangible? During Cancer season, one of your recent birthday resolutions could start to take concrete form. Choose one or two… Keep reading your Monthly Gemini Horoscope

Cancer Daily Horoscope

Cancer (June 21-July 22) monthly horoscope for July 2023

Toss the glitter, cut the cake: It’s your birthday season, Crab! The Sun is in Cancer until July 22, kicking off a brand-new solar cycle for the year ahead. While your sign is famous for nurturing everyone else, this is your month to focus on numero uno, pouring your energy into cherished personal goals and passion projects. Thinking of trying a new look or changing your appearance? Feel free to experiment with bolder colors and styles than you usually reach for—and allow the spotlight to warm your shoulders instead of shying away from it. Have your duos been less than dynamic? Fear not, Crab, the fireworks will be… Keep reading your Monthly Cancer Horoscope

Leo Daily Horoscope

Leo (July 23-August 22) monthly horoscope for July 2023

Slow down for a little while, Leo. The Sun is in Cancer and your restful twelfth house until July 22, making you sleepier or more languid than usual. For the first three weeks of the month, go at your own chosen pace. Deadlines and schedules may need to fall by the wayside—and that’s fine. Your intuition is your best guide, so work a little, nap a little…. Spend some time recharging at the beach or taking a restorative breathwork class. This month leading up to Leo (and birthday) season is akin to your annual performance review: What worked for you in the last year, and what do you need to be done with? Use this internal cycle to reflect, process and clear the decks for a fresh start. You don’t want… Keep reading your Monthly Leo Horoscope

Virgo Daily Horoscope

Virgo (August 23-September 22) monthly horoscope for July 2023

Welcome to collaboration central! Until July 22, the Sun is in Cancer, heating up your eleventh house of group action and social connections. Even the most introverted Virgos could find themselves in a friendly, people-loving mood. Getting together with your inner circle makes your heart sing, so don’t miss a chance to rally the troops for a mid-summer beach weekend or to plan an impromptu day of yard sale hopping. At work, a team project could make headway, especially if you stir up some good old-fashioned team spirit. Make it fun! You’re in the mood to be your most authentic self and to share your quirkier ideas. Do whatever’s in your power to create a free space for people to bring their unique concepts to brainstorming sessions. A genius idea could… Keep reading your Monthly Virgo Horoscope

Libra Daily Horoscope

Libra (September 23-October 22) monthly horoscope for July 2023

While others are cashing in their vacation days and lazing around at the beach, you could be raising the temperatures as a hot commodity at work. The Sun is in Cancer and your ambitious tenth house until July 22, revving up your career mojo and bringing some power players into your sphere. Whatever your long-term goals are, this three-week period helps you prioritize and organize your time to accomplish them. Don’t worry, Libra—you can get back to your usual social schedule after July 22. In the meantime… Keep reading your Monthly Libra Horoscope

Scorpio Daily Horoscope

Scorpio (October 23-November 21) monthly horoscope for July 2023

Expand your reach, Scorpio! The Sun is in Cancer, heating up your worldly and wisdom-seeking ninth house until July 22, and urging you to cast a wider net. Come out from Scorpio tunnel-vision mode and look around: some off the beaten path opportunities await you. Have you been obsessing over a goal but not making progress? Step back and look at the big picture, and let your visionary ideas out to play. This month is your cosmic invitation to indulge in blue-sky thinking, setting aside concerns about what’s “practical” and “logical.” That doesn’t matter now, because the point of this cycle is to dream—and dream big. The ninth house rules travel, publishing, entrepreneurship and higher education. Any one of these areas could come calling while El Sol is in your global ninth house. A summer workshop could spark fresh curiosity or even send you exploring a brand-new path. Feel like you’re… Keep reading your Monthly Scorpio Horoscope

Sagittarius Daily Horoscope

Sagittarius (November 22-December 21) monthly horoscope for July 2023

Turn inward, Archer. Until July 22, the Sun is in Cancer and your intimate eighth house, making this is a focused, intense time. While everyone else is in the midst of a summer frolic, you’re burrowing into your cocoon, spending time with your closest connections. The eighth house is the realm of merging, whether that’s emotional, erotic or financial. Pour your attention into a partnership, be it romantic or business-based. With Venus turning retrograde July 22, getting all of your closest ties on terra firma now is a smart and proactive move. Cancer season is also ideal for joint ventures, and creating long-term financial security with passive income, including investments. Caution: Emotions can get intense with the Sun traveling through this psyche-plumbing zone of your chart! It’s a great time to… Keep reading your Monthly Sagittarius Horoscope

Capricorn Daily Horoscope

Capricorn (December 22-January 18) monthly horoscope for July 2023

Flying solo yet again, Capricorn? No need to go it alone this July. A month of partnership and intimacy is written in the stars, with the Sun visiting Cancer until July 22, highlighting your seventh house of one-on-one relationships; and then Leo, your eighth house of soul-merging and intimacy. For the first three weeks of this month, work on gaining more balance and harmony within all unions, personal and professional. If there are commitments to be made, keep an eye on fairness. Is there a mutual give and take? Your sign is often the responsible one, but it’s important that you… Keep reading your Monthly Capricorn Horoscope

Aquarius Daily Horoscope

Aquarius (January 20-February 18) monthly horoscope for July 2023

One galactic glow-up please! With the Sun in Cancer and your orderly sixth house, this month puts the spotlight on your overall wellbeing. Getting healthy, organized and streamlined is your main mission. Where have things sprawled into excess, lapsed into disrepair or veered into hedonism? No guilt necessary, Aquarius. Here’s hoping you enjoyed every bit of that nostalgic waffle cone, had some passionate bedside encounters or danced under the stars until the first streaks of sunlight appeared!  Now, even your freewheeling sign could be suffering from a case of “too much of a good thing.” So roll up your sleeves and get busy decluttering and systematizing. Tackle any major projects or to start a fitness routine in earnest. You’ll get… Keep reading your Monthly Aquarius Horoscope

Pisces Daily Horoscope

Pisces (February 19-March 20) monthly horoscope for July 2023

Turn up the volume, Pisces! Your inner mermaid is eager to pop above the ocean’s surface this month, with the Sun in Cancer and your fifth house of passion and self-expression until July 22. You’re in the mood to live life to the fullest, and it doesn’t take much prompting for your hedonistic side to take the wheel. Even if you don’t literally have gelato in Italy or sun in the Greek islands, tap into that spirit of adventure and life force energy now. It’s okay—actually, it’s cosmically mandated—to prioritize pleasure and fun! Summer love could be on the agenda now, too, so make time in your schedule for a few glamorous nights out, impromptu beach trips and buzzy barbecues. You could… Keep reading your Monthly Pisces Horoscope

What zodiac sign is your relationship?


What zodiac sign is your relationship?

Learn the secrets of the composite (blended) chart in SuperCouple, a cosmic care and feeding manual for any relationship. Written by The AstroTwins, astrologers and matchmakers for Amazon Prime Video's Cosmic Love.


The AstroTwins

Identical twin sisters Ophira and Tali Edut, known as The AstroTwins, are the founders of and the authors of multiple bestselling astrology books. Their horoscopes reach millions here and through their resident astrologer column at ELLE Magazine.